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  1. Mima_sama

    What would you call a good Dungeon?

    A good dungeon should be not too short and not too long, with challenging but fair puzzles, and a layout that isn't utterly confusing. It should also fit the theme of the area it's in (unless there's a good story reason why it doesn't). And ideally, you shouldn't have to visit it over and over...
  2. Mima_sama

    Hopes for Echoes of Wisdom?

    Being able to explore Hyrule whilst at the size of a mouse was an experience that I'd love to see revisited in another game someday. :ezlo: I really should finish my current playthrough of Minish Cap, I think I was in the middle of one when I got distracted.
  3. Mima_sama

    Hopes for Echoes of Wisdom?

    I wish, that'd be pretty cool. It'd definitely add yet another layer to puzzle-solving, that's for sure!
  4. Mima_sama

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    Other than slowly killing every overworld boss in TotK, I've been playing an old childhood favorite of mine-- Brave Fencer Musashi! Back in the day, people said it was Sony/Square's answer to Zelda, and while it never really took off (getting only one other game), it's still a beloved classic of...
  5. Mima_sama

    The Instrument You Love the Tone of the Most.

    There are so many, but the piano, pipe organ, flute, shamisen, and acoustic guitar are some of my favorites. Also ZUN trumpets (if you know, you know. If you don't, then here you go). Also also, when played by someone with sufficient skill, the accordion can be rather beautiful.
  6. Mima_sama

    Hopes for Echoes of Wisdom?

    Gameplay-wise, I can't say I have any hopes other than that it'll be as fun as it looks. Story-wise? I wanna see the Minish get a mention. Think about it. We have River and Ocean Zoras, Gorons, Gerudo, and even Deku Scrubs! Why not the Minish? I can always hope, and then swallow the bitter...
  7. Mima_sama

    Possible enemies

    Since it's using the LA remake's graphical style, it would be cool to see some of the crossover enemies from that game show up. Imagine. An echo of Anti-Kirby.
  8. Mima_sama

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 628!

    I love WW's Poes, they're so silly. In terms of creepiness, though, nothing beats TP's Poes. Especially the big ones...
  9. Mima_sama

    Favorite/Least Favorite Zelda Games

    Updating this: Now that I've beaten TotK and finally beaten Skyward Sword, I'm changing my rankings a bit. I'll add new things where relevant, but most of all my previous opinions remain the same. Spoiler'd for brevity's sake.
  10. Mima_sama

    Tears of the Kingdom Your Fighting Style

    So, in the Depths underneath the Ancient Coliseum in Hyrule Field is the Floating Coliseum. That's where the mask is. You have to fight a gauntlet of gloom-infected Lynels to get it, though, so you may want to practice your dodging and parrying... As for my general fighting style, it's pretty...
  11. Mima_sama

    Will Nayru Feature?

    She'll show up as an Oracle, along with the other two. You have to retrieve their houses from the void, but the last one you try to bring back gets destroyed in an accident and the one oracle will be homeless like she is in Minish Cap
  12. Mima_sama

    So, is Ganon the Big Bad? Or someone else?

    And it turns out the ringleader is actually... MORSHU!
  13. Mima_sama

    Link Will Talk, What Will His First Words Be?

    We see Link, lost in the voidlands, looking lost and tired. "I'm so hungry..." he says. An octorok passes by. "... not THAT hungry."
  14. Mima_sama

    So, is Ganon the Big Bad? Or someone else?

    It's Hektan, out for revenge against the Royal Family since a previous Zelda killed him. This Zelda will do so again, and we will hear a reprise of the famous "You've killed me!" "GOOD." sequence from Wand of Gamelon.
  15. Mima_sama

    Returning NPC's?

    I'd love to see the Minish return in some capacity. That might be really neat.
  16. Mima_sama

    The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Announced

    Hmm, another possible antagonist with magical powers who can possess/control people... DARE I HOPE? :vaati: (It'll probably be a new antagonist, but it would be funny if it was Vaati)
  17. Mima_sama

    The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Announced

    It kind of reminds me of the crystal she was trapped in in OoT. It could be that he was after her Triforce piece like back then, and he needed to imprison her in something that could stop her magic from damaging him in the interim.
  18. Mima_sama

    The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Announced

    My question is, who is responsible for the rift? Is it really Ganon, or is it someone else? I'm really excited to see what we can do with the echoes mechanic, and what its limits will be. Are we just making echoes of objects and enemies, or can we also make echoes of certain NPCs? Maybe not at...
  19. Mima_sama

    Spinoff Or Mainline?

    For me, it's a mainline game because Mr. Aonuma introduced as "the next entry in the Legend of Zelda series".
  20. Mima_sama

    What's Your Favourite Pokémon Generation/Game?

    In spite of growing up with Red and Blue, my favorite generation is 4. DPP and HGSS are some of my favorite games. Yes, Diamond and Pearl are a bit slow, but Platinum fixes that. Sinnoh is just such a cool region, with an equally cool mythology to go along with it. And as for the Gen 2 remakes...
  21. Mima_sama

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 618!

    The vibes in the first room of the Forest Temple are both cozy and unsettling (the unsettling ramps up when the Wolfos come to try and kill you)
  22. Mima_sama

    Favorite Oracle?

    Yeah! I like how it kind of makes parts of Holodrum's overworld into sort of a big environmental puzzle. It would have been funny if it had worked in Subrosia, too, but then again, they only have one season there: convection oven. XD
  23. Mima_sama

    Favorite Oracle?

    Heck yeah, a fellow Seasons fan! :ghello:
  24. Mima_sama

    Most Attractive Character in The Legend of Zelda

    Vaati, mostly his human form... but I might be able to work with the cyclopic demon form too.
  25. Mima_sama

    Favorite Oracle?

    They're both good, but I like Seasons better because I really like Subrosia, and I also kinda dig how it reminds me of Zelda 1 in many ways(since it was originally going to be a Zelda 1 remake).
  26. Mima_sama

    New Zelda Lego Set Officially Announced.

    I cried tears of joy when I saw we were finally getting an official Zelda Lego set! And then I cried tears of despair when I saw the price :crylaugh:
  27. Mima_sama

    What is your favorite Zelda song

    That's a tough one. The series main theme/Hyrule Field theme (particularly its iteration from ALBW) has always been one of my favorites: But if I were to choose a song that's not a recurring series theme, then it's gotta be Vaati's Wrath. Minish Cap has such an underrated OST. Here's a link to...
  28. Mima_sama

    favorite type of shrine in totk

    Proving grounds, if only because this type has one of my favorite shrines-- VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER THE SHRINE If you know, you know. ;)
  29. Mima_sama

    OOA/OOS Remake

    For graphics, I'd go with the style of the LA remake, myself. But yeah, the Oracles games deserve remakes. Heck, maybe they could even make Oracle of Secrets a reality with our modern day gaming tech!
  30. Mima_sama

    Wind Waker 2

    Opinion time: I disagree with this-- the TotOK felt like padding to me, and I really didn't enjoy repeating any part of it with a timer looming over my head. I just wanted to be done with it, and after I was, I realized that I never wanted to do it again. I've never replayed PH because of this...
  31. Mima_sama

    Wind Waker 2

    I can picture it already! Phantom Hourglass. But really, imagine a remake of PH that fixes all of the problems with it (janky touch controls, the Temple of the Ocean King). That'd be pretty rad.
  32. Mima_sama

    How often do you pick the opposite gender for a create-a-character?

    For complete customization, I usually try to make Mima Touhou, so I generally go with female. As for other games with minor customization, I usually just go with whatever character design I like the most-- for instance, In Dragon Quest Builders 2, I just really disliked the overall design of the...
  33. Mima_sama

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 606!

    Reworked Hylian. I just like the look of it a whole lot.
  34. Mima_sama

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 605!

    Koroks. They're just so adorable and I love them so much!
  35. Mima_sama

    If cooking comes back, let's cook the monsters!

    I just wanna make octorok takoyaki, Nintendo. Please, if we can't eat the other monsters, at least let us eat the octoroks. Do it for the memes.
  36. Mima_sama

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 604!

    As much as I love WW, it'd be funny to see MC Link as a Stalfos, training one of his spiritual successors. Bonus points if the current Link asks about how he dealt with Ganon, and MC Link is just like, "Ganon? Who's that?? WHAT ABOUT VAATI, IS HE STILL SEALED IN THE FOUR SWORD?!!?" Even more...
  37. Mima_sama

    Where is the Triforce?

    Hmmm, that may be a bit spoiler-y to answer, but if you don't mind spoilers for a pretty big plot point in Minish Cap (though honestly it's pretty easy to figure out after just a little while into the story), then Basically, the premise is that this happened to the whole Triforce itself after...
  38. Mima_sama

    Favorite game other than Zelda?

    Other than Zelda, for game series overall, I love Boktai and Golden Sun (and Touhou, even though I suck at bullet hell games). For individual games, Okami. I've played it over and over again, and it's always a good time.
  39. Mima_sama

    Do you typically keep your starter throughout?

    I've never been able to bring myself to box my starters. I'm far too attached to them.
  40. Mima_sama

    Are you an early bird or a night owl?

    Night owl, most definitely. Even when I was a wee little bab, I had trouble sleeping at night and staying awake during the day. Nowadays, I generally sleep from 2AM to 10AM.
  41. Mima_sama

    Where is the Triforce?

    I heve this theory that a little more than 10,000 years before BotW/TotK, the kingdom of Hyrule was completely destroyed, but then was re-founded later by Rauru and Sonia (importantly, she is referred to as being a Hyrulean before she married Rauru, so the name of the land clearly lived on)...
  42. Mima_sama

    Favorite/Least Favorite Dungeons

    Favorite: The Earth Temple (WW). It's funny, because it used to scare the heck outta me when I was a kid, but now that I'm older, I really appreciate its creepy atmosphere. The floormasters are annoying at first when you don't know how to deal with them, but after you do? Genuinely a fun...
  43. Mima_sama

    Tears of the Kingdom What Are You Doing in TotK?

    Started a second run. I've beaten the Wind Temple already, but instead of going right to the next temple like I did last time, I'm gonna complete as many of the Rito Village sidequests as I can, as well as waking at least two great fairies.
  44. Mima_sama

    Which Zelda games show the best roles for Princess Zelda?

    In Skyward Sword, she's actually busy evading and escaping Ghirahim (with Impa's help), purifying herself in the springs, and basically leading Link around to where he needs to be, until she seals herself in that crystal to keep the Imprisoned sealed. She's only ever in real mortal peril when...
  45. Mima_sama

    Tears of the Kingdom Rank the [REDACTED] (Story Spoilers)

    1. Tulin. His ability is really useful for travel, and in combat, those headshots he pulls off have saved my bacon more than once. 2. Mineru. I don't use her that much, admittedly, but I do appreciate how versatile she is, and how she makes traversing the depths pretty easy. Bonus points for...
  46. Mima_sama

    Tears of the Kingdom And? Did you (finally) beat him?

    I had a lot of fun beating up Master Kohga many, many times. I know he's evil, but he's just so goofy and incompetent that I can't help but like him. He's like the Team Rocket of Zelda. I hope he appears in the next game.
  47. Mima_sama

    Build the Roster for a hypothetical Zelda fighting game.

    Seconding Vaati, he'd have a lot of versatility with his moveset (wind, lightning, turning people to stone, not to mention that he can fight with a sword). Link's Grandma would be a good joke character, she could throw soup at people and force them to wear clothing that is much too warm for a...
  48. Mima_sama

    what is the worst zelda boss ever

    The Imprisoned, hands down. The first fight with him is fine, but having to fight him 3 times with very little variation other than a speed increase? At least with Ghirahim, there's some skill involved-- the Imprisoned is just tedious. I also hate fighting the Imprisoned in HW, he's a damage...
  49. Mima_sama

    The Nintendo Direct News And Discussion Thread

    To be honest, I wasn't expecting anything Zelda-related in this direct (it's only been like, a month since TotK released, it took 3 months for them to announce/release the Master Trials DLC), so the amiibos were a surprise. I am looking forward to SMRPG and that Princess Peach game, as well as...
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