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Sep 22, 2022
Inside the walls
For graphics, I'd go with the style of the LA remake, myself. But yeah, the Oracles games deserve remakes. Heck, maybe they could even make Oracle of Secrets a reality with our modern day gaming tech!


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
either rework them or don't bother, and also I doubt nintendo would do a top down zelda in the LTTP form, or even sprite form in general for that matter, it'd be some variant of the 3ds style assuming they want to keep the toy aesthetic to LA remake
If they did, I'd expect something along the lines of LAHD rather than anything purely 2D. It wouldn't make sense to develop a style like that as thoroughly as they did and throw it away. Though I guess Nintendo isn't exactly known for making decisions that make the most sense.
May 1, 2024
For graphics, I'd go with the style of the LA remake, myself. But yeah, the Oracles games deserve remakes. Heck, maybe they could even make Oracle of Secrets a reality with our modern day gaming tech!
oh please no. Nintendo would butcher that.
But that brings me to another subject: OOSecrets for GBC would be cool.

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
I'd remake them in a 3D graphical style, but I'd want them to be more than just a graphical remake. I say expand upon and develop the game further with the technology available now. Pull a Resident Evil.
This and fully realize what was meant to be game three, perhaps explore the Golden Goddesses are just taking Link through thus to see if he is worthy of the Triforce of Courage.
May 1, 2024
This and fully realize what was meant to be game three, perhaps explore the Golden Goddesses are just taking Link through thus to see if he is worthy of the Triforce of Courage.
I just need to find some 3ds zelda hacking software, or maybe pull a gamecube remake as fourswordsadventures

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