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  1. TheGreatCthulhu

    What's Your, "Sir, This is a Wendy's" Topic?

    We all have that topic that we know an unhealthy amount about, to the point that even the poor cashier at Wendy's is listening to you infodump on them and them saying, "Sir, This is a Wendy's..." For me, it's dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and paleontology.
  2. TheGreatCthulhu

    The Instrument You Love the Tone of the Most.

    What instrument do you always think sounds the best? That is, in terms of tone and timbre and quality of the sound? For me, it's a guitar, fretless bass, cello, a pipe organ, and a grand piano.
  3. TheGreatCthulhu

    Dinosaur Short-Stories.

    A new little series to sorta reignite some of my interest in paleontology. This is just a series of fun, slice-of-life short stories (some can go into a horror direction) all based on one premise: And that is if dinosaurs and pterosaurs did not go extinct with the K-Pg Mass Extinction, how...
  4. TheGreatCthulhu

    Songs That Are Stuck In Your Head.

    Which song is stuck in your head right now, either by, or against your will? I'll start.
  5. TheGreatCthulhu

    Stuff Happens.

    New forum game, we give a scenario that could realistically happen, and the next person that comments rates it 0 - 100 based on how awful they would find that situation, and then they give another scenario and so on it goes. I'll start, getting a really bad sunburn.
  6. TheGreatCthulhu

    What's the Pettiest Reason You Won't Listen to a Band?

    Now again, this could be the pettiest reasons imaginable. It doesn't have to be justifiable, not because it just isn't your thing, but this reason, is why you don't like a band. I'll start. For me, I don't listen to Falling in Reverse, and Limp Bizkit. Mostly because Fred Durst and Ronnie...
  7. TheGreatCthulhu

    A Link to the Past (A Cthulhu Fanfic).

    PROLOGUE: Link smiles as he picks a particularly plump apple from one of his best apple trees in his family orchard. "This one will be great on its own, or in a pie!" He says to himself, stores it in one of his pouches that he's currently using for apples not meant for his uncle's outing...
  8. TheGreatCthulhu

    Activities That Others Love, But You Don't.

    What's an activity that everyone else seems to love and enjoy, but you don't get it? For me, it's camping. Two reasons. I have fair skin, so I burn easily in the sun, with no tanning afterwards, so I have to constantly apply very high SPF sunscreen. And the second reason, I have to apply bug...
  9. TheGreatCthulhu

    Your Sad Music?

    We all have music we turn to when life gets us down, so what genre of music do you turn to when you're feeling down? For me, it's the blues. Specifically, I turn to Derek Trucks, BB King, and SRV.
  10. TheGreatCthulhu

    Underrated Songs From Your Favorite Artists.

    What songs from your favorite artists do you feel don't get the recognition or praise they deserve? I have enough to fill an entire playlist, but here's a few from my favorite artists. 1. Iron Maiden - "Total Eclipse": 2. Death - "Scavenger of Human Sorrow": 3. King Diamond - "Magic":
  11. TheGreatCthulhu

    Signs That You've Matured.

    As we get older, we improve, we become better, and, hopefully, a little wiser. So what are things you've noticed personally as you've matured? It can be as silly or as real as you want it to be. I'll start, I've noticed: I really don't like it when grocery stores rearrange things. I have a...
  12. TheGreatCthulhu

    Certain Sounds That Make Your Skin Crawl.

    What non-musical sounds make your skin crawl? For me, it's styrofoam rubbing together. I hate it so much.
  13. TheGreatCthulhu

    Best Gaming Villains Ever.

    What's your favorite gaming villains?
  14. TheGreatCthulhu

    What is Your Biggest Pet Peeve?

    Mine is when people use their cell phone when driving. I've seen what distracted driving leads to. Also people in my personal space. One of the reasons I HATE grocery stores. I need an arm's length of personal space.
  15. TheGreatCthulhu

    Do You Engage in Stimming?

    Stimming, or self-stimulating behavior is the repetition of physical movements, sounds, words, moving objects, or other repetitive behaviors. There were a lot of behaviors that I didn't know were me stimming until I went to therapy. For ADHD, it looks like: Zoning out. Playing with fidgets...
  16. TheGreatCthulhu

    Your Favorite Leisure Activity as a Kid.

    We all were kids once, so what did you play when you were a kid? My favorites were baseball and lava monster.
  17. TheGreatCthulhu

    Paperback Vs. Hardcover.

    Simple question, when it comes to reading, do you prefer paperback or hardcover? For general purpose reading, paperback takes the cake for me. If it's a nice hardcover, I feel guilty of it taking some wear and tear as I read, as I often read on the go. I've always felt paperback for serious...
  18. TheGreatCthulhu

    Genres of Music That No One Guessed You'd Enjoy.

    What are genres of music that you love that no one would guess you'd enjoy, and what are artists in that genre of music you love? I'll go first, I love bluegrass, and my current favorites are Tony Rice, Andy Wood, David Grier, and Molly Tuttle.
  19. TheGreatCthulhu

    Zelda Games That Have the Best Soundtracks.

    Simply put, which of the Zelda games do you think have the best tunes, themes, and soundtracks? For me, it's ALttP, OoT, MM, and WW.
  20. TheGreatCthulhu

    Role Models You Look Up To

    We all have role models we look up to, people that we respect, and I ask you, who is that person? Right now, it's two: Arnold Schwarzenegger And Gary Holt from Exodus.
  21. TheGreatCthulhu

    Fun, Useless Factoids.

    We all have facts that we know are of no use to anyone, and this is the thread to share them. I shall start. Orange, as far as the term used to describe the color, is a more recent term. I know this, because Chaucer describes the color of a fox's fur in his Canterbury Tales as: Or, in...
  22. TheGreatCthulhu

    Your Un-Toxic Personality Trait

    There's posts going around Instagram and Facebook about some people's toxic personality traits. But that's lame! So screw that, what's your UN-toxic personality trait? I'll go first, I really like seeing musicians with disabilities managing to write insanely killer stuff in spite of a...
  23. TheGreatCthulhu

    Your Favorite Holiday Traditions, or Traditions You and Your Family Have Always Done.

    We all celebrate the holidays differently, and even if we all celebrate the same holiday, we all have our own traditions that we started, or ones our families have done that we still continue to this day. In my family, we celebrate Christmas, and largely, the actual day itself has always been a...
  24. TheGreatCthulhu

    Who's Your Celebrity Crush?

    Quite simply, who's your celebrity crush, or who was your celebrity crush?
  25. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Ork Clan Would You Like to Belong To?

    In Warhammer 40K, Orks have different clans, not really communities of Orks, but moreso a cultural grouping that shares a particular Orkish philosophy. Remember, Orks are all about getting a good krumpin', so peace is never an option. So out of the different Ork clans, which one would like to...
  26. TheGreatCthulhu

    Pet Peeves About Products, Goods, or Services.

    What are small things that annoy you when talking about products, goods, or services? Things that probably won't bother anyone else, but certainly bother you? I'll start. I hate when a website or whomever advertises a knife as razor sharp, and when you get it, it's barely sharp enough to cut...
  27. TheGreatCthulhu

    Have You Ever Experienced a Flow State?

    Again, inspired by a Shoutbox discussion. A flow state from psychology and neuroscience is when a person is performing some activity becomes fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by the...
  28. TheGreatCthulhu

    Songs or Compositions That Are Tear Jerkers For You.

    Simple enough title, which songs or compositions cause you to shed tears? For me, it's a few compositions. First, "Wings For Marie (Pt. 1)" and "10,000 Days (Wings Pt. 2)" by Tool. I put them together as one composition because they really should be experienced as one piece of music. The...
  29. TheGreatCthulhu

    My Unpopular Opinion About Food and Drink.

    My unpopular food opinion is that slurping is okay. In some foods, and a lot of drinks with complex flavors like beer, tea, wine, and whisk(e)y, it brings forth other flavors and aromas, enhancing the experience. If you hate slurping, first of all, no slurp shaming! Second, you might not want...
  30. TheGreatCthulhu

    Your Absolute Favorite Dish.

    Since the bane of my existence is the foods you dislike thread, I figured the opposite is what we need. Rather than listing out everything you like, what's your favorite dish or types of dishes? For me, the best dish is tender burnt end brisket barbecue and mac n' cheese with real cheese and...
  31. TheGreatCthulhu

    Favorite Extinct Animal?

    We've had a post about favorite modern extant animals, but not one on extinct paleo-fauna. So, what's your favorite extinct animal? For me, it varies, but I keep coming back to Microraptor, a small tree-climbing dromaeosaurid closely related to Velociraptor. It was about the size of a crow or...
  32. TheGreatCthulhu

    Post Here, and I'll Say What Space Marine Faction You Are

    I like Warhammer 40K, I like this thread idea, so I figured I'd sort you into what Space Marine chapter you belong to. You don't have to know much about Warhammer 40K, this is just fun. If you get lucky, I might go so far as to say what Primarch you remind me of. I'll also go into a bit of...
  33. TheGreatCthulhu

    What's Your Favorite Classical Pieces or Composers?

    I love classical music, and for those of you that enjoy classical music too, what are some of your favorite pieces and composers? I'll say that my favorites are a toss up between three: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Johann Sebastian Bach. Franz Liszt. Mostly I love Mozart's symphonies and operas...
  34. TheGreatCthulhu

    Things Only Music Lovers Understand.

    ...restrictions. When classical music's playing in the background, and you secretly want everyone to shut up so you can appreciate which Franz Liszt piece is playing. That's the ones off the top of my head. Feel free to add to this.* * = There's a pun hidden somewhere, see if you can find it. :)
  35. TheGreatCthulhu

    Your Favorite Kind of Cheese?

    Pretty self explanatory, if you consume dairy, what's your favorite kinds of cheese? Are there any brands you prefer in terms of how they do things, local, or taste? For me, I love pepper jack cheese. It's got that pepper spice that's just delightful when melted in a grilled cheese sandwich...
  36. TheGreatCthulhu

    The Definitive Apple Tier List.

    I love apples, they're my favorite fruit, and my comfort food. If I feel sad, I have an apple, and I generally feel better. If something has apples in it, I'll probably like it, like apple pie, applesauce, apple cider, hard apple cider (Angry Orchard is a mainstay), caramel apples. But some...
  37. TheGreatCthulhu

    Analyzing Ocarina of Time's OST 3: The Spirit Temple.

    I know I'm jumping way ahead here, but god damn, I have to talk about the theme for the Spirit Temple because it utilizes my favorite tonalities in music, and it's so iconic. Just to remind ourselves of the piece. Brings back memories, doesn't it? For me, it really is a theme that's...
  38. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Character Archetype Do You Love?

    We've had hated characters, now, let's do characters that you can't get enough of. I love confident and arrogant kung fu guys, especially if they're the protagonist. The whole "bring it" mentality in a fighting character I love. I also love old, wise, wizard mentors. Especially if written...
  39. TheGreatCthulhu

    Analyzing Ocarina of Time's OST 2: The Deku Tree's Theme.

    Last time I discussed the music of Ocarina of Time, we went over the title track, and how it was essentially two chords in the key of C major, creating a Plagal Cadence, but because of Koji Kondo's use of extended chords, it blurred the relationship, making it sound more "dreamlike," which is...
  40. TheGreatCthulhu

    Analyzing Ocarina of Time's OST 1: The Title Theme

    Ocarina of Time is a classic. It's timeless, and beloved by many people. Personally, it's in my top 5 Zelda games ever created. And I personally feel that the game's soundtrack is one of the reasons why it's so beloved by many. The OST ranges from bombastic, triumphant, and powerful, to creepy...
  41. TheGreatCthulhu

    Using the Fire Temple Theme to Determine Which Version of Ocarina of Time You Have.

    Just an interesting bit of Zelda trivia. When Ocarina of Time was first released, the theme to the Fire Temple included a voice sample of someone chanting. Now, when Koji Kondo originally sampled this, he was just looking for some exotic chanting, and he often pulled from samples, which is...
  42. TheGreatCthulhu

    Which Manga Are You Currently Reading?

    We already have a post on which anime you're currently watching, so this kinda follows. I'm currently rereading my all time favorite manga Berserk, rereading my second favorite manga Vagabond, and rereading Fist of the North Star after that. Also, currently looking for manga recommendations as...
  43. TheGreatCthulhu

    Who are Some of Your Favorite Guitar Players?

    We all have guitar players we admire, so who's your favorite? If you want, you can provide some of your favorite songs they're featured in. :) I'll start, my favorites are Steve Vai, Marty Friedman, Dave Murray, and Randy Rhoads. Here's Steve Vai playing his song "For the Love of God."...
  44. TheGreatCthulhu

    Songs Where You Didn't Know the True Meaning of the Lyrics Until Much Later.

    Sometimes we all like songs, and we all sing them as young, naive kids, but then we grow up and realize what they were singing about. So what songs do you listen to where you didn't know the meaning of the lyrics until much later in your life? For me, it was Iron Maiden's "Be Quick Or Be...
  45. TheGreatCthulhu

    Cthulhu's Musical Outlets

    Thought I'd go ahead and start posting some more stuff of me writing and playing music. Covers and originals are given equal opportunity here. For now, though, until my band and I get full originals finished and recorded, we'll have to deal with some covers. Be patient, originals will come...
  46. TheGreatCthulhu

    Dark Souls Level Design.

    So in a fit of curiosity, I decided to look at the level design of the first Dark Souls game. And some crazy person likely did a lot of work on all of the objects you are able to collide with, creating this map of Dark Souls's Lordran. And I gotta say, how From Software managed to connect...
  47. TheGreatCthulhu

    One-Off Games That Need Sequels.

    Which one-off games do you feel deserve a proper sequel?
  48. TheGreatCthulhu

    Classic Literature That You Genuinely Find Entertaining.

    Be it classical myths, novels, allegories, fables, or such, what are some pieces of classical literature that you genuinely find entertaining? I personally love these classic stories: The Iliad The Odyssey The Journey to the West Both the Prose and Poetic Eddas. King Arthur tales of all...
  49. TheGreatCthulhu

    A Historical Analysis of the Practicality of the Weapons in Zelda XVII: The Great Fairy's Sword.

    ...of the swings carrying over into the next. Done properly, the strikes come at a terrifying speed, and if delivered with proper structure, have a f*ck ton of power behind them, and are coming at a distance which is frightening. Why discuss how the greatsword was used? Because again, form...
  50. TheGreatCthulhu

    A Historical Analysis of the Practicality of the Weapons in Zelda XVI: The Hero's Sword from Wind Waker.

    Been a while since I've done a post on this series, eh? Well, I'm waiting for more Zelda news so I have more weapons and armor to review. ....And Nintendo is dragging their feet in terms of news. So, I guess we'll have to go back and review a sword that, for some reason, I overlooked. Yes...
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