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Post Here, and I'll Say What Space Marine Faction You Are


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I like Warhammer 40K, I like this thread idea, so I figured I'd sort you into what Space Marine chapter you belong to.

You don't have to know much about Warhammer 40K, this is just fun.

If you get lucky, I might go so far as to say what Primarch you remind me of. I'll also go into a bit of detail as to what that Space Marine faction is all about, whether it's a Loyalist or Traitorous faction.

And no, sorry, but no one gets to be the Emperor of Mankind. Even thinking you could get the Emperor of Mankind is heresy in this thread.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Idk much about warhammer but I have a hunch

Because of your name.


Your Space Marine Legion is the VIth Legion, the Space Wolves. Basically Vikings, BUT IN SPACE!!!

Their Primarch, is Leman Russ, who is insanely awesome (he challenged the Emperor of Man to a drinking game and won!) and their allegiance to the Imperium of Man is loyal.

Tactically, in battle, they're conditioned to hold a near-suicidal disregard for danger and trained to exploit this to the fullest on the battlefield, the heavy infantry that form the core of the Legion's battalions are a force that has been honed in battle against the countless enemies of Mankind and, it is whispered, against their own wayward brothers.

One of my favorite Space Marine factions. :)

sure, give me the lore

Because if your love of bugs.


Your Space Marine faction is the Mantis Warriors.

A successor of the Vth Legion, the White Scars, with their Primarch being Jaghatai Khan, their tactics are mostly hit-and-run.

They'll seek to avoid combat through misdirection or guile until they have attained the maximum tactical advantage before unleashing the full fury of their assault.

When they focus their power, it's like the sudden strike of a praying mantis. It's swift, it's lethal, and only leaves devastation in its wake.

A rather unique Space Marine faction. :)

Because you like cats.


Your Space Marine faction is the Celestial Lions.

They're a successor chapter of the VIIth Legion, the Imperial Fists, with their Primarch being Rogal Dorn.

Their battle tactics are much like that of their successors, the Imperial Fists, who tend to prefer a style of warfare that combined phenomenally resilient interlocking defense with calculated bursts of relentless aggression. Key to this and its distinction over the practices of many other Legions was that it combined in lock-step strengths of each legionary as a whole.

A unique Space Marine faction, that's for sure.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I heard this in Tim Curry's voice and wasn't disappointed

Glad I didn't disappoint.

Since you commented.


Your Space Marine faction is the Black Templars, a successor chapter of the VIIth Legion, the Imperial Fists.

The Black Templars venerate the Emperor of Man as a god, whom they call the Master of Mankind, and will bring the light of the Master of Mankind to all heretics, witches (what they call psykers), and aliens.

They're one of the only crusading chapters in the entirety of the Imperium of Man, and their doctrines, traditions, and organization reflect their particular approach to prosecuting the Imperium's wars.

Their battle tactics I can only describe as swift judgment.

One of the cooler Space Marine chapters, if you ask me.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings

Your Space Marine Legion is the VIth Legion, the Space Wolves. Basically Vikings, BUT IN SPACE!!!

Their Primarch, is Leman Russ, who is insanely awesome (he challenged the Emperor of Man to a drinking game and won!) and their allegiance to the Imperium of Man is loyal.

Tactically, in battle, they're conditioned to hold a near-suicidal disregard for danger and trained to exploit this to the fullest on the battlefield, the heavy infantry that form the core of the Legion's battalions are a force that has been honed in battle against the countless enemies of Mankind and, it is whispered, against their own wayward brothers.

One of my favorite Space Marine factions. :)
That's badass

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