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  1. Gemquarry

    Last One to Post Wins.

    Gemmy Koopa likes to win things. That's why I post here in this thread! :3
  2. Gemquarry

    Why is the Person Above You Named That/How Does the Name Apply to Them?

    They are called Chocolate Storm because they are as brown as a chocolate peep and as confused and wacky and lunatic as a storm :D.
  3. Gemquarry

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    There is a rock falling from da sky...and it's falling towards MY FACE!!! D:
  4. Gemquarry

    Last One to Post Wins.

    Hey look... I win! Wow that was easy. Why is this a game? It's so easy you'd think Nintendo made it! (Complete jk. A bad hater would say that right?).
  5. Gemquarry

    Which Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    The Mega's: History Repeating
  6. Gemquarry

    Attack the member above you

    *Gemquarry bites onto Kenpari's trouts head and pulls out of hammer space a fire rod* Rod head bonk!
  7. Gemquarry

    Attack the member above you

    Butt kick! (I'll think of something better later :confused:).
  8. Gemquarry

    Who Will Be the Next Poster?

    I'm all that's left LinkIsSexita :3. I wanna see your face LinkIsISeeYou!
  9. Gemquarry

    Who Will Be the Next Poster?

    Hiyee! I have retoined! HeroOfTime! I choose you!
  10. Gemquarry

    Say Something Nice About the Above User!

    Your dedication to Link is admirable! There couldn't be anyone as devoted as you!
  11. Gemquarry

    Who Will Be the Next Poster?

    You were WRONG! *bites LinkIsSexy* Zelda13? Paging Zelda13.
  12. Gemquarry

    Why is the Person Above You Named That/How Does the Name Apply to Them?

    Sexy was word and so was Link. And they went together like Magic.
  13. Gemquarry

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    "My hat is lopsided but I still have the Christmas spirit! In January!"
  14. Gemquarry

    Who Will Be the Next Poster?

    Rawr! I made it :D! Someone named Linkis and something else.
  15. Gemquarry

    Who Will Be the Next Poster?

    Just so you know, Hero is my follower. HeroOfTime can post now if he wants. I give him permission.
  16. Gemquarry

    Who Will Be the Next Poster?

    Wow, the only person I know close to that name is Blue :rolleyes:. Willy Wilton?
  17. Gemquarry

    Thoughts On The New Megas?

    My faves have got to be Mega Audino and Mega Sableye. I always did love Sableye myself. And Mega Audino looks like she has ruby eyes :D. I'm not fond of Mega Sharpedo or Mega Pidgeot. Sharpedo looks like an awkward car and Pidgeot doesn't have much use for me. (To note though, how do you...
  18. Gemquarry

    What is your favorite fruit?

    Melons and strawberries and kiwis! But, when in a smoothie, I love strawberry banana as well. And raspberry jelly is heavenly imo :p.
  19. Gemquarry

    Your Most Anticipated Games of 2015

    Other than the obvious Zelda titles which I'm greatly anticipating (MM, probably not this year but still Zelda Wii U :P), I'm looking forward to Splatoon, Story of Seasons, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, and Mighty No. 9.
  20. Gemquarry

    PS Vita: The Forgotten System

    I liked the direction Sony was going when they made the PSP (I didn't always want to play on a duel screen handheld). But honestly I felt pretty underwhelmed when it came to the PS Vita. I never really even thought once of upgrading mostly because I saw nothing strong in the systems game line...
  21. Gemquarry

    Your Favorite Kalos Pokemon

    Now, I could be typical and say Fennekin... Or I could say my favorite is my loyal Noibat/Noivern! Things wouldn't be the same without my Noiverns move Hurricane ^^.
  22. Gemquarry

    Most Favorite Pokemon Game and Also Most Favorite Pokemon?

    My favorite game as for now is Y... My favorite Pokemon are Mew and Eevee ^^ (including the Eeveelutions).
  23. Gemquarry

    Which Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    You know you can't defeat him :p
  24. Gemquarry

    What Is The Last Video You Viewed?

    Why have I never heard of this before? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03eNODCDdqY I must live in a closet to never have seen nor heard of this thing XD.
  25. Gemquarry

    What Did You Do Today/What Are You Currently Doing?

    I beat the fantastic elite four on Pokemon Y! YAY :clap:! Oh yeah, and also the champ of course. Kiloude city is neat, but its not the amazing diamond buildings with golden streets and a holy light shining down on it as I had hoped :P.
  26. Gemquarry

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Daww really? That sucks so bad, I feel so sorry for you :(. Here, have a silly ridiculous Christmas picture: Merry Christmas, hope things get better for you :hug:. *Gasp* Ganu, you dislike Christmas? I knew you were evil but really...O.o
  27. Gemquarry

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Same question as HeroOfTime :sad:. How could you hate Christmas? It's the happiest time of the year :kawaii:. Still hoping for snow in Houston TX >.<.
  28. Gemquarry

    Ask a Stupid Question/Get a Stupid Answer

    Cuz I would be tired of good sane games that matter. Why do people argue about next-gen popcorn makers?
  29. Gemquarry

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted, but the pillow is mean to you. I wish people didn't eat onions.
  30. Gemquarry

    What Would You Do If...?

    I would pull out my flamethrower and...yeah you get the drill :lol:. What would you do if sour candy was all we had to eat?
  31. Gemquarry

    Which Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    I literally haven't stopped hearing this thing in my head. It's just so...:pikalove:. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSMNKQl5DYo
  32. Gemquarry

    What Is The Last Video You Viewed?

    In honor of the twilight princess pack in HW :). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3PEr0TCkVY
  33. Gemquarry

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Wow, my fam fam still have no Christmas tree due to finances and time :kawaii:. I'm hoping we get one soon, other people have had their trees up for like 2 weeks now. Also, I'm still hoping for a white Christmas in Houston, TX. Pwease?
  34. Gemquarry

    So... How's the Weather?

    Funny you would say that, seeing as how it's like, 39º here in TX. Seriously, I'm hoping it snows. Last year it was just hot and humid, which made made me pretty sad :sad:. White Christmas in TX please :c.
  35. Gemquarry

    What Would You Do If...?

    I would smile at the internet but turn around and cry cuz I know that I will get old and die (a.k.a I'll be replaced with a new one). What would you do if you were turned into a cyclops?
  36. Gemquarry

    Things You Are Tired of Seeing in Movies

    I just despise how much kissing/who can eat the other persons face first goes into movies. No one even wins for cryin' out loud. The people on the screen just stop and look at each other awkwardly, like they're just saying in they're minds right then "Why is your face still there?". Not to...
  37. Gemquarry

    IGN's ORAS Review #TooMuchWater

    Um, I think it's kinda dumb how the original version was rated a 9.5 and now the remake is rated a 7.8. I mean, I can tell the lady who reviewed it seems kinda like she was trying to be fair, and just by checking it you can find that she's not the same person as the guy who reviewed the first...
  38. Gemquarry

    What Annoyed You Today?

    ...our bedroom (which is where my Wii U is located), so my mom got overly upset, my dad got angry, and my bro Gare began crying (btw he's TEN...so yeah :wrong:). It was all just seriously dramatized over the wall. I can't believe my mom took this as a serious matter. *sigh* I love my family...
  39. Gemquarry

    What Did You Do Today/What Are You Currently Doing?

    Have been recovering from watching a screwy Hypno pokemon creepy pasta ROM game being played by Natewantstobattle on youtube :sweat:.
  40. Gemquarry

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Ughhh creepy pastas, why were creepy pastas even made? So pointless! So...wigged out :huh:. I watched a natewantstobattle video about the hypno thing and...ugh I hate creepy pastas, it's so stuck in my brain now. I cannot stop thinking about it. If tonight is a sleepless night I'm going to post...
  41. Gemquarry

    Rate the Avatar!

    How dare you rate a homemade creation a 6/10! 7/10 Cuz I loved the first Zelda game.
  42. Gemquarry

    Which Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Yeesh :rolleyes:. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSBaoDklWP4
  43. Gemquarry

    Ask a Stupid Question/Get a Stupid Answer

    Because you set a detonator in your high school for 4 years instead of 5. Why aren't people speaking turtle anymore?
  44. Gemquarry

    Super Word Association Thread

    Sweet hot sauce. Dancing monkeys.
  45. Gemquarry

    What Annoyed You Today?

    ZD is like life support for some of these peeps, its kinda funny to me so I just have fun with it and roll with the punches. But I do see what you mean, I would be having a panic attack transformed into serious irritation if I was a mod and saw all this crying. Just so you Mods know, I know...
  46. Gemquarry

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Oh great ZD why hath you forsaken us?!
  47. Gemquarry

    Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Versions Discussion Thread

    I hope so, competition is so much fun. Maybe you could hold a poll on it?
  48. Gemquarry

    Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Versions Discussion Thread

    I've never played these ones, so this'll be totally new for me. I'm obviously going to get the Omega Ruby variant, but are we going to hold a competition for Alpha Sapphire/Omega Ruby as well? I hope so, I wanna kick Aqua's butts in those two as well >.<.
  49. Gemquarry

    What Annoyed You Today?

    My log in is set to remember me, so I don't ever actually have to log in. That would probably cause me to crack my egg completely if I had problems with getting in as well :S.
  50. Gemquarry

    Ask a Stupid Question/Get a Stupid Answer

    27Hooray he's obviously holding up 31 fingers, anybody with a BRAIN knows dat :wrong:. (:lol:). Why is peanut butter brownish-orange?
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