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  1. Erimgard

    Skull Kid Theory

    First of all, any supposed info about how long the species live is a load of crap. Nothing has been said definitively, and we know that Twinrova is 400 years old, and that Kokiri are spirits, and thus don't likely have a normal life cycle. Second, I believe that the OoT and MM skull kids are...
  2. Erimgard

    More Than One Ganon

    Pinecove, I didn't in anyway imply that the game itself says Ganon's spirit is in the Trident. I was stating my theory. Let's not point fingers. OoX and aLttP Ganon are both called the King of Darkness, and FSA Ganon becomes the King of Darkness by picking up the Trident (A Trident that OoX...
  3. Erimgard

    The Triforce and the Divine Prank

    I woudn't say that the Triforce itself, nor the Sacred Realm, trascend time, but the goddesses do. Given that they are the ones who desginated Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf as the worthy holders of the Triforce pieces (English text says when the Triforce splits "destiny" chooses the holders...
  4. Erimgard

    Official Nintendo Magazine's Timeline

    Milk is a her pinecove But I get the vibe pinecove got too, just hard to say. Tricky language.
  5. Erimgard

    More Than One Ganon

    I'm gonna disagree here. First of all "PRINCE DARKNESS" and "Dragmire" were both made up by Nintendo of America. They are not canon. Ganon has had many random titles throughout the series, but he always holds the title of "Maou" or Demon King (usually translated to Evil King by NoA). We...
  6. Erimgard

    The Little Man with the Triforce at the End of AoL

    Sorry Link, but your Triforce is in another Cas- OSHI LOOKOUT IT'S DARK LINK
  7. Erimgard

    Official Nintendo Magazine's Timeline

    Oh I think it was just something Jacen said off-handedly. It doesn't even necessarily change the meaning, if the "feat" is referring to LoZ.
  8. Erimgard

    The Little Man with the Triforce at the End of AoL

    An issue with the first theory is that the Great Temple was sealed off long ago, and Link was the one to break the seal. He must have been in the Great Temple for quite some time, essentially eliminating the possibility that he's a character from LoZ.
  9. Erimgard

    The REAL Timeline (according to Me)

    Barring the obvious split timeline problem... In aLttP, Hylians are a virtually extinct race, and the Hylian Language is dead. Yet both flourish in Ocarina of Time...thoughts?
  10. Erimgard

    Official Nintendo Magazine's Timeline

    Too lazy to look it up right now, but I have it memorized almost word for word: "This time the stage is set a very long time before Link accomplished a feat, the epoch when Hyrule was one kingdom". Doesn't specifically mention LoZ/AoL, although it's possible that's what the "feat" is. It was...
  11. Erimgard

    Legends of Zelda: Retellings of the Same Story?

    I wrote a Bombers article on this very topic. Basically, while I disagree with the "Legend Theory" I constructed one that accounts for the repeat legends, while at the same time, also accounts for the obvious chronological connections. The Legends of Hyrule
  12. Erimgard

    The Little Man with the Triforce at the End of AoL

    Video didn't work for me... Also, while I realize it's not comparable due to the different graphics, he's more like a dwarf than a Minish, as they're far too small. Plus, Minish can only be seen by children, and AoL Link is said to have "come of age", meaning he's not a child anymore. Also, the...
  13. Erimgard

    Dun, Dun, Dun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    aLttP GBA removes any indication of Ganon's involvement in the Seal War story itself.
  14. Erimgard

    Dun, Dun, Dun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BS-LoZ (which was created by the man who wrote the plot for the Seal War) and aLttP GBA (which was stated to have changes made to it for accuracy) both imply that he did.
  15. Erimgard

    Dun, Dun, Dun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just because my posts were deleted because I called you a fool doesn't mean you can pretend that you didn't read what I said ;) You know damn well that I don't believe the English translations, nor do I say you should. Read the Japanese. Read what the people who make the game say. It's the...
  16. Erimgard

    Dun, Dun, Dun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here are the facts: -Miyamoto stated the timeline in 1998, showing that he is involved with it. -Miyamoto stated in 2003 that he has a timeline document -Aonuma stated in 2005 that the Zelda team collectively had a timeline document -Miyamoto stated in 2006 that he has a timeline document -The...
  17. Erimgard

    AoL and Its Crosses

    Miyamoto loves taking stuff from random cultures and throwing it into his games.
  18. Erimgard

    Peanutjoepap's Timeline

    This. TSA said the Japanese SNES version and American SNES version had differences (in text). Trinen said that the GBA American version was changed to match the Japanese SNES version. He didn't add anything. He corrected it back to the original, un-bastardized/Americanized form.
  19. Erimgard

    Peanutjoepap's Timeline

    The hell? Maybe I should use smaller words: Bill is only in charge of the turning the Japanese letters into English ones. He has no control over the direction of the game. He has no control over the production of the game. He has limited control of the plot, in that, with the supervision of...
  20. Erimgard

    OoX on the Neutral Timeline?

    A Link to the Past had an origin story for Ganon. FSA had an origin story for Ganon. Origin-esque stories don't necessarily force that game to be the first of its kind.
  21. Erimgard

    Peanutjoepap's Timeline

    He didn't specifically say that the Palace of the Four Sword was one of them. And he was clearly talking about textual differences for textual accuracy. Not excess dungeons. He's the translator. Not the Script Writer/Director/Producer.
  22. Erimgard

    OoX on the Neutral Timeline?

    Because there is no simple explanation for the timeline. There is a simple explanation for the Oracle's presence in MC. Occam's Razor says that if there's two theories based on the same facts, the simpler one is correct. In the case of the entire timeline, there is no simple explanation, so...
  23. Erimgard

    OoX on the Neutral Timeline?

    Well no because the directors have confirmed a split timeline. Let's be honest, when it comes down to it, there is no "simple" complete timeline, because of all the different intents by different directors and so on and so forth. In the case of a possible Capcom game connection, I believe...
  24. Erimgard

    OoX on the Neutral Timeline?

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam%27s_Razor If two theories are based off the same facts, the one that requires less speculation is generally the better one. In this case, we have: Oracle games are released in 2001; feature Din, Nayru, and Farore living in Holodrum and Labrynna. Minish...
  25. Erimgard

    OoX on the Neutral Timeline?

    Again dude, Occam's Razor. Why assume a complicated scenario is correct when their is a simple one?
  26. Erimgard

    OoX on the Neutral Timeline?

    There's a difference between travelling and buying a house somewhere. It simply makes more sense that they moved from Holo/Brynna to Hyrule, rather than that they moved from Holo/Brynna to Hyrule and back to Holo/Brynna again. If they wanted to include the Oracle girls in a way that wouldn't...
  27. Erimgard

    OoX on the Neutral Timeline?

    The point is, in MC, the Oracles have moved to Hyrule from Labrynna and Holodrum. If it goes OoX-MC, that makes sense. If it goes MC-OoX that means that they had to live in OoX for a long time (as the figurine says they are from a LONG line of dancers/priestesses from Holodrum/Labrynna] moved to...
  28. Erimgard

    OoX on the Neutral Timeline?

    Also, the Oracles in MC are stated to be descended from a line of dancers/priestesses. If they are related, they would likely be descendants, and not the originals. @Zemen Why do you say no game with Ganon/dorf can be pre-OoT? FSA also seems to show an origin story of Ganon/dorf, yet no one...
  29. Erimgard

    In the World of OoT?

    He meant world as in time period. The "World of OoT" as opposed to the "World of WW". Remember, the very next question in that interview was "And the Wind Waker?", with Aonuma showing that it takes place "parallel". It wasn't meant to show multiple chronologies, but rather, the split timeline.
  30. Erimgard

    Secret of the Temples

    The Temples were just that...Temples. One was deep in the forest because it was for the Kokiri. One was at the bottom of the lake because it was for the Zoras. One was in a volcano because it was for the Gorons. One was in the dessert because it was for the Gerudo. One was hidden underground...
  31. Erimgard

    A Link to the Past and the Adult Timeline

    I'm going to hurt you. And I still believe that the lumberjacks are Kokiri dammit!
  32. Erimgard

    The Legend Theory: Is There a Timeline?

    Did you read the parallels/explanations in the article itself? I think a strong argument can be made that LoZ, aLttP, and WW are all sequel legends to Ocarina of Time.
  33. Erimgard

    The Legend Theory: Is There a Timeline?

    So a theory has been tossed around for a long time now. This theory is known as "The Legend Theory", and states that there is no complete timeline linking all the games together. The reason for this is that the games aren't all new stories, but rather most of them are just the same legend...
  34. Erimgard

    A ZD Timeline Project

    I believe you're talking about this quote: Not exactly concrete evidence. He even uses "almost" in describing the hat's origins.
  35. Erimgard

    A Link to the Past and the Adult Timeline

    Sweet Din what a wall of text. How about the fact that the WW backstory specifically says the Hero travelled through time? aLttP Link never did that. Also, the "Hylian" text in the background is actually an altered form of Japanese. It's been translated, and it specifically states talks...
  36. Erimgard

    Timeline of Startimer (draft)

    Sweet Din I don't even want to know how in the hell Brett Favre came into this discussion.
  37. Erimgard

    Timeline of Startimer (draft)

    What? Only two Links have ever been shown to have a mark when they lacked a Triforce piece. AoL Link (whose mark appeared via the spell of a King) and OoX Link.
  38. Erimgard

    A ZD Timeline Project

    Pinecove, did you read the whole thread? Basically, he introduced the games one by one (though some out of order, and discussing old games in light of new evidence in new games wasn't apparently allowed) and after each game we debated, and Caleb decided what the general consensus was. There was...
  39. Erimgard

    Timeline of Startimer (draft)

    They are the mark of the hero who is fated to appear when peace in Hyrule crumbles. AoL shows the same such mark appearing on a Hero, and it says he has to "come of age" before it will appear. Again, why is the game mentioning Hyrule if Ganon's pending resurrection hasn't caused peace to...
  40. Erimgard

    Timeline of Startimer (draft)

    Lol, and here comes the ****storm. Good luck trying to defend that theory Piney ;)
  41. Erimgard

    Timeline of Startimer (draft)

    Specifically this hero was marked though. The mark of the hero appears when the peace has crumbled. Why would the game mention Hyrule if the quote wasn't supposed to pertain to Hyrule at all? Why not just say it's the mark of the hero when peace crumbles in the world?
  42. Erimgard

    The Seal / Imprisoning War

    Meh, doesn't matter much to me where LoZ goes honestly. My point is only that there's no proof of a direct continuity between the Seal War and aLttP. Especially since they're said to happen centuries apart. And yes, I have provided quotes. So because you personally hadn't considered a...
  43. Erimgard

    The Seal / Imprisoning War

    To the post about "there was no Dark World in OoT" @DarkLink The Sacred Realm Seal doesn't keep people out. aLttP proves that as lots of people went in after the Seal was cast. It just keeps people/evil in after they've entered. So whether it be OoT ro any other event, all that has to...
  44. Erimgard

    A ZD Timeline Project

    Miyamoto confirmed the split timeline before Aonuma. Twice. In 2002 and 2002. And Aonuma refers to Miyamoto as "the absolute" on all matters. And Miyamoto has twice in the past 5 years taken over a project that Aonuma was working on because he didn't like the story and wanted to change it...
  45. Erimgard

    The Seal / Imprisoning War

    Because the very nature of the Seal is to keep evil in. Not to keep things out. It was the Dark World in OoT without a wish. It was purified in between OoT and aLttP. It became the Dark World again with a wish when Ganon entered again. No contradiction.
  46. Erimgard

    The Seal / Imprisoning War

    He never wished on the Triforce. He only received one Triforce piece. It takes three to wish. Except that the quote never ever says it was Sealed. How can that quote be the most true account of the Seal War if it never mentions a Seal? Or even the Knights of Hyrule. Or anyting else in the...
  47. Erimgard

    The AoL Backstory

    Zemen, the Miyamoto order didn't exist in 1993. It was invented in 1998. Just saying. And the AoL backstory cannot make perfect sense no matter where you put it.
  48. Erimgard

    The Seal / Imprisoning War

    Yet we have an example of another game (OoT) where the Triforce was not wished on, and there was still a Dark World. It does NOT take a wish to corrupt the Sacred Realm. If by "it" you mean the backstory, then no. The backstory does not say that. Only the in-game quotes (which imply the Seal...
  49. Erimgard

    A ZD Timeline Project

    I just looked at all his quotes ( as posted in the Seal War thread) and none of them say that: The Triforce was wished on in the Seal War Ganon was in the Seal War All that is required is that evil flowed. Not that a wish was made.
  50. Erimgard

    A ZD Timeline Project

    ya know what? screw it. I have a right to ask a legitimate question in this thread, so I'm going to. Maybe I haven't been clear enough in my previous posts, so there it is now. I'm not asking for an opinion, I'm asking for facts. If you can say that I'm not allowed to propose this option, then...
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