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Dun, Dun, Dun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 13, 2009
Southern California
Alright timeline theorists. So you probably began thinking by now, "Gee, the timeline is starting to finally come together. I think we can safely say that--" get ready for a whole new twist. This will open a lot more theories, and will prove and disprove ALOT of things. Here it is--

Miyamato doesn't have a clue about the timeline.


So for all we know, everything could go differently. All you people who think that TP must come after MM?

All you people that think LA proceeds ALttP?

However much facts you have, you can not be sure.

Nor can you know what happens anymore. So now, the timeline is not starting to come together. It's time to RETHINK what's happenin'. So there could be, I dunno *cough*a double MM timeline*cough* I dunno something along the lines of that that is possible.

Insanity is now let loose.


While I think that double MM theory of yours is quite insane zeldadude, I do agree that we shouldn't be so restricted by what Miyamoto says nowadays. He has, on numerous occasions, made mistakes pertaining to the timeline and even stated that he doesnt care about the story, only gameplay. Back in the days of LttP and OoT I think he knew what was going on, but after Aonuma took over, Miyamoto has been getting crazier and crazier.

I still think Aonuma is on the ball, he actually cares about the timeline/stories of the games.
May 16, 2008
Kentucky, USA
I've always agreed that Miyamoto doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to the timeline... But its not Miyamoto that writes the stories. Aonuma has written the stories for Zelda since MM, and he has been the one to give us the placement of a few of the games thus far, and most everything he has said (if not everything) currently makes perfect sense. So there's no real reason to re-think anything. The timeline still starts out (and we know the placement of):


So nothing has really changed at all. I also question the validity of that source.

(P.S. You really should title your future threads better to something pertaining to the discussion)


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
The only thing I got from that e-mail (if it's even real) is that Miyamoto doesn't know anything about the timeline, and ever since the whole Miyamoto thing, I had already assumed as much anyway. It doesn't say anything about Aonuma not knowing a timeline or anyone else who has commented on it not knowing. The e-mail stays specific to Miyamoto, whom I never listened to anyway.
Oct 26, 2008
Well if Miyamoto no longer cares or knows about the timeline, then that means whatever Aonuma said must be true!

Could MC really come first?

I believe that MC going first is still in a fair amont of debate...

Also that *PM* has no validity...I don't know if you just made that up before making this thread to back yourself up.


Former Hylian Knight
Jun 8, 2009
i admit the timeline is flawed but what we have to go on can only go so many way, there are theories, and facts.

but separating those can be difficult when you mention that Myiamoto doesn't have a clue about it. i think it's fair to say he hasn't put it fully together yet and like us he struggles to capture the whole vision of Zelda thusfar.

clearly a few titles are up for debate (OoX, LA, MC, and i don't even know what to make of the FS series) but something have been established in the hearts and minds of gamers.


sorry i copy and pasted your timeline example Mosley. also i think it's safe to assume ST comes after PH and no other games stand between them unless a plot twist in ST reveals that one of Link's adventures took place between the games. I have made some connections between the two that support my assumption beyond the fact that it was stated that ST takes place roughly 100 years ahead of PH and that Link's helper is a Phantom.
but thats in the thread Link's sword in the ST section.

anyway that was all kinda beside the point im trying to make. what i mean to say is people have begun to "set" their perception of the timeline to what they now know.

But I do agree with you Zeldaduderox that rethinking the timeline is not such a bad idea, for a while i have been toyin with the idea MC may exist on an earlier part of the timeline that is separate from most of the other games but ties in later or that it may have taken place in another time completely.
just tryin to show how MC could still come before OoT without the two directly affecting the each other i know there are ALOT of flaws with this example and i really cant justify it except for the appearances of the oracles in MC but that doesn't solve anything. all im sayin is MC could be neutral to the main timeline.


please for the love of Zelda dont take anything from this timeline seriously, it will only confuse and frustrate you. haha

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
Alright timeline theorists. So you probably began thinking by now, "Gee, the timeline is starting to finally come together. I think we can safely say that--" get ready for a whole new twist. This will open a lot more theories, and will prove and disprove ALOT of things. Here it is--

Miyamato doesn't have a clue about the timeline.


This source is false. It's true that Miyamoto doesn't know jack about the timeline there is a creator that does. Eiji Aonuma. He is basically Miyamoto's righthand man in Zelda and creates the story and connections between games while Miyamoto focuses more on gameplay. It's true that at first Zelda wasn't meant to have a timeline but now it does.

So for all we know, everything could go differently. All you people who think that TP must come after MM?

All you people that think LA proceeds ALttP?

However much facts you have, you can not be sure.

Nor can you know what happens anymore. So now, the timeline is not starting to come together. It's time to RETHINK what's happenin'. So there could be, I dunno *cough*a double MM timeline*cough* I dunno something along the lines of that that is possible.

Insanity is now let loose.

TP does go after MM on the CT (again confirmed by the Zelda timeline artist Eiji Aonuma) we all know this. But the idea of double placing MM is interesting and this even holds some evidence from WW. In WW after leaving Hyrule (after KoRL's true identity is revealed) it is stated by KoRL that 'he left the land of Hyrule and was separated from the elements that made him a hero' this might mean that MM takes place between WW and OoT as well on the AT.

Okay so LA can go anywhere (Aonuma stated this and if I'm wrong please tell me) but I prefer to place it after ALttP since it's pretty easy and simple to place it there.


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
Could MC really come first?

Trinnen, another Nintendo guy, said that MC can be looked at as the origin of Link's hat. This suggests that this game is first because it explains why Link wears a cap in every game. Of course, that's up to the reader's interpretation.

I believe that MC going first is still in a fair amont of debate...

While I do believe that MC is first, I agree that it is a highly debatable idea.

Okay so LA can go anywhere (Aonuma stated this and if I'm wrong please tell me) but I prefer to place it after ALttP since it's pretty easy and simple to place it there.

Actually, the great and fantastic Miyamoto is the one who said that LA could go anywhere. It was part of his wonderfully thought out Miyamoto order.

OoT-LoZ/AoL-ALTTP with LA anywhere.

To this I say Bull Poop


Even Ganon loves cookies
May 16, 2009
East Clock Town
Here are the facts:

-Miyamoto stated the timeline in 1998, showing that he is involved with it.
-Miyamoto stated in 2003 that he has a timeline document
-Aonuma stated in 2005 that the Zelda team collectively had a timeline document
-Miyamoto stated in 2006 that he has a timeline document
-The current NoA Localization and Translation head, Bill Trinen says that Miyamoto has had a timeline ever since he started working there. He said this in 2004, he's been working there since 1996.

Dan Owsen, the former Localization head, who admittedly is not fluent in Japanese (someone else did the translating for him, and he just "Americanized" it), did not make any attempt to have accuracy or adherance to an overall timeline, and was let go by Nintendo in 1998, five years later claims that Miyamoto doesn't know anything about the timeline.

And you're going to believe him?

You're beliving the former/fired/bad translator over the current translator, the creator of the series, and the current primary producer of the series? Enjoy your ignorance.

No, Miyamoto does not put storyline first, but he still knows it, and Aonuma referred to him in an interview as "the absolute" on all matters. That includes storyline.

Both FSA and TP were taken over halfway through in production/direction by Miyamoto, because he didn't like the direction Aonuma was taking. In FSA, it was specifically stated that he took over because he wanted to change the plot.

The man is still involved, and he still knows what he's doing. He just doesn't put story first.


Last Chance
Feb 7, 2009
Toronto Ontario
On the Owsen interveiw:

Dan, it appears something about the The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past translation is jumbled. It is said the events played out in Ocarina of Time were the events that happened in the story of A Link to the Past, and therefor were to solve many story holes. But if Zelda 3's instruction manual is read, these events sound completely different, and now there seem to be more holes than ever. It clearly states on the back of the box of A Link to the Past that it was a prequel to Zeldas 1 and 2, but Miyamoto says it comes after them. What's the truth?

Dan: The truth is, the text on the box (and possibly the Nintendo Power guide) is wrong. D'oh! If you just ignore the box text, the stories fit together better. Basically, the events in Ocarina are the "Imprisoning War" described in the SNES version's story. The Golden Land was the Sacred Realm before Ganondorf corrupted it. The order of the stories is: Ocarina, Zelda 1, Zelda 2, A Link to the Past. Since Link's Awakening was a dream (or was it?) it's hard to say where it fits.

source: http://www.adventureofhyrule.com/interviews/totalrpgowsen.html

The back of the ALttP box is wrong. Also: what Erimgard said.


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
I don't look for the developer intended timeline. ALTTP just makes 100% more sense as a prequel. You'd think that before they produce a box to a game they would make sure that it's right. I find it hard to believe that they overlooked the fact that Link and Zelda in ALTTP were called predescessors. Someone should have been fired if that's the case.

I will never in a million years believe that ALTTP goes after LoZ/AoL.


Last Chance
Feb 7, 2009
Toronto Ontario
I don't look for the developer intended timeline. ALTTP just makes 100% more sense as a prequel. You'd think that before they produce a box to a game they would make sure that it's right. I find it hard to believe that they overlooked the fact that Link and Zelda in ALTTP were called predescessors. Someone should have been fired if that's the case.

I will never in a million years believe that ALTTP goes after LoZ/AoL.


Japanese does not use the word predessesors! Also that's very biased of you.


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008

Japanese does not use the word predessesors! Also that's very biased of you.

That's not biased of me at all. That's me interpreting the evidence differently than the creators who have been wrong before and have messed up basic translations. I'm not putting my faith in what the developers say. I'll let the games speak for themselves.

Did you know that George Lucas (the creator of Star Wars) has called the Lightsabers "Laser Swords" on multiple occasions? Don't you think he should know what a Lightsaber is called? That's just to make a point. Developers aren't always right. I listen to what they say but I take it with a grain of salt.

It's not biased to have a different interpretation than someone else (in this case, developers). It's human nature.

Also, if the predecessor thing was wrong and ALTTP in fact does go after LoZ/AoL then that means the following.

1) Someone mistranslated something and didn't double check their translations and that person should be fired.

2) They didn't double check the information they put on the box before production and the people in charge of that should be fired.

3) They didn't double check the information put in their own, official strategy guide (which also says ALTTP goes before LoZ/AoL) and the people in charge of that should be fired.

Those are the people you're putting your faith in. The people who can't even catch a simple mistake that was made 3 times for the same game (if it really even is a mistake)

Also, as I recall, the direct translation from the Japanese version of the box still EXTREMELY hints to ALTTP being a prequel to LoZ/AoL without straight up saying it like the NoA version.

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