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The REAL Timeline (according to Me)


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
Well, the first thing that I definitely have to say is that I don't believe that there's an adult timeline and a child timeline. I think that it's just one timeline. So bear with me here. ;)

This is a problem. The split timeline is confirmed. Trying to make a linear timeline is already a suicide mission because you immediately are going against the confirmed foundation of the timeline.

No offense, but I don't think anyone will give you any real feedback because of the fact that you're proposing a linear timeline. I strongly advise that you go back to the drawing board and come up with a split timeline theory because I really believe that the only responses you will get are ones just like mine talking about how the split is confirmed.

Umm...I have no idea why my post was posted as the first post in this thread....


Even Ganon loves cookies
May 16, 2009
East Clock Town
Barring the obvious split timeline problem...

In aLttP, Hylians are a virtually extinct race, and the Hylian Language is dead. Yet both flourish in Ocarina of Time...thoughts?


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
Barring the obvious split timeline problem...

In aLttP, Hylians are a virtually extinct race, and the Hylian Language is dead. Yet both flourish in Ocarina of Time...thoughts?

I have 2 thoughts.

1. ALTTP doesn't take place before OoT and that would explain that HUGE inconsistency.
2. ALTTP shouldn't take place in front of OoT anyway because of the existence of Ganon in ALTTP and the fact that Ganon/dorf was an unknown threat in OoT and was even considered an ally of the king.

I literally can't find one reason why ALTTP would go before OoT except for the fact that the BS is a huge inconsistency, but let's be honest, it's a huge inconsistency no matter where you put it.

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
Well, the first thing that I definitely have to say is that I don't believe that there's an adult timeline and a child timeline. I think that it's just one timeline. So bear with me here. ;)

Well this already makes your timeline wrong. Not only is this confirmed, but there's a fair bit of in game evidence supporting the Split Timeline.

1. The Minish Cap
So, I think that this one was first. I think that Hyrule was found, settled and began a nice peaceful life. And so begins the beginning of Minish Cap.

While I do agree that Minish Cap goes first, you give no evidence as to why. Care to give any?

2. A Link to the Past
I think this. Because, everything is pretty much the same as MC. In A Link to the Past, everything is in almost the same places. I do NOT think that it was the same Link. Personally (this is just me) but I think that Link's uncle in A Link to the Past, the one that "dies" under Hyrule Castle, but is alive at the end. I think that he is the Link from MC. That's just me though. Where else would he have fighting skills and other stuff like that?

Umm... first off you have things very badly done here. Again no evidence, and really the geography of Hyrule changes each game. For instance, in the period between OoT and WW, Hyrule became flooded and became the great sea. Also there are three gigantic inconsistancies with this. First of all, Ganon. Ganon and his human counterpart, Ganondorf, were introduced in OoT. Translated, this means no game featuring either of the two can go before OoT. Also, in ALttP hylians are practically extinct as well as their ancient hylian language. However according to your timeline, OoT takes place in the future and both of them are flourishing. And finally the Triforce. Again this goes to OoT. In OoT, the Triforce was in it's original, unaltered state and location within the previously unaltered Sacred Realm. In ALttP Ganon has the Triforce for a good majority of the game and the Sacred Realm is altered into the Dark World. Not to mention Link claims the Triforce afterwords.

3. & 4. Four Swords or Four Swords Adventures
Either one could be 3rd and the other could be 4th. I don't think that one is the other, meaning I'm not saying that they're the same thing, I'm just saying that either one could be either one. Because the land is laid out the same almost. I think that maybe 50 years passed between ALttP and these.

Again, I'll just come out and say it. First and foremost FS and FSA are directly connected, that's true, but again OoT explains the origins of Ganon and Ganondorf and as such, no game even mentioning them can go before OoT.

5. Ocarina of Time
The land is again laid out almost the same. I do think that it's been about 200 years though. THIS IS WHERE IT GETS CONFUSING. CCCCAAAUUUUTTTTTIIIIIIOOOONNNNNN!!!!!!!!! I believe that Link's soul was sealed in the Temple of Time for seven years, because this was actually stated but Rauru, but his actual body was out doing Ocarina of Time as a kid. As the guru-guru man says, you actually played the Song of Storms to him but you hadn't done it yet. Because you were in the ToT as a soul but actually doing everything else. So, I believe that Link was fully in Hyrule and fully in the Chamber of Sages. Both. It's like being 2 people. I told you it got confusing.

Umm okay you based this off geography again. Not a good thing dude. Not a good thing. And I'm not going to get too into the thing about how you said when Link was sealed up in the ToT he was doing the child portion of OoT because A) It confuses me and :cool: it would be deemed spam. But this theory does not in anyway have any validity in placing OoT.

6. Majora's Mask
Yes, during Majora's Mask, his soul was still in the CoS in the ToT. But he was also doing a bunch of stuff in Termina, hence the game. So, a kid in OoT I believe is 10. And in MM I think he's closer to 12 or 13. And during those last couple of years in Hyrule he learned how to do flips when he jumped. ;) :D

Okay so I agree that MM takes place after OoT but how in the holy name of Farore does the whole "his soul is still in the CoS" relate to it being placed where it is? If anything this would go against it. Not to mention, in OoT Link is sent back in time by Zelda to relive his lost childhood. In the credits Link is seen addressing Zelda about something. This leads to the indirect sequel of TP. And how the heck do you figure Link was twelve or thirteen in MM? He looks exactly (well almost) the same as he did in OoT. And how do you figure a ten year old can't do all the fancy stuff Link does in MM? I have personally seen this happen while doing a lesson of gymnastics a few years ago with a younger kid. And to top it off, Link was an adult for a while. This may mean that some of his adult stuff stayed with him after he was sent back in time. How else would he be able to lift a sword as big as him in one hand and a shield as big as him in the other? And also, this in no way relates to how it is placed. He also could've easily done some training which gave him those abilities.

INTERMISION: Then Link somehow found his way back to Hyrule. ... After 3 years that is. I think he was wandering in that forest in the beginning of MM after MM for a few years until he finally found his way back to Hyrule. Then merged with his soul and completed what the rest of OoT was. Then at the end of OoT, he went back to a kid. It is confusing huh? So, he did not. But he did. When Zelda played her lullaby he went back in time. But it's like he already did what he did 7 years later.

Okay I do agree that Link finds his way back to Hyrule after MM since in TP there is a tombstone honoring the Hero of Time. But how do you figure how long it took him to get back to Hyrule? There are no developer quotes (that I know of) or any in game evidence to even suggest that. lol If he was wandering in the forest for that long he would've died from starvation... probably. And also how in the holy name of Farore do you figure that his soul rejoined his body? It makes no sense at all. There is no solid ground for this.

7. 8. Oracles
Then the Oracles. Like I said, he already did OoT in the future. So 7 years later it didn't happen. Than 60 or so years later, Link goes into Holodrum and Lsomething. (I don't have these games... yet :bleh: ) One right after another.

Okay, there is no evidence at all for this placement. None at all. Care to explain?

INTERMISSION: The Great Flood, the flood that covered the whole land of Hyrule. Happened about 80 years after OoA and OoS. Than, about 100 years after the flood, we get:

9. The Wind Waker
Of course, 100 years after the flood, they finally get civilized. Than WW happens. Simple actually.

Okay so we KNOW from the BS of WW that there are no games in between OoT and WW on the Adult Timeline. Lemme show ya.


Okay so lemme sum it up for you. We have the events of Ocarina of Time and a golden age for Hyrule after that. And also Ganon escapes his seal in the Evil Realm and no hero rises to save the day. Translated this means no games between the two.

10. Phantom Hourglass
Does anyone need to question this?

Fortunately nope. For once you nailed it.

11. Link's Awakening
I don't know why more people don't think this. A few years after PH, they get caught in a storm. Then Link washed on the dreamland of Koholint Island.

Okay so LA can go almost anywhere actually. But if they got shipwrecked then why does Link only get washed up to Koholint Island? And if that happened then ST wouldn't be able to happen.

12. Legend of Zelda
About 300 years after LA, the waters washed away somehow. Then Ganon attacked when Hyrule looked futile. When there were no sodiers or anything. When the land was desilate.

13. Adventure of Link
After LoZ, they started building little towns, and more people were there. This is about 50 years later.

14. Spirit Tracks
About 200 years later, they became REALLY civilized. Thus, Spirit Tracks became.

Okay, so I agree that LoZ and AoL go together but how do you figure that there was 300 years between LoZ and LA? There is no in game evidence, not to mention ST comes in the future of the two games according to your timeline. In ST the BS is:

100 years ago Link and Tetra were sailing in search of the next Hyrule. Then they found a land guarded by the Spirits of Good. The evil Demon King rose and a war between the two supernatural forces began. Much blood was shed and the Spirits of Good eventually sealed the Demon King away.

Basically this means no games can come between PH and ST.

INTERMISION: Remember, this whole time, the Twilight Realm has been going on peacefully until this time...

15. Twilight Princess
Somehow, the Spirit Tracks vanished (never gave that much thought) and the Tower of Spirits collapsed (that neither) and Twilight Princess happened.

Okay so there is no evidence concerning this at all. And also, this game makes a few references to OoT. Now, normally I wouldn't use minor characters as evidence mind you, but Hena (or whatever the fishing hole lady's name was) has a picture of the fishing hole guy from OoT in her building. If so much time has passed, then why in the holy name of Farore would anybody except the Goddesses know about him?! Not to mention, according to your timeline there was a flood that wiped everything from the OoT time period out.


I am baaacccckkkk
Jan 25, 2010
Just to say it, Links Awakening is technically confirmed as a sequel to ALttP, as Link travels to another land to finish his training and becoming a true swordsmaster, he shipwrecks and dreams a dream about Koholint Island.

There is an explanation: LA is the successor to ALttP. Nintendo intended this to be a sequel to ALttP, because they basically had no idea a timeline theory should ever come up. Some people would place it after OOX, but Nintendo didn't even make those games at that time. So Nintendo intended that LA was a sequel to ALttP, because they simply had no idea that a timeline should ever come up.
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WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think Master Kokiri 9 already tore you up a lot. So I'll just say this. Where in the world did you get the idea of...
"Link's soul was sealed in the Temple of Time for seven years, because this was actually stated but Rauru, but his actual body was out doing Ocarina of Time as a kid." ?


Ask Me Why I Love The Photoshops
Jan 30, 2010
Way to go Master Kokiri 9. You show 'em. That was one good response there. Good job!

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