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Random Person
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  • Can I get a link to it? That section is pretty hard to find stuff in and the search function just...ugh -_-

    EDIT: nvmd, got it
    Yes, Random, the thread is going to disappear! (Just kidding... :P) I'm glad you like my drawing of Baas. Vatti needs some work like you said, so I'll redo her sometime, and draw Pandora + Koroko sometime.
    Hey! Listen! Hello!
    Hey Random! Go quickly! I posted Baas and Vatti on your Wig-Or-Log Art thread! Hurry! :P
    Yes! You posted another Chapter of Wig-Or-Log! I'll post a comment on the thread when I'm done reading it.
    Yeah...my brother gave me that name when I was three. It was my first nickname ever which is why I haven't gotten rid of it yet. Not sure if I ever will!
    Thanks Random! I've been keeping up with Wig-Or-Log... It's very interesting, I like it a lot. I'll try to post some of the pictures I drew of Baas and Vatti soon on your Wig-Or-Log Art thread. Thanks for adding me as a friend!
    Hey thanks for adding me as a friend! (I'm new as a user, but I've been looking around the Forums for a month or two now.) I really like Wig-Or-Log!!
    Hey Random Person, I've read Wig-or-Log before, and you're really good. It would mean a lot to me if you would read my new story, Rooster, and tell me what you think.
    So, you mean I have to ask my dad to download this? He doesn't trust me with anything!
    Oh, and before I forget, I needed to ask you something. You see, every time I try to download GIMP, it stops me from doing it and says "You must be an administrator before using this product". What does that mean?
    Hey, Random, you know how you have that forum RPG of Wig-or-Log? Well, I kinda-sorta have a little story I'm wanting people of Zelda Dungeon to contribute to. It's a group I made up, and I only have one member besides me :(. If you're interested, here's the link to sign up:
    Oh, and by the way, I made a mistake when nameing the group. It's supposed to be FAORE'S Hero, not Nayru's.
    Ok, sorry dude if i seemed offensive there, but i did say that you could disregard this whole thing or reply, it was your choice. Now what bothered me was when you said that i was indicating that i hold some kind of authority over you, that is not true. I was implying that there must be a time when you joke around or something of that matter.

    I think i can understand where you are coming from, but it offends me when i say something that might not seem offensive but it really is, such as the message i sent to you. I was trying to reason with you but that didn't work out too well, did it? There is nothing more i can go on, i mean i try to get along with everyone but that doesn't work out all the time, especially with you.

    Once again i am sorry i offended you in any way and i hope to understand you more, because to me (don't take this the wrong way) you seem like a stuck up person who cannot take a joke and who takes a lot of things people say the wrong way. but hey that's just how i see you, I'm sure other people can tell me different but i have to see it to believe it.
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