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  • Hey man, i was thinking about the whole serious thing you have going on, and i have known you to be serious ever since i first talked with you on the shoutbox. What i am getting at is that you cannot be serious all the time, sure it's immature but it is fun to joke around.

    Im not saying anything bad about you i just want to know, why you have become this way? Sure you get alot of repect but it makes you seem unpleasant and rude a little.

    Also im afraid of joking with you because you might take it the wrong way and lash out at me. You seem like a good person but i have my thoughts. Disregard this message or reply it doesn't matter much, but i need to know what is up with you.
    You know what, I tried to download GIMP and I'm stuck on it. I have NO idea how to download it! So, Ima stick to colored pencils for now.
    Hey, thanks for the pic. And also, THE PICTURE WAS JUST FOR FUN! I didn't need you to be all critical on it :P.
    So you're saying I can't use my colored pencils anymore? Awwww, I just got some new ones for my birthday :(. But I'm gonna use that great advice and draw new and improved drawings! My best friend, who's also a good drawer, does drawing on Paint. She doesn't use shading at all, yet they're petty cool.
    Thanks for everything, man. I'll catch ya when I make some new drawings!
    Huh. Interesting. Too bad it won't happen to me :(. I'm not one to be reconized.
    oh, and did you see my latest drawing? It's about Skyward Sword and I want you to see it. Here it is:
    Go right ahead and make him left-handed. That was not intended!
    Hey, how the heck did you become a Hylian Knight?
    It's alright.
    And about that pic you cropped for your avatar, I agree with it entirely. It's very annoying when your Wiimote giggles every time Midna wants to talk.
    No, no, no, I said don't even sweat it. There's no reason to make me a picture of it. Xinnamin already made me one. But I do want possibly that picture I just sent to you.
    Hey, I'm really sorry about this, but you don't have to make the picture of Byrne for me. If you were already working on it, then go right ahead.
    You know, I made a picture before I even met you that reminded me of something you would draw. Do you think you could make something like it on Photoshop for me? Here it is:
    Thanks! I went and checked out her work on deviantart. wow, she's REALLY good. I favorited most of her drawings, ahaha! What an amazing artist. I hope she keeps doing zelda fanart, because I love looking at those. :D
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