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  • hello it seems that me and another user, link87, have (as i have heard) the same ip address, but we are not the same people. we probably dont live anywhere near each other, but for some reason our accounts got melded together, and i lost all my posts and threads. it is very depressing
    Give the guy a break!
    Ask another webmaster that has less activity for help.
    sooo...............can u help me?????????????????
    i need help with my user name i'm new here and most of the people here think im some1s clone or somthind so i need help 2 change my user name:(
    Hey Mases, my bro just beat TP and I showed him zeldadungeon and he found it very helpful :). You have done it again Mases.
    Curiosity...why was leeai banned?was it that 000 guy again?
    Gosh, dodging the ban is almost always worthless..

    I wish i was able to get On during a Podcast:(:(:(

    *me cries like Zant* xD
    wow youve got a lot of posts!! thanks for setting up ZD, it has helped me through several Zelda games, i would go to it loooooOOOOOooong before I even joined the forums!! thanks!! and by the way, I sent you a friend request
    Hi mases! I really love your avatar! its so awesome. Anyways, Im kind of new and looking for some friends and was hoping u would accept my buddy invite!
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