I know, we never talk anymore So sad! I miss talking to you about the most random stuff. I hope skateboarding is awesome and hope you are having a kick *** summer
Friiiiiiiiend!!! Lalalala my friend, friend, friendy, friend, frienddddd
elementskater995.i saw what you posted on my profile and thats not true.dont believe what edzo and beat says.they are just 2 mean kids that are always raising lies about me here and other sites for no reason.i never did anything to them yet they always want to be mean to me.
I wish it was cold. You have no idea how lucky you are. I have to like sizzle in the sun all year round with no breaks of coolness!!! Ugh, congrats on the skateboarding stuff Sounds awesome! Yeah I feel like I havent played a freakin videogame in forever! Im excited too Im getting my DS in a week!