Yeah, I got an Xbox for Christmas, it's proved to be fun (I'll probably get the Wii U once more games have come out for it, like Smash Bros, Metroid, and Zelda).
Ahh my holiday break starts tomorrow! (Break from school, that is. No break from basketball. We even have practice on Christmas Eve lol.) Any of the upcoming days should be good for me. Do you get a winter break?
Ah, thank you! Now I have something substantial to put on my list besides hair ties, paper, and socks lol.
I'm pretty busy what with basketball and homework and all that, but usually around 7-8ish EST I can get online. I don't go on Skype anymore unless I have a reason to. So just let me know when works for you.
Chilyyyy! I miss you bby. We need to arrange a time to talk, you know.
I have a question, though: I'm making out my Christmas wishlist and I can't for the life of me remember what the name of that perfume is that you mentioned a while back or where you can get it from. It was like "Moonlit" something or other; do you remember?
There aren't anymore really good RPs anymore since you, Silver, and Rainy all slowed down your activity on the site. Almost sad cause I used to come on and have like 500 VMs from you guys and now I got nothing
Not particularly, as long as you show that you'll be capable as an editor. The skills required for one don't always automatically translate to the other anyway. We always seem to need new editors, so feel free to apply. Sorry for the late response.