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Your Favorite Childhood Games?


Feb 24, 2010
I loved Civilization 2 as a kid. Didn't really know too much about strategy but managed to nuke the world several times over.


Zelda Fan Girl
Jun 13, 2010
SkyView Temple
I started gaming when I was 6 and its my favourite pastime so my list is

1 Yoshi's Island SNES
2 Super Mario World
3 Super Mario Bros 3
4 Zelda Ocarina of Time
5 Pokemon Yellow/Gold and Silver
6 Super Mario 64
7 Sonic 2 Mega Drive
8 Pokemon Stadium
9 Banjo Kazooie/Tooie
10 Spyro the Dragon 1 2 3
11 Rayman 2
12 Crash Bandicoot 2/3


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Asides from the N64 classics such as Super Mario 64, Super Smash Bros. and Pokemon Stadium, there's the evermore Playstation games I played such as Spyro the Dragon, Rayman, Bomberman and most prominently, Crash Bandicoot.

The only PC game I was into was The Sims. Oh how I loved that dearly. I've tried The Sims 2 and 3, but haven't liked them nearly as much. The classic is the way to go. It's so primitive that it's more enjoyable than the successors.
My fave childhood games, i'll hit the SNES and N64 since i was young during both

Super Mario World
Yoshi's Island
Kirby's FunPack/Superstar
A Link to the Past
Super Metroid
Mario Kart
Killer Instinct
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: Turtles In Time

Mario 64
Ocarina of Time
Donkey Kong 64
Killer Instinct Gold
Mario Kart 64
Jet Force Gemini

Awesome times :D


Jul 1, 2012
Oh yeah I also forgot another one of my faves as a kid.....

It was called Dokapon! It was a Japanese RPG monster hunter game, at least I think! Anyway this game was awesome on the Gameboy Advance and I think this was the only game I played for like a year haha! I recently found my GBA along with this game and it brought back so many memories :) here's some gameplay, Dokapon: Monster Hunter -01- - YouTube


Staff member
So many memories:
Super Mario World (my first ever video game <3)
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros 3
Bubsy in Claws encounters of the clawed kind.
Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Kong 64
Super Mario 64
Pokemon Stadium
Mario Kart 64


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly

Always the fondest memories of Myst. I don't get to play it often anymore but it still gives me the nostalgia warms and fuzzies! ^_^


The Geekette
Nov 25, 2007
Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario World.

Ugh! They're still favorites. When I was growing up, video games weren't exactly welcome in the house. We had an NES for a short while, but my neighbor had gotten an SNES and had both DKC and SMW. I used to go over to their house every single day they were home... and once when they weren't. I actually snuck into through their laundry room when they weren't home because I wanted to play. That's how good they are.
My first gaming system of my own was an indigo Gameboy Advance, but we have owned an NES before that--it just wasn't mine. I didn't really play the NES much when I was younger; rather, I just liked watching my mommy play Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda. But, I don't think I ever gave the NES a try until after I got my GBA. There's a big gap on the game console timeline between those two systems, but anyways, games I quite enjoyed when I was younger:

Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak - GBA
I absolutely loved this game. In fact, I probably still do, if I knew where I put the game pak... =( It's about Hamtaro--obviously--and he, like, has this little dictionary thing filled with words of the Hamchat language. Well, Hamtaro awakes from this dream about a hamster in a devil costume, and he comes downstairs to tell Boss about it, and he slips on a bar of soap and lands in a bucket of water and delts his dictionary's contents. So, now he has to go out and re-learn Hamchat words. In the process of doing so, he discovers that the hamster in the devil costume is real, and he's going about breaking up couples and delting their fourms. Hamtaro later gets reunited with his friend Bijou, so they venture out together and have to clean up the messes that Spat made.
Game Perk: There's a Master Sword cameo in this game. <3

The Legend of Zelda - NES
I didn't play this until after I started my file in A Link to the Past, but I normally had a specific route, wandering around where the old man's cave was, avoiding water and sand--where the zoras and leevers roam--when I was younger. I was trying to collect rupees, nonetheless. xP It got difficult to save the game after awhile, so by the time I was on Level 8--I'm still on Level 8 in that particular file, I haven't really played since that version since... I need to... I just got distracted by A Link to the Past and gerbils and stuff and food and remakes of this game--Oh, so... by the time I was on Level 8, when I wanted to save, it was notoriously difficult to get Link to commit suicide, so I'd hunt down some darknuts and just keep running into them, like 40+ times. So annoying.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - GBA remake
Believe it or not, even though I never actually took this game seriously until, like, a long time later, I initially began a file--a file in which I had my mommy make for me and she named Link "BOB". =/ But, anyways... I was in, like, second-third grade just roaming around cluelessly after sneaking Zelda to the sanctuary. I went to East Palace one time, and was like, "There aren't bushes in here for me to cut... :<" and then I left. But I got a lot of entertainment out of doing nothing for quite some time. I think it was actually fourth grade that I picked this game back up and started legitimately advancing and venturing into the Dark World. But then I dropped the game again, and didn't actually complete it until sixth grade.

Super Mario Bros. - NES
Um, well... duh. Also, World 3 = <3
Fun Fact: I used to think Bowser was some angry Native American person, and his mohawk was a warbonnet. And he just breathed fire because he felt like it.

Super Mario Bros. 3 Advance 4 - GBA
Ohemgee, like, ohemgee. I loovveee this game so much. <3 The nostalgia is strong in this one. I can't really say to much, because the enjoyment just kind of happened... there wasn't really a specific reason as to why. Oh, and I liked how I could save replays of my gameplay. Rewatching my badassery--or general stupidity--was quite entertaining. But not as fun as actually playing through the levels, of course. :>
The Worst Ever Happened Thing: The Angry Sun

Tetris - NES and GBA
There really isn't much to say here, is there? I mean... it's addicting. <3
Last edited:
Apr 16, 2010
Pokemon Gold
Pokemon Red
Pokemon Emerald
Pokemon Ruby
Pokemon Sapphire
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Donkey Kong Country 2
Luigi's Mansion
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Tony Hawk's Underground 2
NBA Live 06
Madden NFL 07
NHL 2003
Lego Star Wars
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


birb overlord
Sep 16, 2011
I can't remember which one exactly, but I remember playing the older retro Mario games when I was little. Oh, and Donkey Kong Country, too. I loved them because my mom would play with me. Even though I sucked at all of our games, it was super fun to spend time with her. She'd usually kill herself to let me win, though. Some of my best childhood memories were spent playing games with my mom. She used to be quite the gamer back in the day... I'll always cherish those times.

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