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Your Favorite Characters from the Game?


Sage of Wind

My favourite Wind Waker character is Makar because he's just awesome
Dec 2, 2009
Canada (Pfft, I wish)
Ever since I first played the game, Tetra/Zelda has been my favorite character. Her personality was pure win. And I loved the appearance of Zelda in this and the other cell-shaded Zelda games.

A close runner-up would be the Queen of Fairies, believe it or not. I loved her personality and flirtatiousness towards Link. Plus she's shiny.


If you look at that game guy, Salvador or something, during the night (the one on one of the islands) he'll have a pajama mask.
I <3 him.
Oct 18, 2008
In my coffin
My favorite characters in Wind Waker are Tetra, and Salvador.

I love Tetra, she's rude at times, but has a big heart. She's the leader of a group of Pirates(some of them are older then her). I love how she challenges Ganondorf at the Forsaken Fortress.

I also really like Salvador. When you first see him he looks really bored, but when you agree to play his mini-game he comes alive, and I love his drawings.


I really liked Beedle. Everyone loves Beedle. :D One guy that was pretty hilarious though, was the guy who would do all of the cannon games. Like the "battleship" game at Windfall, and the cannon game on top of that isle place. But yeah, both were funny. I also really liked all of the Ruto's. They were all really cool. I do have 1 favorite that no one can beat, he is my favorite zelda sage up to this date.....Makar. He is just the coolest guy in the world.

Dark Princess

Weeaboo :D
Jun 11, 2009
Horrid, Ohio
Linebeck, for sure. He's too hilarious. xD He's a clumsy, lazy old fool who makes up excuses not to go into dungeons and help Link. The scenes with Jolene were great, being able to learn a little about Linebeck's past. x3 I loved how his personality changed throughout the game. It was great. =P

Link was just adorable in this game. I loved how he looked in a cell shaded game, and his expressions were the best. He was just so cute. x3
Dec 11, 2009
Linebeck, for sure. He's too hilarious. xD He's a clumsy, lazy old fool who makes up excuses not to go into dungeons and help Link. The scenes with Jolene were great, being able to learn a little about Linebeck's past. x3 I loved how his personality changed throughout the game. It was great. =P

Link was just adorable in this game. I loved how he looked in a cell shaded game, and his expressions were the best. He was just so cute. x3
That's Phantom Hourglass, this is your favorite characters in the Wind Waker.
May 25, 2008
In my house
The character I loved the most in this game has to be Ganondorf.

This game made Ganondorf for me. As I've said before in other threads, this game made him. Ocarina of Time gave him a little bit of a story, but before that we didn't really have anything on him. In this game, he had a purpose. He fought, and tried to inch his way back up to the Triforce for a reason, because he hated the fact that he lived in such a hostile desert. You can't help but feel pity for him, that through all these years, through all these long battles, and through the constant times of being defeated by Link over and over, that finally, 100+ years later, he finally, finally gets the Triforce in his reach, and then, it's taken away from him in only a fraction of the time. I feel pity for this man, and I really connected with him, for what he felt, and what he did. That, I didn't do with any other character.

In the same way, I also liked the King of Red Lions. He had, I would say, the second deepest story in the game. He never thought of it in the beginning, but in the same way, he was the same as Ganondorf, living in the past. You feel pity for this man too, who even when his land sank beneath the sea, he still tried to protect it with all his will, from the evil that was there when it was dry land. It's a sad character really, but a good one none the less.


Link's Grandma - Just because she's Links kin. Plus she makes amazing soup.
Makar - He's adorable. Especially when you get to take him on the boat.
Tingle - I liked him more in Majora's Mask.. but I'm just glad he's in WW too.
The Goron Traders
The Eskimo on Windfall Island (can't remember his name)
Andd that giant pig that gets named after you on Outset Island. I love making him mad.


Feb 6, 2010
Bournemouth, UK
Quill, he really puts Tetra in her place at the beginning of the game.
Gave her a real backhand!
Plus, he is pretty cool.

Orca, the way he just puts so much trust in you to give you a sword.
I mean he's giving a child the device to kill and yet he trusts you.
...Fair play.


Dec 12, 2009
New York
My favorites are tingle, Killer Bees, weird pictoshop guy lorenzo, my boat, and valoo. There are alot more that i like but WW is my fav game so i like most charecters in it! OOOh also i like the 2 people in the nintendo gallery!


Ask Me Why I Love The Photoshops
Jan 30, 2010
The boat
The King
that little blond girl on Windfall Island


Arryl and Tetra :D

Honestly, most of the characters looked really cool in this game. It was very... aesthetically pleasing. To me, anyway?

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