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Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

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Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Anyway, considering that tomorrow Day 2 ends I'll go ahead and cast my vote. My reasoning, I just don't have any trust with the guy and doubt I will during this game. I flip-flopped around, sure, andso did he; I atleast gave a reason why I flip-flopped - I'm not sure if he did. I jumped on Bandwagons and I admit it, yeah I might have joined late, but Eoghan joined them even later on than I did. He claimed he was wanting to go after inactives but then he tried voting me out, than switched to Dekunut? Why didn't he just vote Sadia or stick with A Link in Time at the end of Day One? Yeah, that's shady. I admit I might seem shady, but he looks even more shady in my eyes.

Vote: Eoghan


Jul 1, 2012
Vote: Eoghan

I too agree that his willingness to lynch inactives is an easy way out and just kind of screams "I'm choosing the easy option".

Also even though it is grasping at straws, his flip flop voting towards the Day's end was just... odd. Didn't seem right, almost as if he was trying to take the white knight position on DekuNut:
Eoghan said:
What a lovely offer to the town's service you have, Diego. Honestly, Diego's the one who currently screams "scum" for me right now. I'd keep an eye on him as the game goes on.

@DekuNut can you defend yourself? I'm tossing a tentative vote with the hope that you'll talk and not disappear.

Vote: Spiritual Mask Salesman
It seemed like you just used everyone else's reason to vote for SMS while, for some reason, saying you can't defend Deku. Why did you want to defend him? This screams that you tried to come off Town by distancing yourself from a mislynch. Obviously at the time we didn't know what alignment Deku had, but Mafia know for sure. This is one of the main reasons I think you're scum, not because of some "soft claim" or even that you did unvote three times on the last day. The fact that you tried to come off the Day as a white knight who opposed the mislynch when previously you jumped on every bandwagon possible. You didn't even give a reason, or try to save DekuNut either.


Donger King of leis
Jul 12, 2015
Santa's Bad Kids Chamber
Okay, guys, sorry for dissappearing. I had a super rough day, and I should have warned you. My bad, especially for someone who claims that activity is important. BRB with an actual important post


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
I'll be honest. I think output has been lazy this in-game day. A lot of the reasonings for Eoghan don't make much sense, Diego seems to have made up a lie about his own role, and a lot of people haven't been actively contributing, but everyone's just kind of sitting back and letting it happen.

I know on the ZU end a new Mafia game started up there a couple days ago so everyone's not as active, but what happened to @Diego pushing people into activity? He also said yesterday that he had a hunch that he could confirm overnight, what happened to that?

I'll make a more detailed post soon but I just feel like this has been a big downgrade in discussion quality from Day 1.


Jul 12, 2015
I flip-flopped around, sure, andso did he; I atleast gave a reason why I flip-flopped - I'm not sure if he did. I jumped on Bandwagons and I admit it, yeah I might have joined late, but Eoghan joined them even later on than I did. He claimed he was wanting to go after inactives but then he tried voting me out, than switched to Dekunut? Why didn't he just vote Sadia or stick with A Link in Time at the end of Day One? Yeah, that's shady. I admit I might seem shady, but he looks even more shady in my eyes.

Just about each reason you have for voting for me contradicts my past posts. That tells me you're not keeping up.

I too agree that his willingness to lynch inactives is an easy way out and just kind of screams "I'm choosing the easy option".

It's strange how this site's mafia culture sees this as an invalid Day 1 tactic, yet in my experience, it's simply not.

Half of Day 1 was spent arguing over this, you can't pretend it's an arbitrary defense tactic now.

It seemed like you just used everyone else's reason to vote for SMS while, for some reason, saying you can't defend Deku. Why did you want to defend him?

The fact that you tried to come off the Day as a white knight who opposed the mislynch when previously you jumped on every bandwagon possible. You didn't even give a reason, or try to save DekuNut either.

A little reading is good for you.
Feb 17, 2015
I'll be honest. I think output has been lazy this in-game day. A lot of the reasonings for Eoghan don't make much sense, Diego seems to have made up a lie about his own role, and a lot of people haven't been actively contributing, but everyone's just kind of sitting back and letting it happen.

I know on the ZU end a new Mafia game started up there a couple days ago so everyone's not as active, but what happened to @Diego pushing people into activity? He also said yesterday that he had a hunch that he could confirm overnight, what happened to that?

I'll make a more detailed post soon but I just feel like this has been a big downgrade in discussion quality from Day 1.

This may get me killed but I believe Diego is the SK. You know how the SK Mumkar went after a colony 6 survivor? And how musicfan soft claimed Sharla who is a colony 6 survivor.

Let's take a look at what you said day one.

I already have a really strong scum read on someone that I'm 90% sure will flip scum. But I need to wait for a little thing to happen tomorrow till I can actually go for it.

I wonder what little thing that would be? Hmmm... Oh I know! I'll look at your arts! That should clear it up!

In fact, might aswell help here:

My Monados are:

Cyclone (used): redirects actions against myself
Shield: Protects me from kills for a night
Speed: Commutes someone, making him/her untargetable
Purge: Roleblocks anyone who targets me, even other roleblockers
Enchant: Makes me a Paranoid Gun Owner for a Night

But wait, all of these moves are for defense... How could you see if someone is anti-town if you don't investigate them or kill them? (By the way, I'm surprised you don't have a buster move, seeing as that a big one for Shulk)

Returning to the SK, you targeted musicfan thinking he was antitown but got redirected by the Monado cyclone. My flaw in this is that no one else has really called you out on the claim. Regardless, I know who I am voting for.

Vote: Diego


Donger King of leis
Jul 12, 2015
Santa's Bad Kids Chamber
Oh god, I can't believe it worked so well :P

Ladies and gentleman, with you, Diego, the new Jesus!.

Yep, I lied.
Monado Cyclone doesn't redirect those who target me, but everybody. This was a beautiful, intentional lie to see who of the ones I suspected would jump, since yes, Mafia already knew I was Shulk :P
It's fine, I don't mind being lynched. But look how hard Cody and Frozen Chosen are going for someone wo claimed a role that's extremely easy to counterclaim, and dangerous as fudge to claim. Yeah guys, I'm clearly a Serial Killer. Loud, agressive, my first kill was an inactive instead of an actual threat... you know, obvious SK behaviour....

My god, I can't believe how easy it was :P


Jul 1, 2012
Why would your plan work when the night scene clearly says that three roles were blocked and that no one tried to kill you? Anyone can see that, whether you're Mafia, Town, SK, Cult, whatever.

Why didn't you suspect me when I called you out as well? Something doesn't add up. Why also would you say that Sadia is Mafia? Did you lie about that as well?
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