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Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

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Feb 17, 2015

Lady Meyneth could also be a leader; however she is the god or spirit of the Mechonis. But she is definitely a good guy.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Are you saying that just to break the connection now? :right:
There was never a connection to begin with, so no. I will vote for him today because of my suspicions against him, unless of course a bigger target is revealed, like let's say hypothetically someone finds out a definite Mafia member for us to Lynch, then I won't vote for him. I'm just taking a more logical approach to things on this day, I'm not going to flip-flop around like I did Day One.
Feb 17, 2015
We have two days left until the day ends and we have a few names thrown into the possible lynches: Eoghan, Diego, and Spiritual Mask Salesman. Diego claimed already so lynching him without concrete proof is a bad idea. That leaves Eoghan and SMS. While I do think a lot of SMS's posts were due to beginner mistakes, I see many of SMS's actions are scummy.

Thoughts or any other leads?


Jul 12, 2015
I don't have anything in terms of leads, but I think there are a few inactive people who really need to chime in more.

@pkfroce I haven't seen you around since Page 23. Want to do your civic duty and contribute?


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Spiritual Mask Salesman (1) - A Link In Time

Day 2 ends on Saturday, August 1st, at 8:00 CST. With 12 players alive, it takes 7 votes for a majority lynch.


pkfroce has asked to be replaced, I'm currently prompting those in the replacements list.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
hi friends

i am of replacing

for the pk of the froce

keeping up with the game i have been

however need to read stuff again i do

ciao for now friends, luv y'all
Jul 10, 2015
Valar Morghulis
The Ultimate Lifeform
Eoghan, you can keep on talking but I'm not really gonna buy your excuses. Not for now, anyway, but you're on my list.

That said we gave SMS a grace period. I'm still not sure what exactly happened in that death post since it apparently describes every character and what they did and how it affected the night. However, I think something shady is there and I'll be supporting a lynch his way if nothing else comes up.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
I know some others have already brought it up but I am also very cautious about Diego's claim. Someone should definitely look into them if they can tonight as I don't want to lynch him without proof of it, but honestly I don't agree with his reasoning for claiming. If I were him I would have waited until I could no longer protect myself or take care of myself before doing such a thing. By claiming immediately he has taken away any chance for our cop to have said something about Musicfan. I see this as more destructive behaviour as it allows more room for scum to hide with just a simple soft claim.

Idea, Diego fake claims to take our role claim for the day. Says "Don't target me, I can take care of myself. Target someone else"
Scum bud says "We should lynch musicfan today. trust me" soft claiming cop and trying to get an easy town lynch, plus doctor protection since Diego doesn't need it, as he has stated, leaving town open and mafia basically guaranteeing themselves at least one or two nights of free kills if they keep up with it unchecked.

No I'm not saying this is what is going on, but giving a scenario that explains why I am very unsure of this hasty a claim. Besides that I am totally ok with an SMS lynch if we decide to go that way today. There is something really odd about the way SMS has acted the past couple of days and while I somewhat understand new player argument, There's just too much and it seems destructive to town as well.


Jul 1, 2012
I say we look at the people who jumped on the end of the bandwagon or the people why hopped on everyone bandwagon possible. They're the people who are desperately trying to blend in and look like they're not hiding. I'm definitely looking back at Day One with this in mind because there's a few people I want to question.


Jul 1, 2012
I know some others have already brought it up but I am also very cautious about Diego's claim. Someone should definitely look into them if they can tonight as I don't want to lynch him without proof of it, but honestly I don't agree with his reasoning for claiming. If I were him I would have waited until I could no longer protect myself or take care of myself before doing such a thing. By claiming immediately he has taken away any chance for our cop to have said something about Musicfan. I see this as more destructive behaviour as it allows more room for scum to hide with just a simple soft claim.

Idea, Diego fake claims to take our role claim for the day. Says "Don't target me, I can take care of myself. Target someone else"
Scum bud says "We should lynch musicfan today. trust me" soft claiming cop and trying to get an easy town lynch, plus doctor protection since Diego doesn't need it, as he has stated, leaving town open and mafia basically guaranteeing themselves at least one or two nights of free kills if they keep up with it unchecked.

No I'm not saying this is what is going on, but giving a scenario that explains why I am very unsure of this hasty a claim. Besides that I am totally ok with an SMS lynch if we decide to go that way today. There is something really odd about the way SMS has acted the past couple of days and while I somewhat understand new player argument, There's just too much and it seems destructive to town as well.
Yeah I'm still very wary of Diego's claim since what he's saying doesn't add up with the night scene. Since Shulk is the narrator, it doesn't say or allude during the night that anyone tried to target him and only refers to a "leader". Though Shulk says "our leader" so that kind of complicates things - plus the Cult Leader went after the leader. If anything the only one who could have targeted Shulk, the narrator, is the figure with the burly arms; though we have no idea if that's the Mafia or SK yet.

Anyway, the thing that doesn't add up is that Diego said that he claimed rather fast because the night scene revealed Shulk when it really didn't. He also said two people tried to kill him, which didn't happen (he even said he got a PM saying that two people who tried to kill him got redirected). How is this possible? The night scene clearly says that each of the attackers went after different people. He also said his role deflects a killing role off of him onto the aggressor. This, again, didn't happen. First off not one, but three of the roles mentioned in the night scene all got redirected - this isn't a case of just a deflection. Also how come it defect towards his aggressors? At first Diego though Sadia was Mafia and that she tried to kill him and it got deflected back, but she was 3rd party and Savage was Town.

Honestly I'm starting to lose a bit of trust since a lot things just aren't adding up. If you are the JoAT then great, but I don't want scum hiding behind a false claim or a hostile 3rd party role doing the same. The thing is though, I don't want to risk killing you, but rather I'd want to know for sure so I can fully trust you without my paranoia getting the better of me. It's annoying me since I'm spending the Day analysing the Night scene trying to pick up clues and I'm super paranoid that Diego could be lying because of the inconsistencies.


Jul 12, 2015
I'm not following how it's from Shulk's perspective. If it is, then it's incredibly unlikely for Diego to be him, therefore making him a probable liar.

I'll have to reread the GM post, I suppose.


Jul 12, 2015
I'm not following how it's from Shulk's perspective.

Pardon me, I'm an idiot.

@Diego, what's up? Would you know why is this from your alleged perspective? I don't take this to mean you've lied, I just find it...really strange that it's written in the first person of a player.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
That's more of a question for thar, and he already said sulk was chosen as narrator for flavor reasons I believe
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