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Would You Rather

Feb 5, 2011
I don't want mine stolen, so steal I guess.
WYR be a Jedi or a Star Fleet captain?
AKA Star Wars or Star Trek


Indigo Child
Mar 25, 2012
Stuck in the material world
I'd definitely be Tiny

WYR be a jet pilot or an astronaut?
Feb 5, 2011
Hit by a car... going at 1 mile an hour, so it isn't that bad
WYR ship Superman with Wonder Woman or ship Spider-Man with Ms. Marvel?
Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying
Superman with Wonder Woman. I already do. Yeha. Aaaand I ship Spidey with Gwen Stacy, always, so.

Would you rather fall for someone cruel and cold who seduces you or fall for someone sweet and amazing who you know you can never have and never will because he/she loves someone cruel and cold?

((I always make everything either deep or awkward...))

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