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General Modern Who's Better, WW Link or TP Link?

Oct 5, 2010
Guys who do you like better WW link or TP link? I like ToonLink better, cause he looks cool in cel-shaded graphics, and he's a kid which is cool. So what Link do you link do you like better? WW link or TP link? Tell me! Bye! :)

Hylian Knight

Green Armored Menace
Sep 28, 2010
Nice Avatar I like it better than the old 1.

I like TP link I just like my LoZ game not looking like a cartoon show and an actual game.

Michael Heide

The 8th Wise Man
Oct 15, 2010
Cologne, Germany
Back when Wind Waker came out, I liked Toon Link. But Twilight Princess really blew me away. Link looks a lot more realistic, a lot more mature, and yet his face could still show a lot of expressions. TP Link also had this kicka$$ sheathing move - and he transformed into a Wolf.

Toon Link is cool, but he can't keep up with all of that.


I think the WW Toon Link version is the better of the two. I feel Toon Link expresses a lot more emotion and I think his story and how he got thrown into his adventure is better than TP. He's just a young boy (or man I guess since in the beggining of the game he got to wear the heroes green tunic, symbolizing his coming of age) frantically running off into the woods saving a helpless girl whose been kidnapped by a huge bird. Than his sister gets captured and boards a boat with pirates to go save her with virtually know fighting or traveling experience.

The Link in TP just gets knocked out and wakes up in jail as a wolf and we find out that he's randomly the chosen one to hold the triforce of courage.

If you ask me I think Toon Link has the more exciting story haha. Plus, he's just adorable.
Aug 10, 2010
In the Temple of Seasons
I like Toon Link better, sure his voice is annoying because it's so high pitched but it's tolerable. I also like cel-shading better than any of the other stuff. Plus he can do flying leaps while attacking which is awesome.
Nov 12, 2010
i would have Both like the wind waker link been young link and TP link being the adult link if they make a game like OOT again.
Jul 4, 2010
in a great black pit
personally, i like TP link a lot better. i just think's it's easier to take him seriousy as a bad*** character than a cartoon... bigheaded... smiling... uh... yeah, i think you get the point


Nature's troll
Mar 17, 2010
Pacific Northwest
I agree with the few that like WW Link.

He is adorable, and he can still show anger, happiness, surprise, etc. I also like that he has a small bit (just a tiny bit) of Japanise anime. The example is his surpirse. I just love it.


Feb 2, 2009
I don't tend to judge my liking of a certain link on how they look. I think that both of the are really fun to use in their respective games, because of the different things you can do with your sword, but I really think that TP Link has an edge.

With WW Link, I think that the swordplay felt the smoothest and easiest to do. You learn very early on about the various sword techniques, which really aren't all that different from say, OoT, but the almighty Gamecube controller makes it feel nicer. I think that the parry attacks were a nice addition, because it made fighting certain enemies a lot more fun (Dark Nuts cough cough) and in general was a pretty cool feature.

I've only played TP on the Wii, and I will admit that the basic swordplay aspect is somewhat mediocre. However, the thing that I think makes it better than WW is the hidden skills learned at the howling stones. Those might have been my favorite thing in the whole game. All 6 of them were really fun to use, my favorite being the jump strike. After I learned the jump strike on my first playthrough, I remember just going around Hyrule and using it for fun. In general these were a lot more than a redeeming factor and would like to see this kind of aspect used in future games like it was in TP and with the tiger scrolls in TMC.

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