On the music:
I hate his music. The lyrics hold absolutely no meaning, and that's all that really matters to me as far as music goes. He sings generic "love" songs. Big whoop. So does every other Disney star.
On Justin himself:
I refer to him - along with Hannah Montana, Selena Gomez, Zac Efron, etc - as a "Disney star". He jumps from nothing to everything in the blink of an eye, Disney uses him like a tissue, and, just like any other tissue, he is thrown away when they're done with him. Of course, the third part hasn't happened yet, but it almost certainly will. I almost feel sorry for him. The first time I ever saw him was in a really horrible movie. "Skool Girlz" or something. He appeared in the end of it, and sang and danced a bit. At the time, I had next to no idea of who he was. I thought he was eleven years old, to be honest. Since then, I've listened to two of his songs voluntarily ("Never say Never" and "Down to Earth"), and a third one ("Baby") simply because it's everywhere. I hated all three of them for the same reason: They are, as I said before, meaningless, generic "love" songs. Let me emphasize the quotation marks.
So, here he is, singing really lousy songs, appearing in movies that aren't worth the (most likely small) amount of time it took to make them, and being loved and hated in equal parts. And he's got a contract, so he probably won't be going anywhere for a while, whether he wants to or not. Personally, I find all the talk at my school about wanting to marry him a bit disturbing. They don't even know him. Why would fourteen-year-old girls even be thinking about marrying some pop star who will be nothing but a memory in less than ten years? But then there are the people whining about how completely horrible he is, and how they hate him sooo much. That's no less disturbing. Again, you don't even know him, so how can you hate him? All you know is his songs and the smiling face he puts up for the TV.
As a final note, there is a guyon YouTube called "Blunty3000". He has three videos about Justin Bieber. Watch them. The titles are:
"Justin Bieber Cancelled Concert Fault of his own STUPID fans"
"Justin Bieber Vs DEATH NOTE"
"Justin Bieber = JERK; Tweets Enemy's Phone Number To 4.5 Million Followers"
Warning: There is some language in these, so if you don't like it, don't watch it.