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Where BoTW Fits


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
I'm gonna laugh when this game is officially confirmed to set in the child timeline. And yes, BotW IS OoT Link! It was strongly hinted TWICE! Vaguely once by a Nintendo Treehouse person at E3. And very strongly in the recent trailer. Anyone who said otherwise clearly did not see the recent trailer. It is literally confirmed at this point! And OoT Link was never killed by Ganon in OoT. HH is a lie!
Just like you said you laugh when the Wii U version of BotW was delayed. Which didn't happen.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
Maybe the Calamity Ganon is actually Ganon's phantom and not actually Ganondorf himself. They do refer to the Calamity Ganon as an "it" and not "he". So it could be possible that regardless of where Ganondorf or what states he's in, the Calamity Ganon could a totally separate being that originated from Ganon's evil. Or maybe even Demise's evil. I mean after all, in OoT, Phantom Ganon was referred as an "Evil Spirit from Beyond". Which sounds like to be that this evil phantasm is the true essence/incarnation of Demise's hatred and that Ganon/dorf is actually the chosen vessel for Demise himself just as I believe the human form of Bongo Bongo was before him.

I think that the Calamity Ganon is actually the true form of Phantom Ganon, as Demise's eternal hatred. And if this is the case, then a Post-MM - Pre-TP placement is still very plausible. I believe that the Calamity Ganon is the result of Phantom Ganon and the Phantom of Bongo Bongo from OoT taking on their true nature as one big incarnation of Ganon's hatred. So basically in other words, it's possible that this Calamity monster has appeared in Hyrule before, likely in the Era of Chaos, as Demise's hatred. Thus, that could explain the backstory legend of the Calamity Ganon in BotW as explained in Zeltik's recent video. And why the old woman (possibly Impa) said that the Calamity Ganon is as old as the Hylian Royal Family and that it endured through the ages. Also, notice they keep saying "THE Calamity Ganon" and not just "Calamity Ganon".

So, it's possible that the Calamity Ganon may not even be Ganondorf after all anyways as it's not even human nor demon, while Ganondorf is. They seem to be acting as if the Calamity Ganon is some sort of certain phantasm separate from Ganon/dorf. Or acting behalf of Ganon, trying to bring back and/or avenge the real Ganon somehow. I think that if that's the case, then placing this game in the Child Timeline before TP would be much easier.

Anyways that's just an idea that could be possible, to consider giving some thought. Hope you people find this post helpful or inspiring at least. :)
Jan 17, 2017
Hi, long time Zelda fan, first time poster here. Grew up with the original games on NES and have played and beaten nearly every one, except TFH. I would like to give my own thoughts on this subject.

The fact that the name of Ganon exists, and the ruined Temple of Time, implies a Post OOT placement. We can rule out the Adult Timeline as this clearly classic Hyrule and not New Hyrule. Pre flood would not make sense either as "the hero did not appear". I doubt this game would retcon that so obviously (though SS did a few retcons of its own, to be fair). There may be other reasons the Kokiri turned into Koroks, but I don't think it was the flood.

The trailer gave us a big clue, in that it states that the history of the royal family is the same as Ganon's; this implies that this is not the first time they've had to deal with him. Either post TP, or anywhere on the decline timeline after ALBW makes sense here. One guess would be that this is a prequel to the original LoZ, explaining why that Hyrule is in ruins. And if the Master Sword is already in bad shape, and ends up being unusable by the end of BotW, that would also explain why it was never used in the original games. But I don't think this is the case, sadly.

The architecture we've seen suggests the child timeline. As well, the additions of the murals in TP HD suggest an additional story we have not seen yet. Aonuma has also hinted at this with his 'I see' moments. My money would be on a post TP game. With the Adult timeline effectively separate from the rest of the games now, and the decline timeline already pretty full, the child timeline would be the de facto default for continuing the story in a logical progression from OoT, TP, to BotW. Some time after TP, the Sheikah must have come back into prominence to build the technology we've seen, and a great civilization was built, until the spirit of Ganondorf somehow manages to return.

I don't believe this is TP Link, but an entirely new one, as the back story we've seen so far suggests this Link already fought against Calamity Ganon and failed. Many see this as the story of the Hero of Time's failure, which would have been cool to see, but the back story does not align with this, and remember that trailer line implies that Ganon has been a historic threat, not a brand new one as he'd been in OoT. So we have a new Link, who after failing in the back story, gets put to sleep for 100 years after Ganon is sealed, as a guarantee so that when the seal inevitably breaks that there will still a Hero to fight him. The Master Sword is placed to be protected with the Deku Tree, since obviously the Temple of Time is no longer suitable.

A wildcard here is that we do not know the state of the Triforce, or even if it will play a role in this game. Will be interesting to see if Nintendo can do more with it this time. That said the story seems pretty self contained and could fit in anywhere that Ganon has had a history.

Whew, those are my ranting thoughts! I know I've missed a few things, but this is what makes sense to me based on my experience with the series. Thoughts, criticsms, either way I would love to hear what you think!
Dec 11, 2011
The architecture we've seen suggests the child timeline. As well, the additions of the murals in TP HD suggest an additional story we have not seen yet. Aonuma has also hinted at this with his 'I see' moments. My money would be on a post TP game.

This was my thinking as well. It can't be after OoT and before WW as that messes up the story with the hero not appearing. I tried placing it in the Defeated Timeline, but nothing really fit. Placing it between MM and TP doesn't work since Ganon was imprisoned in Twilight Realm. After TP and before FSA seems the safe bet at this point.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
But then we still have the problem with BotW Link being the same Link from OoT and the Temple of Time not being in as much terrible condition as in TP. So anything post WW, TP, or ALttP are all pretty much ruled out. Then we have the issue where Ganon's Castle from OoT is absent and so is the crater ruins and remains from that event. So Adult Timeline and Downfall Timeline are now ruled. Thus leaving us stick with the Child Timeline. Unless Nintendo is coming with a new fourth split branch where Link was successful at saving the Deku Tree, never traveled through time, and thus, splitting the timeline. Though at this point, that is also highly unlikely. Especially since the game is confirmed to be heavily connected and tied to TP, which is in the Child Timeline.
Jan 17, 2017
Points on the condition of the Temple of Time, though Nintendo has never been 100% consistent on even its exact placement much less its condition; there's no Great Plateau in TP for example, so I don't place nearly as much emphasis on the geography of the land. Also, don't forget in the child timeline Ganon's castle never got built as he never got the chance to truly take over. It can't be before TP, Ganondorf is trapped in the Twilight Realm, and he simply did not have enough history with the royal family to justify the trailer quote. Even post TP is a stretch on that point, honestly.

The more I think about it, the only timeline where he really had a significant enough impact is the Decline timeline somewhere. Maybe even a continuation of that branch as a sequel to the originals, after the Triforce was restored to the royal family to start a new golden age.Only to have it ruined by yet another incarnation of Ganon, so degraded now that he is simply an evil force of nature at this point. I really want to know the true origin of Calamity Ganon, it would help explain so much..
Dec 9, 2009
Just by reading some comments, it looks like some people forgot that the Deku treet sprout from OoT grew up to be the deku tree whose in WW, which probably has happened in ALL the timelines. People also seemed to forget about the Rito.

I'm thinking this could be all three timelines converging into one, meaning this isnt a prequel to any game thats been released so far. BOTW story mentions that link and zelda tried to seal ganon but failed. Maybe something occured in the decline timeline, which led to the eventual cause of the convergence of all three timelines.

I also consider somethings that people dont point out (though it could just be a nod to previous games) like Links blue shirt, which is the same shirt he wore in the beginning of windwaker. The bird people could be Ritos from the adult timeline, or the Fokka from the decline. Those Zoras that look more evolved from the child timeline.

Also, to say that Hyrule Historia is a lie is pretty idiotic.

Azure Sage

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I also consider somethings that people dont point out (though it could just be a nod to previous games) like Links blue shirt, which is the same shirt he wore in the beginning of windwaker.
No, that's not ture. They're not the same shirt. The designs are totally different and even the color isn't the same. The only thing similar between them is that they are both a shade of blue.
Dec 9, 2009
I thought of something new, perhaps BOTW can be located on the Child timeline.

The first map is from BOTW, it shows Eldin, Lanayru and Faron on there. Sure those are also from Skyward Sward, but the BOTW also mentions Hebra, and Hebra's hill is in Four Swords Adventure (which takes place sometime after TP on the child timeline)

If you look at the maps for BOTW, FSA and TP, they look somewhat similiar. Locations may not be exact though its still an interesting though.


Jan 13, 2015
An Attack Roflcopter
People also seemed to forget about the Rito.

The Rito only happened because of the great flood, and I'm pretty sure the bird race in BoTW are not Rito solely on the fact the Zora still exist. No change from 100 years back could evolve them that fast.
Jan 30, 2017
Honestly the easiest place to put it is prior to OoT. I say this for two reasons 1. The great deku tree knows him and the game takes over 100 years this causes issues in every timeline unless placed far at the end. 2. The technology is similar to OoT and the sheikah were banished prior to it.

The only issues of this are the koroks but I have ideas on how to explain them. Koroks simply can be the original form and the deku tree seeing the events of this game changed them to be able to hide link should he need it. This helps because the only reason they become koroks in ww is to help regain land by spreading the seeds.

As for the other issue it's due to (presumably) impas line about the history of the royal family being the history of the calamity Ganon. There are some possible explanations I theorize. 1. This is the beginning of the royal family and it sets up the expectation of his return due to demises prophecy. 2. There were other Ganons before Calamity. Note that Ganondorf became a thing in OoT explaining why the king actually trusted him.


Your Best Friend (rupee free)
Jan 20, 2017
What do you all think about the new Zeldainformer article? Says it "Which basically confirms the games Timeline placement" - Darrin

Rito confirmed.
Jan 30, 2017
What do you all think about the new Zeldainformer article? Says it "Which basically confirms the games Timeline placement" - Darrin

Rito confirmed.
I mean the only possible retcon that could save my theory is the rito just didn't appear in OoT. Very unlikely so I guess we are down to 5 options.

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