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What Was YOUR Reaction When You First Played Super Smash Bros. Brawl?


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
I was very impressed by the game. I first played with some of the characters I was more familiar with from Melee and was sad to see that many of them were weaker than in Melee. However, I found new characters to play with, and think that this is probably a better game than Melee was anyways. The game still is very glitch like Melee, but that doesn't matter than much.
Dec 5, 2012
I remember I was the first on line to get it at midnight took it over to a friends house and played link... but luckily there's a Tink so it all worked out. Happily ever after!


Indigo Child
Jan 21, 2011
Krosno, Poland
I was happy with this game, it was way better than Melee. The Subspace Emissary was great, but not perfect. Three characters not used in the main storyline could be easily used (even today I'm thinking about it"). Maybe Smash 4's Adventure Mode will be better? I would like to see this:
The Three Heroes.jpg


Hero of Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lake Hylia, Hyrule
Sometimes at lunch the SBOs at my school hook up a Wii and let people play Brawl the entire lunch period. :)

Oh and I'm getting Brawl and my Wii back in 7 days!! :D

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
Let's start off with my character analysis.

Character wise, the game seemed pretty bare at first, requiring the player to unlock about half, maybe more, of the roster, and 3 of them as secrets. It's been a while since I played Melee, but I'm confident that there were fewer to be unlocked, proportionally of course, given the roster size. I had already been following character announcements and knew Roy wasn't going to be in the game, much to my dismay, but I had my hopes up for the reintroduction of Marth, and the addition of Ike. Overall, the roster became very well developed and I enjoyed it a lot, even while I was missing my beloved Roy.

Graphics and Sound wise, it wasn't anything amazing. The graphics definitely improved, but not a whole heck of a lot. Overall they did a nice job upgrading the look and feel of the game, including he Melee levels. The sound was crisper which was really nice, and the soundtrack was amazing. There were so many songs.

Level wise, I was quite impressed. I enjoyed the inclusion of new levels and ideas. Frigate Orpheon was interesting with the flipping while Animal Crossing was nice with the date/time inclusion into the level and the Wario Ware level put a unique spin on things (imo) by giving players power ups for succeeding at beating the little mini games.

The adventure mode was interesting on the first run through, though the countless baseless wave type battles did get tedious at a certain point. I will admit that I did become frustrated with some of the enemies at more than one point because I thought some were quite over powered.

Overall though, I was simply happy to finally have the game I had been following progress on for almost a full year.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Character wise, the game seemed pretty bare at first, requiring the player to unlock about half, maybe more, of the roster, and 3 of them as secrets. It's been a while since I played Melee, but I'm confident that there were fewer to be unlocked, proportionally of course, given the roster size.

Brawl has 35 characters, 21 of which are starter and 14 unlockables, including the secrets. That's nowhere near half. Melee, on the other hand, has 25 characters. 14 starters and 11 to be unlocked.

Melee (proportionally) has more to be unlocked, almost half. I would argue that this is a bad thing and Brawl is in the better position, as unlocking half the roster feels more like a chore than a bonus.
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Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying
I was all like, "GAAAME!"

Then I realized that it was all abut fighting. Cool. I went over to Adventure Mode.

My next reaction? "KIRBY!" I was obsessed with Kirby back then.

I played that game back when i did for nothing at all but the Subspace Emissary. I love th concept of trophesisation(that goes in the Dictionary), whether SSBM or SSBB made it, and the concept of teh Subspace is neat, too. It was fun, and I also liked how they incorporated character relationships and attitudes.
As of late, however, my main interest in the SSB saga is thanks to Akward Zombie. http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f278/katietiedrich/comic178.png
And other such nonsense.
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Feb 7, 2012
Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying

I hadn't played Melee then. How was this not clear? I wasn't used to the SSB games, at all.
And Melee had Roy.
Wait, this wasn't directed at me, as it?...
Jun 28, 2010
My reaction was a stupid one, since it I was really new to gaming. Someone told me I'd like Marth and just told me to keep my eyes out for a blue haired/blue eyed character. For some reason, I didn't catch the character's name the first time through and thought Ike was Marth at first and played as him for a while, but he annoyed the crap out of me and then I was like, "wait, this guy isn't even Marth!" So there began the hatred toward Ike, which was just for the lulz more than anything else. A lot of people have a pet character in a game/book/movie, etc. they decide to hate on for no real reason, so Ike was mine. Then I played Fire Emblem. And that all changed.

Oh, yeah, and I liked making the characters pose and stuff. I probably spent the majority of the time playing that first time just messing around and being goofy for no real reason.

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