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What made you sad today?


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
Looking at my daughter and realize that she’s not an infant anymore. She needs us less and less and sooner or later we will be dropping her off to school. Wild!


Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
Found out today that my favorite teacher is leaving to go work an IT job at some company because he doesn't get paid enough to support his family from school. He doesn't even want to leave but I guess he really needs the money, sucks to see him go tho because he's been my favorite teacher since the 9th grade and really sparked/supported my interest in computer science. I'll miss him lots, especially since I'm in an AP class that he'll no longer be teaching.


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
Found out today that my favorite teacher is leaving to go work an IT job at some company because he doesn't get paid enough to support his family from school. He doesn't even want to leave but I guess he really needs the money, sucks to see him go tho because he's been my favorite teacher since the 9th grade and really sparked/supported my interest in computer science. I'll miss him lots, especially since I'm in an AP class that he'll no longer be teaching.

Sorry to hear that, a really good and caring teacher can make the biggest difference when it comes to school and keeping the students motivated to learn. Teachers definitely deserve more pay and assistance. Hopefully in the future as he gets more cemented in his new career field he can be a mentor and network connecting if you choose to keep pursuing comp sci.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I just met the older sister of my friend's girlfriend. She is extremely nice, interesting, and attractive. I was going to see if she'd maybe like to go on a date, but my friend just told me she lives somewhere in Europe atm, and might already be dating someone. I lost my opportunity to even try to talk to her personally though to find out for sure. Feels bad.


Staff member
Lockdown has been extended another four weeks at least. It seems as though it'll be longer though given today we had more cases than any other day of this outbreak so far. The worst thing is not knowing where the light at the end of the tunnel is as there doesn't seem to be any concrete plan, dates, or metrics in place to drag us out of this situation.

Nearly two months later and we are still in lockdown. I feel as though I've been off the grid for much of the time without much motivation or energy to do anything. This time I am a little more confident that four weeks from now we will be in somewhat of a better place, but time will tell.

A uni friend of mine who was one of the other students with me on my first trip to Japan died recently, still in his 20s. He was honestly the most charismatic and crazy fun person I know and hundreds of people seem devastated that he is gone looking at the facebook posts and comments on his page. Due to lockdown restrictions he probably can't even get a funeral aside from with just his immediate family. Really sucks.

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