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What Made You Happy Today?


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
My 7 string guitar that I sent to Sweetwater for repair just got back home today, which has me just grinning ear to ear.

Sweetwater fixed the crack in the ebony fingerboard, and its only noticeable if you really look close. They releveled, recrowned, and repolished all of the frets, as well as round over the fret ends so the guitar feels great.

And they didn't have to, but the tech replaced the stock nut with a newly cut bone nut.

While I loved the sound of the guitar when I first bought it, it really needed some TLC, and now, I can't put it down.



The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I should also write down the cadences on my music stand
not that the names particularly matter so much as their unique qualities but as a music nerd I really ought to memorize them

I sometimes do instructional videos for a guitar advice group, and I wrote down all the cadences as a quick reference. Forgot to erase it, but I tend to ramble if I don't have a quick reference to keep me on track.

Same thing when I write chord progressions in a key I don't play much, I'll quickly jot it down in my writing notebook. Otherwise I start playing random nonsense, lol.
Jan 12, 2022
I didn't get in trouble for my report. The person I reported sent me a nice picture in my profile.
Jan 12, 2022
I finally found again an image of 2 boys and a girl sitting in shorts on a bench using a laptop computer and one of them is wearing green shorts while wearing shorts. I love shorts. I have a mole on my leg too. :)


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Had my senior photoshoot today, it was loads of fun cuz my mom's mom did it, she's a freelance photographer. When I get them I might even share some here, idk :eyes:
My school did senior photos early in the school year. It was *shudders* a harrowing and traumatic experience. My mom was mad with how they turned out, but since she love photography she's gonna take her own.

Today I got a belated birthday card from my grandparents, which was very sweet. Inside was $20, combining that with the money I've saved up brings me $25 away from buying the laptop I want. I might try and see if I can't get any kids at my school to pay me for art commissions, since I'm so close.
So it ended up being closer to $50 dollars (I failed to account for sales tax). My parents decided to lend me the money seeing as we don't know when the sale ends, so now it's officially bought! I wanted black, but that was an additional $10 so I went with silver. I'm gonna plaster it with stickers anyway, so it doesn't matter. It'll arrive at the end of March, and I'm so excited!

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