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What Made You Happy Today?

Mikey the Gengar

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Man, 'tis a day for mantises indeed

Found this cute little lad(y?) And had to take them home with me for a photo shoot


I think it's a male because of the wing to abdomen ratio but it never flew away which makes me wonder if it's a female who just has an unusually small abdomen
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I think it's a male because of the wing to abdomen ratio but it never flew away which makes me wonder if it's a female who just has an unusually small abdomen
It "looks" female to me by the overall shape, but I could be wrong. Males also have ridiculously long antennae.

If you took any good pics of its abdomen, you could confirm its sex by counting its abdominal segments. Females have 6, while males have 8.

Very beautiful mantis friend regardless. Glad you got to spend time with them. :eyes:

Mikey the Gengar

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
It "looks" female to me by the overall shape, but I could be wrong. Males also have ridiculously long antennae.

If you took any good pics of its abdomen, you could confirm its sex by counting its abdominal segments. Females have 6, while males have 8.

Very beautiful mantis friend regardless. Glad you got to spend time with them. :eyes:
I think you're right, I just read that the wing/abdomen ratio isn't always indicative until a mantis is fully grown so perhaps she's just an adolescent
because like you said the shape is more female
It does appear to be fully grown; subadults don't have full wings, just "wing-buds" in their later instars (which is probably why its a bad indicator for younger mantises) but adult wing size could probably vary a bit with genetics too. But yeah, it definitely has more of the bulk I would associate with a female mantis.
Talked some philosophy type stuff with my bestie. The conversation actually kind of started in a rather dark place but it turned into something rather spiritual and powerful. Got a lot of thoughts swirling as residue from that. It's oddly comforting and reassuring that some of the ideas I'm having for the story I'm writing are themes he thinks about routinely as well. Feels good to not feel alone.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
random pleasant memory of playing Dark Cloud for the first time and going through the first dungeon, then my mom randomly comes in to ask if I want to go to a buffet w/ her, reason its random is b/c she only ever makes stuff at home and we seldom ever go out to eat, but anyways we went, food was great, then I resumed playing Dark Cloud

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