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What is Your Mood at the Moment?

Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying
Tired but content. It's about 12 at night, but my life is going well. I'm also a tad frstrated at my camera for being all wonky because now I have to wait for the battery to recharge before I can get an actual avatar. Slightly prod, everyone says that I did amazing on the concert earlier and my avater pic looks grat-took about a day to evise ad outline after the initial draft was completed a few days ago. Hurting, becaue I've been istting on my chair in a weird position and now my butt hurts on the right.

Confused about my current love life, and having a lot of fun with the spoiler thing!
Wow, you're curious, eh?
Hmm...just how far will you go?
Hey, it's a good question!
Hello I am the ChuChu on the ZD Disqus thing was ME. I AM HIACHU. I just jumped on Monolith for a second to type all these spoilers! But the above is how she feels. Me? I'm hungry. Bt I only eat Hylians. Sorry, Monolith, I can't ingest you.


birb overlord
Sep 16, 2011
Bored and really sleepy. There's some stuff I wanna get done, but I'm too tired. Bleh.
Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying
"Confuesd (if that's a mood) because I saw a junior hanging out with a freshman.
Well, I go to a secondary school, and while I was waiting for my grandmother to come pick me up I was hanging with a junior. A sevvie hanging out wiht a junior. What's more, Two sevvies hanging with THREE juniors and a freshman. My school isreally a community of sorts, but since I don't have regular experience, it's kind of sad to me that most don't share this familiarity with fellow students.
sev-vie['seh-vee] n. , 1. (slang) A seventh grader attending Steller Secondary school,: The sevvies forgot which room Area Studies was in. 2(rude slang) (disamb.) A newbie, someone who doesn't understand how someting works,: Danae is such a sevvie in badminton.

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