bow of light,sand sword, and wirlwind from ST, the masks from MM and the best out of them all, has to be the master sword.and all other """master swords """ like it
I dont know its between either the hookshot or the bow and arrow. I like the bow because it is a fun item to use and I shoot bow myself for fun. While the hookshot ever since my first useage of it in OOT and how amazing it is in games such as LA, and ALTTP. I think i will have to choose the hookshot because I like how it is used and how it has progressed from the LA hookshot to the Tp Double Clawshot.
My personal favorite would have to be the Pegasus Boots from A Link to the Past. The beginning of the game is so slow and painful to get through when you don't have the boots. Once you get the boots the game experience gets much better.
I also liked The Spinner from Twilight Princess. Although it didn't have much use outside the dungeon, it was still a lot of fun and unique. And the boss battle that involved the item was cool too.
The Minish Cap had a lot of unique and fun items that hadn't been seen in Zelda games before, like the Gust Jar and Mole Mitts. It was a breath of fresh air for the series.
One of mine are the Pegasus boots from LttP.
You can cover ground so quick using them and they are useful for cracking walls instead of using bombs.
I wish it had been in more Zelda games.