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What is Link's race?

Jan 3, 2009
He's a Hylian. He just takes on so many roles (transform into deku zora and goron, dress like a fairy, get followed by a fairy, etc.) some of the NPCs assume what race he is. They're like Nazis without the racism.
Nov 26, 2008
As we are aware, Link has given signs to be a human being (unless he is another species, although by what we know, this seems rather unlikely). We know that Link is a Hylian, and being Hylian does not mean he is no longer human. Those who originated in Hyrule, are called Hylians - just as those from Egypt are called Egyptians (similar to darklink_01 stated prior) - and this does not remove human quality.
Then why aren't the people of Termina called Terminians, or the people of Labrynna, Labrynnians?

The people of those other lands are of the same species, heck, the same race, as Hylians, because they have the same physical traits.

The only "humans" that have different physical traits from Hylians are the Sheikah, Gerudo, and the Ordonians (they have round ears, not pointed like Hylians.)

Hylians: Pointy ears
Ordonians: Round ears.
Sheikah: White hair and red eyes.
Gerudo: Dark skin and red hair (plus pointy noses, but I believe that's just the style, not a physical trait)

I suppose all in all, they are all intended to be humans (except for the Gerudo, I still think they're not,) but it still seems odd to me, as there are many inconsistencies.


The Geekette
Nov 25, 2007
Then why aren't the people of Termina called Terminians, or the people of Labrynna, Labrynnians?

The people of those other lands are of the same species, heck, the same race, as Hylians, because they have the same physical traits.

The only "humans" that have different physical traits from Hylians are the Sheikah, Gerudo, and the Ordonians (they have round ears, not pointed like Hylians.)

Hylians: Pointy ears
Ordonians: Round ears.
Sheikah: White hair and red eyes.
Gerudo: Dark skin and red hair (plus pointy noses, but I believe that's just the style, not a physical trait)

I suppose all in all, they are all intended to be humans (except for the Gerudo, I still think they're not,) but it still seems odd to me, as there are many inconsistencies.

The best answer I can give you for your question, would be that not all people are given names by their location. For instance, Native American tribes. There were so many, with so many different groups - within these tribes, or groups, were numerous names given. This is what I connect it with, or more or less a group of people within a location, apart of a group (Sheikah).


Air Dancer
Jan 6, 2009
As we are aware, Link has given signs to be a human being (unless he is another species, although by what we know, this seems rather unlikely). We know that Link is a Hylian, and being Hylian does not mean he is no longer human. Those who originated in Hyrule, are called Hylians - just as those from Egypt are called Egyptians (similar to darklink_01 stated prior) - and this does not remove human quality.

This said what I was going to say! I mean. Is Link a elf? I dont think so because in TP it says Human! So he is a hylian but he is human ^^
Nov 26, 2008
The best answer I can give you for your question, would be that not all people are given names by their location. For instance, Native American tribes. There were so many, with so many different groups - within these tribes, or groups, were numerous names given. This is what I connect it with, or more or less a group of people within a location, apart of a group (Sheikah).
I suppose that's true.

After thinking on the subject for a while, I think I do remember someone using the word "human" in Majora's Mask as well.

So I suppose it is likely true that they're all human. Though there are a couple of aspects here and there that make them a lot more different from each other than normal human races are. Like the ear difference between Hylians and Ordonians, and the reproduction issues with the Gerudo...
Feb 2, 2009
I don't know how the rest of this thread is going, but i'll reply to the first post anyway.

In OoT, MM, TP, TWW and PH, Link is referred to as a Hylian. Hylians are a tribe of humans, with pointed ears.

In TP and TMC, Link is also called 'human' (actually, Link is called only human in TMC), which proves my point that hylians (as well, as the sheikah, the gerudo, the rito, the hyruleans from LttP etc) are just a tribe of humans.

In LttP, Link (as well as the rest of the people) are said to have dscended from the hylians, but are only called hyruleans (and humans too, if i'm not mistaken).

In the Valiant comics, it is said that the Link from LoZ/AoL comes from a land named Calatia, so he isn't hyrulean in those games, but calatian.

Nevertheless, Link is human in all the games...


that was an example, there are more gorons in the game who used the word human.
But please, a mistake? I really don 't think so.

Yeah you are right, that till now the term "human" has never beem used before.
But i don 't think thats a good reason to think its a mistake.

I don 't know why you people keep thinking that a "hylian" is a race.
i mean come on, Hylian --> Hylia --> Hyrule. its a basic concept.

Yes the Sheikah are from Hyrule so that makes them Hylian. The Sheikah is a Tribe.

The Gerudo is not from Hyrule so they are not Hylian. But i really doubt that the are 2 different races, just because hylians have pointy ears. So i guess the whole "pointy ear thing" is just a trademark that you are from hyrule"

Its like comparing people from America with people from China. they look different because of their roots, but still they are both humans.

No, the fact that the Sheikah are from Hyrule makes them Hyrulean, not Hylian, as Hylians are a race of people, they just happen to be humanoid. Just like Gorons and Zoras are humanoid. All of them have pointy ears, and as I've read magic infused blood. While the people from Ordon Village are Humans, round normal ears as we have, a slight point doesn't matter, their ears are at least twice as long as normal a human's.
Feb 2, 2009
No, the fact that the Sheikah are from Hyrule makes them Hyrulean, not Hylian, as Hylians are a race of people, they just happen to be humanoid. Just like Gorons and Zoras are humanoid. All of them have pointy ears, and as I've read magic infused blood. While the people from Ordon Village are Humans, round normal ears as we have, a slight point doesn't matter, their ears are at least twice as long as normal a human's.

TP clearly shows that hylians are human ;)
Feb 2, 2009
My gut keeps nagging me that its a translation error, or a mistake on the writer's part.

Well, I doubt it is a translation error, because they do use the word Hylian sometimes too.

And Aonuma was the main director, while Miyamoto was producer of the game. If they wanted Hylians not to be humans, they wouldn't let that pass...

Also, it's not that difficult to imagine the hylians as one race of humans. In the real world we have etchnic groups that are completely different (japanese to africans, for example). The hylians are not that different from other humans...

Mike Pothier

Lord Shaper
Apr 5, 2008
Southern California
Well, I doubt it is a translation error, because they do use the word Hylian sometimes too.

And Aonuma was the main director, while Miyamoto was producer of the game. If they wanted Hylians not to be humans, they wouldn't let that pass...

Also, it's not that difficult to imagine the hylians as one race of humans. In the real world we have etchnic groups that are completely different (japanese to africans, for example). The hylians are not that different from other humans...

Except being from another world with pointed ears and able to use magic, etc, etc. Its the first game I'm aware of that they actually use that word, and I found it jarring. It just doesn't mesh well with the rest of the Zelda world.
Feb 2, 2009
Except being from another world with pointed ears and able to use magic, etc, etc. Its the first game I'm aware of that they actually use that word, and I found it jarring. It just doesn't mesh well with the rest of the Zelda world.

But the thing is, in TMC, even though hyruleans have pointed ears, they are not called hylians at any point, just humans.

Also, lttP states that the hylians are extinct, but there are descendents (who are not hylians). This is mainly the reason why I believe them to be just a human tribe, pretty much like the ordonians and the wind tribe...

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