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What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

Aug 18, 2009
I may as well give Mass Effect a new try tomorrow. Yes, a new try, I hardly paid it any attention when it came out. The second part of this series is already out, and according to my brother, it's freaking good, so I'll listen to my brother and finish the first one so that I can carry over my character into the second one.
Jan 1, 2011
I finished playing Castlevania Portrait of Ruin on Hard mode just with level 1. Oh, my, god, it was super hard as heck! I hated it, but so worth a super challenge.
Finished Minish Cap 3 heart challenge... it was pretty easy.

Now, I'mma try and do a 3 heart challenge for Twilight Princess. Yippie. =.=''


Jul 26, 2010
I have a lot on the go right now. I just finished up Assassins Creed Brother Hood.

- Aol (God damned hard!)
- Okami (So fun!)
- Final Fantasy X-2 ( I'm stuck )
- Epic Mickey (Is alright)
- And I'm still messing around a bit with SSBB and Soul Caliber
- Just ordered Dark Cloud for Ps2 (YES)
- LA
- Fire Emblem Dawn of the Dragon (Everyone won't stop dying! Especially you Caeda)
- Messing around with some harvest moon
I'm quite busy right now Lol.
Feb 12, 2011
Florida, USA
I'm playing the OoT Master Quest for the first time even though I've owned the disc since it came free with my copy of Wind Waker. I've played through OoT several times in the past so I'm due....
Apr 5, 2008
Chula Vista, San Diego, CA
I'm replaying Morrowind for about the 5th time in the past year. This time I'm going to finish all three main storylines on the same file. No quitting!

As usual, I've been playing SoulSilver since launch. I've evolved all the Pokemon I've captured that can be evolved, and that includes most of the Safari Zone Exclusive, and most of the Hoenn and Sinnoh only Pokemon. (Just so you know, my Pokedex is at 476 seen, 441 own)

I recently bought Link's Awakening for the Game Boy at a video game pawn shop the other day. Works great and I love the game. I've already beaten the game on an emulator, but I find that playing the game for real is always a much more fufilling experience.


The Mask Salesman
Apr 18, 2010
Happy Mask Shop
I'm currently playing a bunch of games (I tend to get game ADD :lol:)

Xbox 360:
Madden NFL '11
NBA 2K11
Halo: Reach

Tony Hawk's UG 2
Twilight Princess (3 Heart Challenge)
tWW (2nd quest)
OoT MQ (Although I'm on a bit of a hiatus with it, as I'm extremely stuck to a ridiculous degree on the Fire Temple... I may need to consult a walkthrough, even though I didn't want to with MQ)

Anyway, as you can see I play way too many games at once...


Dec 3, 2008
Let me see. I'm currently crawling through Assassin's Creed Brotherhood at a terribly slow pace. Really need to play that some more. The only other console game that I have played in the past month or so would be Just Cause 2. That game is good to just pick up for 20 minutes when you want to do something fun.

Other then that I've mostly been playing games on the PC recently. I'm still enjoying Global Agenda and of course gratuitous amounts of Minecraft. Oh, and I almost forgot that I started playing Minish Cap recently. I think I'm just after the second temple(?).


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Yeah! I passed Sonic Colors and it is a serious step in the right direction. Sega has truly brought back Sonic the Hedgehog.

I have also been playing Saint's Row. I'm a little sad to say that I actually never passed it. So now I'm starting over and redoing it!


Oct 4, 2010
Well, I have some games that I have been playing:
- Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
- Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
- The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
- Metroid: Other M

I am mostly working on trying to get done with the windwaker as I am almost done. This thread makes me realize how much time Fire Emblem games take up to complete..... I have had Shadow Dragon since September....:lol:


Good luck with finding the Triforce Shards in Wind Waker xD.
It toke me 5 days to complete it, but that was mostly playing all day after school. Its one of my FAVORITE Zelda games.
Also, I never played any Fire Emblem games. How good are they?


Viceroy of Area 11
Dec 24, 2010
Oh yes, the Triforce Shards. I went to my friend's house a few days before Christmas as I was frantically trying to finish this game because I knew I was getting Twilight Princess for Christmas. The hardest part about the Shards is getting enough rupees to pay the slave master Tingle. *Shudder* If you have a guide or map of the Great Sea, just look for the Silver Rupees. Kill a lot of Giant Squids and unearth (I mean...un...sea???) a lot of treasure chests.

I'm also playing Donkey Kong Country (just downloaded it today! Great game!) and Mario Sports Mix.


Here is my list:
1.)Wind Waker
2.)Dead Space
3.)Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2
4.)Super Metroid
5.)Kirby's Epic Yarn

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