I've played CoD and have been hooked on it for a while. In Black Ops, my favorite gun is Commando, perks I generally use are
Sleight of Hand, Hardline/Lightweight, and Ninja. I'm 4th prestige. I know what prestiging feels like: the first time you do it you get all excited, second time is okay, third time is meh, and every time after that it's like "why do I even bother?". The thing is though, seeing your XP bar fill up drives you unknowingly to continue shooting another team up, ragequit, capture flags B and A on Hangar 18, and laugh at all the noobs you own. That's all of what CoD is. That doesn't mean the games aren't fun (I love the game's linear replayability actually), but it does mean that they can get boring really fast and seeing the trend in the games, they won't add any REAL incentive to continue prestiging (seriously, in BO you get gold camo at like Pres14, that totally isn't worth spending days on the game).