When I was but a lad, my parents walked into my room with this new magical device. They called it a Nintendo. I figured out later that it was really called a Nintendo 64. I was only about 6 years old, and they just gave it to me for no particular reason. I believe they received it from a friend, and really had no use for it, so they handed it down to me. And guess what was the first game I ever played on that system:
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Ah yes, those were some good times. Exploring the Kokiri Forest for the first time was magical, for it was the first time I ever controlled anything that ever happened on that little box in my room. Just finding 5 Rupees made me excited. And when I found the Kokiri Sword? Man, was that something. Everything back when I was a kid was so amazing, so new, and so wondrous, and it was probably the main reason I regard OoT as one of my favorite Zeldas. It wasn't just my first Zelda game. It was my first video game ever. Period.