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General Art Violet's Hall of Arts.

Violet Link

takumi was a mistake and so are the S supports
Feb 18, 2012
insert fictional world
Your drawings remind me a lot of myself. I often find myself just drawing random crap to entertain myself during class. I think I drew the guy next to me as an anime character one time. But yeah your drawings are all pretty good. It's cool to see the progression of your talent. It started off pretty simple, but as you posted more and more you can definitely tell an improvement in the overall quality. All I can say is to just experiment with different things until you find a style that you feel works for you and has your own personal touch to it. Don't feel the need to copy others and always try to see if you can innovate. It's much more fun to draw something that you created instead of just copying others works in my opinion. Sure you can borrow ideas, but make it you own.

Good luck and good job so far! I look forward to seeing how you progress in the future.
Hmm, like Original work? I think I can do that. ;) I'll express my ideas and everything first. Then let's sit back and watch what'll happen. ;D
So pretty... =O Sis you're awesome! Is that digital art? because it looks like an actual painting. Either way it's awesome. Just like the rest of your work! =D

It IS digital art. Brother, you feel surprised? Well, I bet you do. Thanks! :3

Alrighty. From a "kinda" recommendation from Mandy, here's a sunset.... or err, a sunrise. :sweat:

Like what Mandy said, I did go crazy with colors. I enjoyed on how I colored this and everything.. Though, the lighthouse looks weird to me, lol.

OMG Caesium, I love it!! <3 I must confess, when I was you age, and I was in an artsy mood but had no idea what to draw, I normally drew sunsets. Except I normally was at school and didn't have anything to color them with. xD Love, love, love~ <3

My biggest advice, is the light source issue. Since the sun is your source of light in this picture, the shadow on the lighthouse would be where the light can't get to--which should be in front of the lighthouse, not behind it. So, instead of making a drop shadow, you could simply darken the colors on the lighthouse to make it more of a silhouette. :> But, other than that, it looks really marvelous.

Another thing you could do, is add a little bit of ripples to the water, and stuff. I know, it's a really peaceful sunset, so the waves are obviously, like, sleeping, but the reflection of the sun could spread out a little bit. Also, the shape of the reflection, more or less, should be somewhat of a triangle, because it's like a two-point vanishing point--the points being either side of the sun. So, like, the further from the sun you get, the smaller the reflection. :>

I marked up a section of some free paint I did in sixth grade for you to see what I'm talking about. Visualization always hepls, am I right?

But, again, Caesium, this is absolutely fantastic. I love your colors and blending--especially on the sky. Thank you so much for drawing this. I really love it~ <3

Violet Link

takumi was a mistake and so are the S supports
Feb 18, 2012
insert fictional world
OMG Caesium, I love it!! <3

My biggest advice, is the light source issue. Since the sun is your source of light in this picture, the shadow on the lighthouse would be where the light can't get to--which should be in front of the lighthouse, not behind it. So, instead of making a drop shadow, you could simply darken the colors on the lighthouse to make it more of a silhouette. :> But, other than that, it looks really marvelous.

I must confess, when I was you age, and I was in an artsy mood but had no idea what to draw, I normally drew sunsets. Except I normally was at school and didn't have anything to color them with. xD Love, love, love~ <3

One thing you could do, is add a little bit of ripples to the water, and stuff. I know, it's a really peaceful sunset, so the waves are obviously, like, sleeping, but the reflection of the sun could spread out a little bit. Also, the shape of the reflection, more or less should be somewhat of a triangle, because it's like a two-point vanishing point--the points being either side of the sun. So, like, the further from the sun you get, the smaller the reflection. :>

I marked up a section of some free paint I did in sixth grade for you to see what I'm talking about. Visualization always hepls, am I right?

But, again, Caesium, this is absolutely fantastic. I love your colors and blending--especially on the sky. Thank you so much for drawing this. I really love it~ <3

Thanks for the advice! I had a drawing, something like this and the way you describe it is how my old drawing looks like. Well, it IS my first try. eheheh.
(edit below)
The light house looks really nice.. and I can see a little mistake, but I'm lazy to um, edit it. heh. :sweat:


What's Life Without Adult Humor?
Jan 13, 2012
Hmm... that's pretty good considering you're using a mouse.
I use Sai quite a lot myself, but I have a graphics tablet, and I swear to you, I do not know WHAT I would do without it :lol:
Feb 23, 2011
You're a great artist, but there's always room for improvement, and you appear to be improving nicely. You have years ahead of you, and with time, I am sure you'll become one of ZD's greatest artists.


Violet Link

takumi was a mistake and so are the S supports
Feb 18, 2012
insert fictional world

Lookie, I made a a drawing of Kirito!

It says this:
(not itended to be Kirito but I don't care c:)

And the little one:
omg you look so cute ily bby kirito :3

Originally, I wasn't drawing Kirito but the person I drew suddenly looks like him, so I decided to draw him instead. ;D


Happy Valentines Day!
Hello Violet, I'm sorry it took so long to reply to your thread, but to be honest I've been a bit stumped on what to say.

You've received a lot of conflicting advice that has me quite baffled to say the least. You were told not to worry about anatomy, because it's not styles are anatomically correct and said poster has apparently gotten along fine without it.... and then the same person told you that you were "just like her" and not meant to draw people? It's never crossed her mind that the reason she's bad at drawing people is because she hasn't bothered learning anatomy?

A lot of people have the misconception that artists are just "born" with talent. Artists that are good at what they do are so because they have learned techniques and disciplined themselves and drawn things over and over until certain rules are burned into their brain. Only after mastering the rules can you learn how to break them.


Lets take toon Link for example. I think everyone can agree he's one of the most stylized versions of Link. It might be tempting to overlook the importance of anatomy for a character like this because it's not so obvious in comparison to Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword Link. But guess what?


He has just as many rules to follow as the other links do. And that's just the anatomy part, you'd also need to know about perspective and line of motion to pull off a pose like this.

So while I'm sure the advice you were given was with the best of intentions, it was a bit misguided. Keep drawing and learning and you'll only get better from here! :nod:

I do think your pictures could be presented a bit nicer by cropping and lightening the images up. It's really easy and if you don't know how to do it or don't have the proper image program to do it, I've been planning on doing a small tutorial on how to fix that in a matter of seconds.

And if your in an art class, just a word of advice: Take what your teacher tells you to heart. Most of the things you learn in middle and high school art classes are exactly what they teach in a ART 101 class in college.

Violet Link

takumi was a mistake and so are the S supports
Feb 18, 2012
insert fictional world
Thanks for that really cool advice, Hachi :3.

Welp, I drew this a few minutes ago with my new drawing pens. It was just started with an eye but I had an idea for a face and thus, I created this!

*well heck yes i did this with my webcam. ._.*


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
View attachment 30444

Lookie, I made a a drawing of Kirito!

It says this:
(not itended to be Kirito but I don't care c:)

And the little one:
omg you look so cute ily bby kirito :3

Originally, I wasn't drawing Kirito but the person I drew suddenly looks like him, so I decided to draw him instead. ;D

This is a rather charming piece of work, keep it up. :yes:

Violet Link

takumi was a mistake and so are the S supports
Feb 18, 2012
insert fictional world
Here is a drawing of a sunset (again) using a few of sketch pencils I bought:

I tried experimenting the shades of the pencils and everything so that is the results.

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