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Triforce in Real World



In Wizards 101, it's on the floor of the life tower I believe.


Dec 16, 2009
I try to hide them in artwork and graphic desighns sometimes...
A bit like where's Waldo...
Nov 26, 2008
Well the Triforce in Zelda comes from the crest of a real Japanese clan, so you'd see it there. There was a thread on it a while back.

Other than that, I've seen it in Starcraft. On one of the main menus, there's a part that's designed to look like a space battle, and if you hover the pointer over it, displays (like on a computer console) will appear, and one of them contains a three-triangle symbol identical to the Triforce.

I've probably seen it one or two other places, but that's the only one I can remember.


Dec 16, 2009
There was this cartoon I saw long ago, with an obsessed king with red hair holding a gold triforce in the background for half a second, when the two characters where walking by while talking about corruption in te lands and stuff.

It was no Zelda cartoon whatsoever.
That Ganondorf in the background wasn't part of the story at all.
It was the only reference in the whole cartoon, but a cool one.


Crazy Cookie
Dec 6, 2009
Zee Internets
The most major one I've noticed is that the logo for Delta is the Triforce. The fighter from Galaga also looks rather Triforce-like.


Sage of Tales
All the time. It seems to me like almost every corporation with "Tri" in their name will use this. It is a strong, harmonious design (but terribly uncreative).

There's a trash/sanitation service in my area that uses a "Triforce" type logo. I've also seen a sign beside the highway for a real estate law firm (I guess they handle legal issues regarding real estate) - the logo was a Triforce with lettering on it, the initials of the company name.

The Triforce is not hard to find out in the real world and ... it usually has absolutely nothing to do with the Legend of Zelda.


Feb 24, 2010
For anyone who likes math :p. You can think of the triforce as an example of Sierpinski triangle. In simple, its a triangle based of a simple reduction algorithm.


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