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Breath of the Wild Time for voice acting

Do you want proper voice acting

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 12 33.3%

  • Total voters
Feb 9, 2016
Witcher 3 has great voice acting and writing, i just think everyone talks too much. That game has a serious problem or over exposition, gets to a point i just skip everything. Geralt should be a little more quiet at times, for my taste.

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
Definitely needs more voice over. I'd like Link to remain a silent protagonist though. Would be great if he uttered a few words though at random occasions, like if you roll into a wall, he'll say 'oww'. Like an easter egg type thing. It won't piss too many people off, it'll be non-canon, and just funny.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Definitely needs more voice over. I'd like Link to remain a silent protagonist though. Would be great if he uttered a few words though at random occasions, like if you roll into a wall, he'll say 'oww'. Like an easter egg type thing. It won't piss too many people off, it'll be non-canon, and just funny.
He speaks in Wind Waker already. He says 'come on' when calling statues over in the tower of the gods.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Their will be Japanese voice acting but the next question will be sub or dub. :bubsy:
May 7, 2015
As far as Link goes, I think "multiple choice" answers should be voiced as well. Maybe I'll be alone in that, but we hear his voice all the time. I see no issue with it.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
at this point,i don't see any good reason why there shouldn't be
though there is the worry of whether it will be any good,and considering the voice work on some nintendo games recently.i think there may be cause for concern
Sep 21, 2014
if Aonuma goes the HW route and actually puts in some movie-like cutscenes into Zelda U, then we're going to need proper voice acting.
Yeah, it's almost funny... I think it became much more jarring once the graphics got better. Playing something like, say, Ocarina of Time, it just felt right for someone like Malon to make a giggle sound along with her text box. The text was what she said, and the gleeful sound gave you the impression of how she said it. But in the cutscenes for Hyrule Warriors, to have these fully rendered, beautifully detailed characters just kinda flap their faces while monosyllabic sounds came out just felt very off, and tended to detract from what were otherwise very enjoyable cinematics.

Azure Sage

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Do I want voice acting? Yes. With the right voice actors, it can be very pleasing to hear. Not everyone would want it obviously so the option to turn it on and off would be nice. I'd settle for something like Rune Factory has, where not every line of dialogue has full voice acting, just some of them, and some standard, base lines are said when you initiate conversations.

So, do I want voice acting? Yes. But do I think Nintendo will ever put full voice acting in a Zelda game? Hell no. I don't think they're ever going to do that. The voiced narration in Hyrule Warriors is probably the closest we're ever going to come.
Feb 9, 2016
I think the problem with most Japanese games and voice acting is the character ages present in their games. Teenagers or young adults rarely sound interesting. When they don't speak English our brains automatically fill in the gaps in the less annoying way possible.
Mar 8, 2016
If they do the fully voiced scenes, I hope they find a neutral word to refer to Link, instead of leaving a blank where the player's name should be. That has got to be one of the most jarring things I've ever experienced in a game. "Yeah! I'm sure that ............. agrees with me. Right?"

Baten Kaitos, I'm looking at you.

Well, in TP, Midna have a sound for our name ;-) Fay too ^^


Jun 24, 2014
I personally do not want to see VA. Zelda has been a very good example to the world that games do NOT need VA to be fun, good, memorable and successful.

Take the $ they would need to put into full VA and focus it into game mechanics, story, dungeon designs and music.

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