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Three Houses Mafia Game Thread

Sep 6, 2017
alright I'm finally available to at least give a bit of content tonight.

I think I should start by saying that I was jailed last night by Naga. Although I have seen jailers in both alignments, I would rather not lynch them today.

Starting back on page 12 (haven't read up at all):
One of Rubik or Naga is mafia.

Honestly, Rubik may be scum here compared to Naga if only because his activity here (and general approach) is vastly different than on NGA where, while active though not hugely, he's usually more reserved and focused on his own survival. More so if he's self, less so if he's town though he, again, is reserved in his approach.

With respect to Naga here, I feel that being among this group a second time, in a more interactive way this time, isn't indicative of a scum behavior.

That being said, I'll make this simple.

Lynch Rubik. He deserves to die.

Vote: Rubik

This seems like a very aggressive tone that I feel is generally unnecessary? Like is it really necessary to say someone deserves to die? unless Rubik had some sort of a personal target towards you, then I don't really understand this reaction and find it a bit pingy. The vote is also somewhat weak IMO, there's less evidence and more meta for justification.
Sep 6, 2017
Nothing on page 13 beyond a really long-winded introductory post by KoD. Mindmelding a bit with Chev here makes me feel a bit better about them, but I think I'd still like to see more content today out of them.

Last EoD, there was a pretty quick bandwagon on Deku, with Minish and KJ then nearly tipping the balance in favor of KoD. Both of them also flipped town, but it's interesting that there was no real attempt to save KoD, which one might expect if he were scum.

I think this is a very interesting point, looking back at the other two who voted KoD and seeing that they are Rubik and Naga makes KoD's reaction make more sense. However I think his logic still falls a little flat since assuming KoD is actually town, it would make more sense for scum to be in the Minish and KJ votes rather than the Rubik/Naga votes in order to push to push him towards a lynch, which we know is not true? Does that make sense?

I think my knowledge regarding Naga's role is pushing me against KoD's argument a little bit, or at least pushing me towards Rubik at the moment.
Sep 6, 2017
This is the correct reaction to that bio IMO.

I was neighbors with Deku before he died and was a temporary neighbor with another player last night, which is my ability.

So now we know that between the four votes on KoD, there were two town, a neighbor-jumper, and a jailer.

I think this is a very interesting point, looking back at the other two who voted KoD and seeing that they are Rubik and Naga makes KoD's reaction make more sense. However I think his logic still falls a little flat since assuming KoD is actually town, it would make more sense for scum to be in the Minish and KJ votes rather than the Rubik/Naga votes in order to push to push him towards a lynch, which we know is not true? Does that make sense?

Thinking back to this and knowing at least something about each player on the KoD wagon I'm now more unsure about KoD being town. I think it's possible if KoD is scum that there was no effort to save him because perhaps there were already scum on the Deku wagon to the point where they didn't expect the wagon to build fast enough for lynch to be a possibility? Regardless I think there is likely one scum on the Deku wagon based solely on wagonomics.
Last edited:
Sep 6, 2017
There's been lots of talk re: Chevy; it could go either way for me. Part of their posts make me think they're at least trying to put in some effort. However I feel like some of them also read like they could be trying to pull the "i'm new idk what i'm doing" card.
Dec 13, 2019
Let's get to it.

Rubik's response to the attention he's gotten, wrt to his claim, rings out as honest. Especially since LG spoke up to confirm what Rubik had claimed. At this point, I am firmly dropping any sus I have towards Rubik and formally accepting him as confirmed town. Going forward I will treat every idea and word he has as utterly town orientated even if I may disagree with his assessment.


Because applying that pressure to Rubik has yielded responses worthy of dissecting for intent and reasoning. Rubik has gone out of his way to claim which alleviates any concerns I have regarding him, yet those latching on to the idea of Rubik being scum are now prime targets to sus out. In particular is Chevy with minor sus to be thrown at Ex for coaching him. After that, Caps, with their recent posts, has come onto my radar as potential scum for certain points mentioned by them:

I think my knowledge regarding Naga's role is pushing me against KoD's argument a little bit, or at least pushing me towards Rubik at the moment.


Mindmelding a bit with Chev here makes me feel a bit better about them, but I think I'd still like to see more content today out of them.

wrt to the first quote: Given my perspective of Rubik based on his progression thus far into the game, I get the distinct feeling Cap, here, is positioning a defense, as it were, of Rubik implicitly as opposed to directly. After all, should I be horribly wrong about Ruibk, how better to look if you were defending the person that got lynched by an aggressive person?

Side note regarding aggro: I'm sorry if you dislike aggression, but we're playing a game and we talk about lynching all the time. I'm sure the context isn't lost on you. I must admit, it is odd that you'd focus on something as minute as that as opposed to the game content.

wrt to the second quote: Mindmelding with Chevy over my aggression towards Rubik. I rarely find scum supporting each other directly in games most of the time (it's not impossible and does happen some times). I could see a connection to draw between Caps to Chevy though I am highly skeptical that both Ex and Caps would be scum partners with Chevy and directly connect with him on a topic this early.

For his part, Chevy's 180 over my aggro towards Rubik does stand out like an open wound. That behavior, in particular, has me leaning heavily towards Chevy as being scum. Earlier I mentioned Ex coaching Chevy, and Ex's post asking what Chevy meant about

Can you elaborate on what you mean by underestimating?

as a means of helping to alleviate any more suspicion that may come towards Chevy over his reaction towards me.

Vote: Chevywolf30

For now I shall park my vote there.

@ Caps:

Bold of you to assume that no one that didn't participate in either wagon wasn't scum. Pretty sure that includes you. Is this your way of trying to attack me despite the fact that I could have saved myself, but chose not to? I assume you're only giving a cursory thought assessment to the situation as you'd have a hard time explaining away a town me vs a scum me given that the vote randed (without my vote on Deku).
Sep 6, 2017
wrt to the first quote: Given my perspective of Rubik based on his progression thus far into the game, I get the distinct feeling Cap, here, is positioning a defense, as it were, of Rubik implicitly as opposed to directly. After all, should I be horribly wrong about Ruibk, how better to look if you were defending the person that got lynched by an aggressive person?

Can you explain how exactly I'm implicitly defending Rubik in that post? For the record, at that point, I hadn't read up to Rubik's claim.

Bold of you to assume that no one that didn't participate in either wagon wasn't scum. Pretty sure that includes you. Is this your way of trying to attack me despite the fact that I could have saved myself, but chose not to? I assume you're only giving a cursory thought assessment to the situation as you'd have a hard time explaining away a town me vs a scum me given that the vote randed (without my vote on Deku).

Are you trying to say here that I'm arguing the scum is entirely in the wagons, or are you trying to say that I'm arguing the scum is entirely out of the wagons? Or neither?

I didn't consider the fact that you could have saved yourself, I'll take responsibility for that hole in my own logic.
Dec 13, 2019

It's based on your wording. I took it to mean that in pushing against my argument, you weren't prone to agreeing (in any degree) to what I was saying. Thus, the comment about pushing you towards Rubik was taken to mean in support of him. From there you see Rubik's claim and go on to contemplate a scum!me.


Regarding Naga? Indifferent at this point in time. I'm more interested in assessing you and Chevy as I previously typed up an entire paragraph that hinged on something you had said, but have since progressed. So I'm waiting to see how you further develop.
Dec 13, 2019
Also, to answer that second question, I'm saying all of it. After all, in positing that maybe I am scum, you hit on that scum were probably already on the wagon and thus couldn't save me; however, you go on to assert that there is likely one scum on Deku's wagon and one not based solely on wagonomics (no details provided).

Nevermind that it is glaring that my vote was absent from Deku, and that I asserted I wouldn't be voting there no matter what. It's interesting that you'd sus me for surviving a rand vote as potential scum in the first place.

At best that makes you questionable to me.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
The way Fig was grilling me just seemed to be pretty pure townie. Just a good gut feeling I got from it, it seemed like he wanted to trust me.

Main reason for that is because:
1. You voted for me at the end of the previous day on the grounds of "I rather have people consistently talking throughout the day and not wait til the end because it was 'just memes'." Now that we are here in Day 2, I have been more active to not only keep you in check but to illustrate how despite you being "more active" in Day 1 in comparison to me, you didn't really much contribute to discussion. At best, you are effectively saying "oh ok, gotcha", which I personally wouldn't consider as contribution to actual discussion. In comparision to irl mafia, you have the option to go back to any previous post if you have concerns or questions regarding a player's logic. You just choose not to.
2. Through the discussion we've had for Day 2, you have at various points like to say things trying to persuade others to believe you are town. That statement of:
I can tell we're both town here, so let's find some scum maybe.
put more suspicion on you whether you had good intentions or potentially trying to persuade me to be on your side should anything happen. As far as I'm aware, you haven't done anything to guarantee yourself you are town in my eyes so to claim you that just so happen to know that you and I are confirmed town is not only a bad play but also a tactic to reduce suspicion and blend in back with the crowd after being exposed with flawed or at the very least, incomplete logic. The only people I can trust is myself and the dead players.


Staff member
Nevermind that it is glaring that my vote was absent from Deku, and that I asserted I wouldn't be voting there no matter what. It's interesting that you'd sus me for surviving a rand vote as potential scum in the first place.
I hadn't actually noticed this, but it's really interesting
did you have a good reason for not voting Deku to save yourself or?


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
There's been lots of talk re: Chevy; it could go either way for me. Part of their posts make me think they're at least trying to put in some effort. However I feel like some of them also read like they could be trying to pull the "i'm new idk what i'm doing" card.
I'm trying not to do that anymore this is my 7th game on here, 9th overall if you factor in my Bulbagarden ones. I should be better than that.
For his part, Chevy's 180 over my aggro towards Rubik does stand out like an open wound. That behavior, in particular, has me leaning heavily towards Chevy as being scum
I guess I went too aggressive on you for that at first. I iso'ed Rubik over that and agreed with you because of that.
. You voted for me at the end of the previous day on the grounds of "I rather have people consistently talking throughout the day and not wait til the end because it was 'just memes'." Now that we are here in Day 2, I have been more active to not only keep you in check but to illustrate how despite you being "more active" in Day 1 in comparison to me, you didn't really much contribute to discussion. At best, you are effectively saying "oh ok, gotcha", which I personally wouldn't consider as contribution to actual discussion.
I'm trying here, ok? Are you saying my "ok, gotcha"s are what I was doing today or yesterday? Because I've spent most of this phase trying to cover my own butt.
In comparision to irl mafia, you have the option to go back to any previous post if you have concerns or questions regarding a player's logic. You just choose not to.
What the hell gives you this impression? I do do this.

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