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Things That Are on Your Mind


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
OK, I really need to vent because reading The Fault in Our Stars is emotionally exhausting. I'll put my feels in spoiler tags just in case someone's reading it/planning to read it.

If a story about love struck teenagers wasn't emotional enough, they all have cancer (basically). Hazel, the main character, has some type of Thyroid cancer, and it causes her lungs to fill up with fluid. At one point she recounts the time where she's brought into the ICU, and her mom is crying into her dad's chest saying "'I'm never going to be a mother again'". This really, really hit me hard. Like, I'm crying just typing this. Hazel is an only child, so if her mother loses her, that's it. She'll most likely never have another kid again. Children with siblings, if you or your brother/sister die, your parents will feel remorse, but they'll still be parents. If kids who are only children die, their parents become the parents of a dead child, and they go back to being just ordinary people. It just hurts so much to think what would happen if my parents lost me. I'm nobody special, and I consider myself unextraordinary just like Hazel does, but I know for a fact that my parents will never have another child again, and that just kills me. I'm sorry, I needed to vent and take a break from the book before I have a breakdown.

That is very hard to read indeed. But even people with only one child won't turn back in ordinary people if they ever -God prevends it hopefully- lose their child because they always will have the experience of being a parent and that will never be taken from them. I agree with you fully. It is very sad and hard and no parent should bury their children. That just doesn't feel right at all
Jan 1, 2011
okay so, yesterday I tried hanging out with my friends. I'm not really much of a social person because every time I try to be apart of the crowd with my friends, but I keep getting pushed away so I go ahead and do my thing, and sometimes what I do isn't always "acceptable" around here. So, to break the ice, I figured we could play volleyball or basketball because it would get us involved. SO while we were playing, I accidentally hit one of my friends in the nose and it caused her to get a nose bleed (and probably a black eye about now). Since it wasn't "acceptable" to the others, they told me I'm not allowed to hang out with them anymore since I can't control myself. I have no idea how bull ****** that is but at this point I don't care anymore, I'm glad I don't have to see them anymore, but it kinda hurts because I have no other reason to go out other than going to work or go shopping for food.

im losing more friends everyday and it does hurt a bit. maybe i should just stop trying all together...


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
This arrived in the mail today:

It came with 7 postcards and has the first 7 episodes in English and Japanese both with or without subs :)

Hope you enjoy Sword Art Online Jimmy! You should let us know what are you thoughts about it when you finish!

As for me, I personally believe that this week has probably have been one of my favorite weeks in terms of what effort and commitment I have done throughout the week. First things first, I just felt so much closer to God than ever before. Maybe it was because the message for the week seemed like it primarily meant for me, but whatever the case I'm thankful for that. I think the thing that made me happy the most about this week was simply because I was able to spend time with you guys and I truly feel closer to you guys, even if you don't personally see it. :sweat: I just want to say thank you to every single one of you guys because you all give me a reason to smile whenever I'm done. So I humbly thank all of you for putting a positive impact in my life! ^^


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Still excited that Lucario is confirmed for Smash 4! :3 Just look at him in his amazing glory! ^^

So graceful


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
Damn Canadians! How the absolute hell do you get to view Castle episodes waaay before Monday when you don't even EXIST?!??!?

Seriously, I can't use tumblr because the majority of the people I'm following don't tag spoilers. So unless I can catch it online, I can't use tumblr till Monday, which completely sucks.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Well if anything, I was about survive my mental breakdown earlier today. In fact, I was able to get out of it a lot quicker than I normally do. Perhaps this counseling is truly a great thing that I'm participating in. :3
Jan 1, 2014
Alberta, Canada
Today started off pretty badly, but between talking with friends, gaming, and the Four Swords Anniversary Edition re-release, I'm feeling pretty good now.

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