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Things That Are on Your Mind

Azure Sage

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Spring break has begun as of today and I'm relieved, but also bummed cuz I'm gonna be doing a lot of important stuff. Kinda tempted to just put it off and chill, but this is my best opportunity to do it. I'm planning on taking an online course to get licensed as an RBT since that will help me in my hunt for a full-time job, and it's a 40 hour course so I likely won't have any other real time to get it done except on this break. Plus I have other work responsibilities that can't wait, as much as I'd like them to. No rest for the weary.

To top it off I'm gonna be cooking all day tomorrow in preparation for Easter. I'm making bracioles and cookies to bring. So I'll be busy tomorrow and also today since I have to buy the stuff to make them. And then of course I'll be busy on Easter Sunday, and then I've gotta spend the week after doing the work stuff. It won't really feel like I'm off and that's bumming me out. Man.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Spring break has begun as of today and I'm relieved, but also bummed cuz I'm gonna be doing a lot of important stuff. Kinda tempted to just put it off and chill, but this is my best opportunity to do it. I'm planning on taking an online course to get licensed as an RBT since that will help me in my hunt for a full-time job, and it's a 40 hour course so I likely won't have any other real time to get it done except on this break. Plus I have other work responsibilities that can't wait, as much as I'd like them to. No rest for the weary.

To top it off I'm gonna be cooking all day tomorrow in preparation for Easter. I'm making bracioles and cookies to bring. So I'll be busy tomorrow and also today since I have to buy the stuff to make them. And then of course I'll be busy on Easter Sunday, and then I've gotta spend the week after doing the work stuff. It won't really feel like I'm off and that's bumming me out. Man.
Whats rbt?! Hope you findsome to to chill...

Azure Sage

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Whats rbt?! Hope you findsome to to chill...
It stands for registered behavior technician. Its like a paraprofessional with a very high focus on behavior analysis and support. I got my bachelors in behavioral science and have been trying to get a full-time job as a spec ed para, so this will help me get my foot in the door.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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Idk if it's an adjustment thing I just have to stick out or what, but when I look at things up close while wearing my glasses my eyes shift in and out of focus, it seems like they are out of focus most of the time unless I look at one thing and don't change what I look at, but as soon as I move my eyes they go out of focus. When I take them off I can see up close completely fine though.

Edit: Omg they didn't inform me that glasses will only help with one aspect of eyesight. I'm nearsighted, but fsr I was thinking wearing the glasses to look at things up close wouldn't mess up the clarity.
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Idk if it's an adjustment thing I just have to stick out or what, but when I look at things up close while wearing my glasses my eyes shift in and out of focus, it seems like they are out of focus most of the time unless I look at one thing and don't change what I look at, but as soon as I move my eyes they go out of focus. When I take them off I can see up close completely fine though.
I wanna think this means your prescription is a little too strong? When you get your eyes tested with all the different prescriptions on that cool af apparatus, you can like see and feel your eyes adjusting and refocusing to accomodate prescriptions for awhile and when they start getting really strong for your eyes' needs, it sometimes is a drawn out moment before your eyes can focus through that. Until they cant anymore and thats when they get blurry. But if its only an up close thing, maybe you should ask your doctor about it; maybe it means you need bifocals with weaker prescription for up close idk

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I want to update. I started to get nausuated because I ate like 20 minutes before I decided to adjust to the glasses (not a good idea, but I was excited) so I had to take the glasses off and lay down, but before I did that I was starting to notice my eyes focusing normally while reading. My stomach settled and I got up and put them on again and I can confirm I can read up close fine with them. It seems like all I need is to get adjusted to wearing them, my eyes got used to not shifting to focus like this I guess.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
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Feb 15, 2021
I've been feeling pretty terrible the past few days because, like everyone else here it seems, I've been attacked by allergies. Did not intend to spend that last few days of spring break huddled on the couch with a box of tissues, but oh well. I'm mostly worried for tomorrow. My church is having an Easter sunrise service along with the regular morning service. That means the choir has to sing twice as many songs plus a special we've been working on. And seeing as there's only 3 other people on the choir, they're gonna murder me if my voice is shot bc of allergies. Hoping it gets better quickly.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I saw an ad weeks ago for Ghibli Fest, throughout this year they are re-releasing Studio Ghibli films in select theaters. I would love to see the films on a large screen, so last month I searched the list of participating theaters and none of the ones near me are taking part. It's been a month and I'm still pretty bummed about it.

AMC bought out the biggest theater chain in this area a few years ago, being a nationwide business, I'm pretty shocked that they aren't participating. I remember before it was AMC the theater that used to be there always took part in re-releases of films.

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