Some people aren't ok with the idea of homosexuality and have a more fixed view on gender and sexual identity, and that's perfectly ok. Likewise, Nintendo should never ever be forced to add anything akin to this to any game, unless in the form of like a game that revolves around the player creating their own world and characters.
However, the point of adding things like that to games is to help people who may be in that minority to feel more accepted. There's nothing wrong with that, and everyone should be accepted, baring those who physically hurt or abuse others. Of course, no major character or characters or any long standing facet should ever be changed specifically to accommodate these types of inclusions, rather we should strive to expand gaming with more diverse characters and worlds to accompany the existing ones, as opposed to changing gaming.
We need more characters like Vivian from TTYD, not stuff like, "lol Links a girl now and has the hots for Zelda."