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The Zelda Races Game 2


Jun 19, 2010
the guy 2 is a troll who posted a thread about drinking pee on SS forums!he also made a thread asking what the triforce is,and when someone explained it he yelled"There is no goddess or triforce stupid" or something like that.he is a troll and a spammer,and deserves to be kicked off this site,cause all hes here for is to make fun of zelda.Anyways,im a Twili too Twili princess,so welcome.
Apr 16, 2010
Big Mac, you really shouldn't have your alliance with the cheating Sheikah anymore. Also, you should kick out OW for cheating.


Composer of Hyrule
Jun 30, 2010
Making Music Bruh
You guys just stop ganging up on Ooccoo Watcher!!!:mad: I will defend him and smite anyone who goes against him! He isn't a problem! Plus everyone (that means all races) if you are bored with this game because there is not enough people, my siblings and neighbors are about to join and every race will have about 4 people when they're done picking! All of this will happen by the end of summer, so don't worry if you don't have a lot of people!

BIg Mac

CB chill out this is a me, OW, SW and HoT... But no I wont kick him out because he has the gerudo fighting spirit... And as for SW she's saved my butt way too many times to count so I dont plan on turning my back on her...

@lex MM

The Lurker
Apr 29, 2010
Behind you...
I think that the alliance between Sheikah and Gerudo it's strong, but you're cheating, guys. Big Mac doesn't cheat so much, but SW does.

BIg Mac

Y dos it concern you composer brother? And btw I dont recall OW cheating

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