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Game Thread The Legend of Zelda: Blossoms of Shadow

Prince Sidon

Twilight General
ZD Champion
Apr 5, 2024
The Twilight Realm
Zeruda on her ship was awaken and the Deku Knight said,
“We are headed into port.”

She got up and checked her hair in a mirror. She wondered what had become of Daku, Ditir, and Rinku, who she had not seen. The very thought of reuniting with The Hero of Time had made her uneasy, and she was relieved to be spared his rejection. Then there was Daku, the man she loved, and who when things escalated wanted to sail off and not face the threat looming. In was in that moment a distinction had formed between man she hsd loved, Rinku and Daku. The Hero would never have shirked from the obligation. Well at least that had been how he was in the past, since learning of her family’s skeletons in the Shadow Temple, he had changed. The Princess was beginning to face the reality that neither Daku or Rinku was the hero she needed in this hour. And it mace her feel confused, conflicted, and concerned. Hyrule was being harrowed by cosmic forces, there had been The Shogun, Zant, and now the whispers of a Nameless Evil. One that had plagued Hyrule n eons past. She began to wondered if peace was a dream, and that she was destined to watch her people suffer and suffer..

Coming up to deck she saw the horizon and the land of her fathers. She shed a single tear. It seemed a life time since she was last on Hylian Realm and when the ramp went down the shadowy figure from the night before helped her down.

“You still have no told me who you are.” Said The Princess.

The Great Towering Being scoffed,
“You already know my name..”

Zeruda eyed him,
“I do not..”

He paused in his stride as she did,
“I shall introduce myself when we reach your castle..”

A carriage was brought with white blossoms affixed to it. She stepped inside as he got up and whipped the reins.

The rolled over the green countryside, she saw kids at play as if no calamity awaited. They camw to Kokokiri where the town was busy with market day, and then to the castle where guards came ans The Sage of Light approached. Zeruda stepped out and gave The Friar a hug.
“My dear Zeruda! Thank the Godesses you are alright! We have had renja (rangera) hunting for you all over!”

Zeruda smiled, The Titan Wraith stepped down making the entire carriage shake. The Sage looked at the Man, “who is he?”

Zeruda turned,
“My guest.. Sir.. please join us in the Throne Room.”

They entered and there Zeruda walked a pink carpet laid put especially for her, The Sage standing by. The Titan taking his green fingers and removed his hood to reveal a matching emerald nose, short spiked hair, and medallion on his forehead that shinmered.

Zeruda turned and steppes back with her hand over her mouth,
*Ditir woke up he did not know when the Dark nut ship arrived to the mainland but he needed to find Zeruda so he headed to the looming castle*
Ditir heard Zelda then saw, "Ganon, so now there will be Demise, and Ganon, how is he back?"
Ditir silently calculated, Daku has the Triforce so Ganon should be dead.
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Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Daky and Nabooru stepped off the ramp to a port with sqaure shaped roofs and Gerudo Guards. Daku’s presence as a man caused a stir, alas Nabooru holding his hand helped put their prejudices quickly to rest.

“Welcome to Dincre, our people have at last expanded to the sea in the wake of Shogun Wars.”

Daku looked over the hustle and bustle of Gerudo Women, he had forgotten men were rare.

“Impressive.. what is your aim beyond this?”

Nabooru turned and smiled,
“We shall respect the borders of Hyrule, but a new port will assist in trade and help us turn the desert into a paradise.”

Daku smirked, like Zeruda she thought of her people. He had no people, and so it was foreign and concept to him.

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Yuri fought Waru with her brother Yante, her disc blade ahe locked up with his sword and breaking off ahe did somersault and then sliced at his mask, and neck causing purple like flamed to rise out. She stood there as he laughed in ghastly way.

She gasped,
“You are a Poe!”

Waru chuckled and said,
“Cleaver girl’ (Muldoon, Jurassic Park).. this is not the end.. I shall return!”

He disappeared as a apirit of amethyst flame into air, the Yiga Mask and robed lying there. Turning to her brother she said,
“Ashley will know how to banish such a phantom for good.. I can learn from her and get some much needed rest.” @Prince Sidon

Yuri made her way into the Lost Woods, following from memory the path till she came to Ashley’s home. She approached and knocked in the door with her wrapped knuckle.
@Ashley the Witch

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Yuri smiled,
“Well you taught me well how to navigate the woods. How are you my friend?”

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Yuri nodded,
“Another enemy.. a Poe Yiga. He’s gone for now, but I know that when he does return it will require powers I do not possess to destroy him.”

Yuri began to feel the weariness of all that had happened and almost teetered over. She had been through a whirlwind with the being trapped in a painting and facing Phantom Ganon and Waru.

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
I see. Well, your going to need my help if you want to catch those suckers, literally. Come with me upstairs.

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
I see. Well, your going to need my help if you want to catch those suckers, literally. Come with me upstairs.
Yuri walked inside and was rather surprised she was getting to go to the off limits area of the house. She follow Ashley up the stairs which creaked.

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
*The upstairs stank worst than the downstairs, if that was even possible. Though, they went up another flight of stairs to the attic. Afterwards, Ashley rummages through a chest grabbing a Flashlight, her grand-uncle's Poltergust 3000, and GameBoy Horror. Flicking things on and off to make sure they still work.*
(Yes, Ashley is related to Luigi.)

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
*The upstairs stank worst than the downstairs, if that was even possible. Though, they went up another flight of stairs to the attic. Afterwards, Ashley rummages through a chest grabbing a Flashlight, her grand-uncle's Poltergust 3000, and GameBoy Horror. Flicking things on and off to make sure they still work.*
(Yes, Ashley is related to Luigi.)
Yuri was in the attic and saw all manner of strange things, a crystal candler that seemed to have yellow eyes, a mirror that rippled, and then Ashley pulled out something even more peculiar.
“What is that?”

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Yuri looked at switch and flipped it the hose end then began to suck in things, pieces of chandelier crystals flew into it and stirring in there was a Poe that made a “wahahaha”

Yuri shouted over the loud noise of the Poltergeist,
“What do I do Ash?!”

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