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The Hero's Shade.


Like a river's flow, it never ends...
Jun 2, 2009
I believe that the Hero's Shade is in fact the OoT Link. And it's not the Adult Link from OoT who I believe the HS is, I belive that he could be the Child Link.

The reason being is from a quote that the HS says.

  1. "You have at last mastered all of the hidden skills. Although I accepted life as the hero, I could not convey the lessons of that life to those who came after. At last, I have eased those regrets. You who have marched through countless foes, each mightier then the last... You who now gaze to the future with vision unclouded... Surely you can restore Hyrule to its stature of yore as the chosen land of the gods. ...Farwell!"

The words written in white, in my opinion, tell that he could be the child Link, which would fit in with the knowledge that TP is from the child timeline. My reason being is that he states that he was a hero, but he couldn't tell anyone about it because no one would believe him because they didn't know that those events of him as the Hero of Time had occurred. The only ones who did know were Zelda and the Sages, but he couldn't tell them about what he had learned (for ex: the sword techniques that he taught TP Link).

Although I may be wrong in my thoughts about the HS being the Child Link from OoT, this is just how they are on the matter. :)
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Jun 6, 2009
Well I have already addressed why I don't necessarily interpret that line that way. But in the end it all comes down to interpretation. In any case I agree with you one one thing. If HS is OoT Link he is 'CT' link not 'AT'. Technically I am not sure there would even be an 'AT' Link...


The Hero's Spirit

I was playing TP and started thinking about the hero's spirit. He said that he failed his duties as a hero, and later on he says that he wanted to be the hero, but he wasn't chosen to be the hero. So, I think that he is a bridge between the timelines. In the afterlife, he was able to see what else happened to Hyrule after it was flooded because maybe, just maybe, a hero did rise to fight Ganon, but he failed because he was not chosen by the gods and godesses. So, he was killed by Ganon, but he still wanted to make a difference, so when he got to see what else happened to hyrule in the other timeline, he saw Ganondorf and Zant trying to take over Hyrule, so used what power he had left to create a portal, and help Link, so that he would've helped another hero, and not have utterly failed as a hero.​

So what does everyone else think about my theory?​


I think that is a very solid theory, and makes alot of sense, except for one thing, why doesn't the hero's spirit tell Link about the other timeline
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Jun 16, 2008
New York, US
Interesting theory. I don't remember that specific quote of the Hero's Spirit, but it certainly would help figure out just who he is. I'm not sure about him being from the Adult Timeline and somehow jumping over. There really isn't much evidence to support that. Even though it would be cool, I think it's more likely that he's from earlier on in the Child Timeline.

I think that is a very solid theory, and makes alot of sense, except for one thing, why doesn't the hero's spirit tell Link about the other timeline

Well, like I said, it's more likely he's not from the other timeline. But if he was, what would be the point of telling that to Link? It would just confuse him and make him less likely to believe the Spirit.


Sep 15, 2008
It is an interesting theory, it's true, but, it lacks proof and solid evindence, thus, having to be disregarded.
It makes more sense that it is OoT/MM Link than a random hero.
Also, notice that it is left handed as well


Aug 25, 2008
Interesting theory. I don't remember that specific quote of the Hero's Spirit, but it certainly would help figure out just who he is. I'm not sure about him being from the Adult Timeline and somehow jumping over. There really isn't much evidence to support that. Even though it would be cool, I think it's more likely that he's from earlier on in the Child Timeline.

It's not exactly that far fetched as he IS dead, and just as any spirit he exists outside of time, and therefore could travel back and forth. I do agree, though, I don't remember those quotes at all.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
I think it is a well made theory however I believe the Hero's Spirit is TP Links father (OOT Link) who has come back to teach his son his lessons. (He could be a distant anscestor perhaps if you think about.)

I'm not saying your theory is bad but the problem is that it lacks enough backing to make it more than fan fiction. You should look more into this matter and then dig up as many links (no pun intended) as you can before continuing this theory.
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Like a river's flow, it never ends...
Jun 2, 2009
I think that's a pretty good theory, but it would need some evidence to support it. Otherwise it would sound like what Charge said, a fanfiction story.
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Apr 19, 2009
I think it is a well made theory however I believe the Hero's Spirit is TP Links father (OOT Link) who has come back to teach his son his lessons.

I think that makes REALLY good sense. If he is OoT Link, then technically he did fail, because Ganondorf was never killed, he survived, he therefore failed in his duty to destroy Ganondorf. However, OoT Link does not know moves such as the great spin, at least, not that we know of. One problem I have with the hero's shadow being a Link, is that he looks very very evil, and what's with the armour? Link doesn't wear anything like that normally. I think if they had wanted to make the Hero's shadow a Link they would have made it more obvious and given him a green tunic, or at least something that would allow the fans to make the connection.


Former Hylian Knight
Jun 8, 2009
i don't like the idea that he could be OOT link, im not saying he isen't but it just seems "wrong" ya know. there is the possibility that he is OOT link but it just doesn't fit right...
for starters he doesn't look anything like link even if he had gotten bigger, stronger and learned a few new tricks, link doesn't wear plate armor as far as i know. and a golden wolf??? how the heck does OOT link get that ability? makes no sense.
but in retrospect it is a fact that he belongs to the OOT links bloodline, this statement is made in TP by the hero's spirit himself. I played through tp twice and the second time i made a point to carefully read everything the hero's spirit said. as far as i know he is a decendant of OOT link but was killed during his adventures. That regret kept his spirit alive so that he could pass on the teachings of the blade to a new hero.
however OOT link is not heard from again so it is safe to assume that he is OOT link given that tp takes place a few generations (some hundred years could mean more than 100 exactly) after OOT.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
I think that makes REALLY good sense. If he is OoT Link, then technically he did fail, because Ganondorf was never killed, he survived, he therefore failed in his duty to destroy Ganondorf. However, OoT Link does not know moves such as the great spin, at least, not that we know of. One problem I have with the hero's shadow being a Link, is that he looks very very evil, and what's with the armour? Link doesn't wear anything like that normally. I think if they had wanted to make the Hero's shadow a Link they would have made it more obvious and given him a green tunic, or at least something that would allow the fans to make the connection.

Well TP Link has inherited the garb of heroes long past and the Hero say that he accepted the role as the hero long ago. This supports the fact that he could be OOT Link. The fact he is his father is supported by these words "my child." Now, that could just be a master talking to his student but there is more.
The Hero's Spirit said that the skills he taught Link were forgotten ways that "do not leave our bloodline." He did not say "my", he said "our." If he is referring to the line of heroes, then that would mean that TP Link is a part of that line.

Another thing is to look at his sword.

The hilt is different, but if you look at the blade you'll see it has a striking resemblance to the Master Sword. He also has it in his left hand (GC version.)

That's some things I can think of. I can't explain the armor though.


Like a river's flow, it never ends...
Jun 2, 2009
Well TP Link has inherited the garb of heroes long past and the Hero say that he accepted the role as the hero long ago. This supports the fact that he could be OOT Link. The fact he is his father is supported by these words "my child." Now, that could just be a master talking to his student but there is more.
The Hero's Spirit said that the skills he taught Link were forgotten ways that "do not leave our bloodline." He did not say "my", he said "our." If he is referring to the line of heroes, then that would mean that TP Link is a part of that line.

Another thing is to look at his sword.

The hilt is different, but if you look at the blade you'll see it has a striking resemblance to the Master Sword. He also has it in his left hand (GC version.)

That's some things I can think of. I can't explain the armor though.

Hmm...I agree with the idea of the Hero's Spirit being OoT Link, but I'm not sure about the idea of him being his father. He could related to TP Link somehow, but him being his father, I'm not so sure about.

The reason why I agree with the idea of the Hero's Spirit being OoT Link can be found here at another thread that's pretty much talks about the same thing.


Aug 25, 2008
That's some things I can think of. I can't explain the armor though.

I can, not so much with in-game evidence, but it was traditional in medieval times that important people, such as the hero. They would be buried with fine armor, to symbolize their importance, so that is very likely.


Sep 20, 2008
thats a very interesting thoery, but again, you'll need evidence to back it up.
though it is something to enquire about though. as Steven said:

I can, not so much with in-game evidence, but it was traditional in medieval times that important people, such as the hero. They would be buried with fine armor, to symbolize their importance, so that is very likely.

so it could possibly be Link from another time period.

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