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Game Thread The Clone Saga: A Spider-Man Mafia 3

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Jun 15, 2020
He even has a point. Y'all are all being manipulated by Rag. Also, it'd be hilarious if Fred has the remote and it has aself destruck button on it that causes the glider itself to go "BOOM" killing whoever has it.
That's a brilliant idea. I'll put that in the next one. lol


Jan 19, 2018
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Never say we didn't give you a chance, you didn't seem to want to be in your alignment anyway *shrug*.

Don't know what you're on about, nor do i have any idea what the gamestate actually looks like, since unlike apparently every other player i've still never had any out-of-game communications, with the exception of being granted a vision of you and doc confessing your mutual love for KoD before he met his untimely end.

The mafia win condition, as far as i know, is to eliminate every town and spider aligned player. Given that this is true, there is currently very little as far as i can tell which can stop mafia from winning, and given what you've claimed about the goblin alignment (not that i believe it), there should also be little to stop goblins from winning.
Jun 25, 2020
Don't know what you're on about, nor do i have any idea what the gamestate actually looks like, since unlike apparently every other player i've still never had any out-of-game communications, with the exception of being granted a vision of you and doc confessing your mutual love for KoD before he met his untimely end.

The mafia win condition, as far as i know, is to eliminate every town and spider aligned player. Given that this is true, there is currently very little as far as i can tell which can stop mafia from winning, and given what you've claimed about the goblin alignment (not that i believe it), there should also be little to stop goblins from winning.

Tbf Rag, you're probably like the only person that doesn't really know the gamestate, and that was the opportunity we were offering you, unique to you despite your claims to the opposite.

Mafia has gained more members than we have throughout the course of this game.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
so want to throw me a bone and tell me why you're killing rubik and why you've left silver alone?


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Wrong again Rubik. Probably Mafs doing.
Are you trying to gaslight me?

It's not going to work. :V

@Ragnarokio - my best guess is that Fred is performing night kills, sms is performing night kills and weakening, cl is roleblocking, and PK is culting on most given nights, unless I'm missing something.

Maybe it's killjoy doing the weakening and not just a bonus of sms's likely kill.

Most of these negative abilities seem to be targeted at me on any given night.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
Are you trying to gaslight me?

It's not going to work. :V

@Ragnarokio - my best guess is that Fred is performing night kills, sms is performing night kills and weakening, cl is roleblocking, and PK is culting on most given nights, unless I'm missing something.

Maybe it's killjoy doing the weakening and not just a bonus of sms's likely kill.

Most of these negative abilities seem to be targeted at me on any given night.
I don't have anything that useful. I swear. It could be Silver doing that to ya.
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