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The "3 Day Rule" For Texting A Girl

Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying

Well, I don't personally own a working phone, so I can't be clear on this. When a guy last gave me his number, I was hard-pressed to explain that I couldn't text him. I mean, come on.

Like others have said before me, 3 days is way too long. Another suggestion: If you need girl advice, ask either the girl or her friends, in a furtive way if necessary. With my buddies, it really is a different pot of lobsters, because we're so different. Even I, possibly among the most normal of my cohorts, wouldn't react the same as most. So just be careful. Know the girl before you get personal. I made that mistake, and now I'm unhappy.
But that's... a whole different pot of lobster.


The Quiet Man
First off: If I was a girl and a guy waited that long, I'd either assume he's just not interested in talking until then or know that he's trying to pick me up, in which case I'd probably think "eh, thanks but no" in most cases. I don't really like the idea of using, ahem, "rules" for talking to people, but that could be because I'm not really the kind of guy to approach girls looking for what those people do. To be honest, I may possibly get the passing thought (lol, who doesn't), but the cynicism I've gotten from the last few years of growing up (and trying) has made me think it's a little silly to get close expecting that most of the time.

And by the way, it'd probably help to know this is coming from someone who isn't, has never been a lady's man and doesn't really plan to be.
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didn't build that
There is no such rule. People are individuals and their preferred communication methods cannot be reduced to simple formulas and social conventions. Doing so is, in itself, creepy.

No one can guarantee what will or will not help any one person befriend a member of the opposite sex.

I don't know your friend, but if he's a "lady's man," any advice he gives you is highly suspect. Don't try to be one. Treat women as people, be a gentleman, and if you are deserving of a relationship, you might be lucky enough to land one. No ill will is intended, but this whole thing seems a bit misguided and I'm concerned based on some of what you've said that there is a more fundamental problem here than simply a question about when to text a girl.

If you think I'm full of crap, though, feel free to ignore me.


The Sexy One
Aug 18, 2012
In your pants.
If I give my number, I expect a text in the same day. But maybe we work differently in different countries.
I'd never even heard of the 3 day rule.

And if I get a guy's number, I text him the next day.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
3 day rule? This is news to me. I guess you could go this way if you get nervous when about to text at the end of the three days. Like, so nervous it feels like the world will end. Just play the song of time. You'll get three more without breaking the rule. No but seriously I haven't heard about this. Usually I exchange numbers with the opposite gender of the human species and let the female strata send the first text message to my cellular device. Unless its been a long time.

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