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Zelda Art Summer Camp


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Here is a preview of the final chapter...

“Woah! Where am I? Where is everyone else?! Whaaat?!”
Ark got up from the damp floor and wondered over to the middle of the ocean temple. He was left behind, but for a reason. The wall had words engraved on it and there were two treasure chests on the floor. An evil cackle rang through Ark’s ears. “You are the strongest of the group. You must choose wisely.” A voice rasped. “Or you little friend will become possessed by an evil spirit and will die but all the good that she left behind will become evil. She will suffer a terrible death. You have twenty seconds. Starting..........now.” Ark frantically ran around the room trying to think. How would he choose? "19. 18. 17. Hurry, hurry. He he he."


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Sorry. The last chapter is very very long and complicated and my life is very busy, but it is almost done and there will be an epilogue too, give me a little longer.


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Summer Camp Final Chapter

I would like to say that even though the character has the same name it does not mean it is you and this should not offend anyone.

“Woah! Where am I? Where is everyone else?! Whaaat?!”
Ark got up from the damp floor and wondered over to the middle of the ocean temple. He was left behind, but for a reason. The wall had words engraved on it and there were two treasure chests on the floor. An evil cackle rang through Ark’s ears. “You are the strongest of the group. You must choose wisely.” A voice rasped. “Or you little friend will become possessed by an evil spirit and will die but all the good that she left behind will become evil. She will suffer a terrible death. You have twenty seconds. Starting..........now.” Ark frantically ran around the room trying to think. How would he choose? “19. 18. 17. Hurry, hurry. He he he.”

“Okay. We have to kill him. Now. The filthy scum.” Hazel growled. Blue looked anxiously at the two, not sure whether or not she should do anything. She came to a quick decision that this was not her battle. She stepped backwards, but one thought had been troubling her for a long time now. Where was Ark? She had an idea, but she wasn’t sure if it would work. Blue took out her pendant and pondered about Ark. The pendant lit up and Blue slowly disappeared. “Blue! Where are you going?!” Yelled Ikalee.
“To help Ark.” She replied, just before her head vanished. That left Iklaee, Kalisca and Hazel. “I’m waiting.” Dan cackled. “But, I will only battle you wolf girl. The other two may not assist you in any way. Are you up to the challenge?”

Meanwhile, Xinnamin, Atsuma, Yotam, Kenji and Din where ready to fight Obolisk. Well, they were as ready as they could be, but their minds were filled with doubt on their victory. But luckily between them they managed to stay optimistic.
Xinnamin was ready with her staff, Atsuma and his sword, Yotam and his bow, Kenji with his scythe and Din with her fire. “Okay, we just have to try. But, someone has to distract him, okay I am going to now!” Xinnamin dashed forward and stabbed Obolisk with her staff, Din saw her opportunity and took it. She threw a cricling flame and it twirled around in Obolisk’s rib cage. All of them attacked simultaneously but it was no use. Obolisk simply shook them off and the flames spun around the room and hit Atsuma all at once. He shot backwards with a deep burn in his leg. But he stood back up for more.

“ARK! I am here! I can help you!” Ark turned around to see Blue standing at the door. “How do I choose?! If Mialee dies I won’t be able to live with myself.” Blue took out her pendant and placed it on top of the first chest. It glowed a burgundy red and flashed twice. “That one!” She declared proudly. She flung it open. “Wait!” Screeched Ark, but it was too late. Dan appeared before Blue and Ark. “Well, well, well. Trust you to pick the wrong chest. Now Mialee will die and all her good will be evil. Whatever will you do now?” He laughed. “What? But...this pendant...it can’t be wrong!”
“Uh...it can actually.”
“Shut up!”
“I must be able to do something to save Mialee. Anything.” She begged.
“Hmmm.” Pondered Dan. “You don’t want Mialee to suffer?”
“No, no please. No! Not Mialee!” Blue cried.
“very well. The YOU will!” Dan fired a powerful bolt of black lightning, it hit Blue and she yelped in pain.
“Bluuuuuue!” Ark shouted. “What did you do to her Dan?!”
“She will be no more than a puny little star in the sky once I am finished with her! Mwa ha ha!” Dan said, whilst Blue cried. “Bye Ark.” She said as she faded into nothing. “Noooooooooooooooooo!” Ark screamed.
But the power surge had weakened Dan and he decided to avoid confrontation from Ark and teleported back to Hazel using a magic map. Ark had no choice but to grab the second chest and fling it open. It glowed golden lights and sparkled and twinkled in front of his eyes. A small fairy flew out in a rush. “Take me!” It squeaked. Ark carefully placed the fairy inside a black bag and sat down for a minute trying to take in the loss of Blue. A single glass tear froze on his face. It fell to the ground and shattered into a thousand glowing pieces and the whole room glowered like the morning sun.

Atsuma grabbed Yotam and threw him up into the air as he shot a light arrow at Obolisk’s eye. It hit and pierced it but at that moment it shone brighter than ever before and the light spread over Obolisk’s face. Everyone dropped their weapons and covered their faces. A shadow appeared with a bag in their hand. Xinnamin took her hand away from her gaze. “Who is that?” Atsuma heard her and peered up. A smile spread across his sullen face. “Ark. He made it.”
The shadow fell to the ground with the bag still in his grasp. “I got it, the light source. We can save Mialee.”
Din grinned and went over to hug Ark. “I knew you could do it.” Ark patted Din on the back. “Okay, but first let us finish this monster. He walked over to Yotam. And reached into his bag. He took out a small turquoise pendant. “I am so sorry, but Blue was a victim of Dan’s.” Yotam’s face crumpled and he sank to his knees. Sobbing. “I can’t let the sadness control me right now. We have to save Mialee.” He whispered. Ark had a sympathetic face. But then he reached inside the black bag again and brought out the fairy. “Fairy, is there any way we can use only some of your power?”
The fairy flew up and spun around at an amazing speed and six tears of light fell and hit the end of each of their weapons. The fairy then returned to Ark’s bag. He tied the bag onto his belt and then drew his sword. It was beautifully engraved with the head of a Poe Sister and a black onyx stone. Now that everyone had some light they had no other choice but to face Obolisk. Everyone struck him at exactly the same time. Each of their weapons penetrated the soul of Obolisk and did a huge amount of damage. Obolisk lashed out in a random direction and fell to the ground. Everyone was thrown up in the ground and they all fell and landed in a heap. Yotam and Atsuma managed to steady themselves and look up, to their horror they saw Kenji in Obolisk’s grasp. Yotam fired another arrow and Din threw a red flame at his eyes. Obolisk lurched backwards and released his grasp on Kenji. He fell. But the placement was accurate. Kenji’s scythe was lodged in the stone floor and he plunged down and was instantly killed as it pierced his heart. He screamed and he muttered his last words. “Tell Mialee. I love her.” Then he fell silent and still. Din stood up in shock and tiptoed over to see if he was alive. She saw the opposite to what she had hoped. “Kenji!” She let out a scream and then collapsed in a fit of tears. Ark joined her side and began to cry by her. Even though both Xinnamin and Yotam didn’t really know Kenji they joined and knelt by his body. Atsuma put his hand to his mouth and pressed his lips together. The sight of Kenji’s blood overwhelmed him. Ark felt something in his side. The fairy flew out of his bag and surrounded Kenji. At this, his body faded and then disappeared completely. Obolisk was lying silent too and was clearly dead. But his bones twitched and silence fell. The sand floated upwards and covered him in a veil of sand enclosed with a tear of light. They all stood up and nobody said anything. All they could hope now was that Hazel, Kalisca and Iklaee were okay.

Hazel glared at Dan as he reappeared next to her. Kalisca and Ikalee were watching them but where disctracted by a stone lying near by. Kalisca picked it up and it sucked her in with Ikalee, they were thrown into the same chamber where the others stood and Kenji was killed. “Kalisca! Ikalee!” Ark yelled, running over to them. I am sorry, but we have lost both Kenji and Blue.” They both fell to the ground in tears but then regained themselves and stood back up. “We have to show you something.” Said Ikalee. “Look!” Kalisca shouted. She handed Ark the stone that they had found. Ark knew this stone well. It was the work of Eltira, the goddess. He knew how it was used. He held it in his hand. “Everybody, place your hand on this stone and it will take us to Hazel.” They all did as they were told and hoped.

Hazel saw her friends appear, but they were in a glass chamber above her. They couldn’t get to her. Hazel looked up and gave them a quick nod. They all felt sorry for her but they couldn’t do anything about it. Hazel drew her sword. “Let’s battle.” She swung her sword at Dan’s head but he tutted. “No weapons, wolf.” At these words, Hazel transformed by force. Dan also morphed. There stood a vampire and a wolf. Hazel scratched Dan’s face. But Dan lurched back and bit her on her neck. They both continued fighting and their friends anxiously watched knowing that they could do nothing. They could hear everything. They all joined hands and prayed for Hazel. Suddenly both Hazel and Dan fell to the ground. “What is happening?” Dan said, he was shaking. “A werewolf’s scratch will cause you to age, you will be your true age. Two-thousand one-hundred and forty-three. “ Hazel rasped as she also shook violently on the ground. “And a vampire’s bite will turn you into a wild wolf with no memories of before.” Dan whispered. “You will only remember it if the one you love goes with you in the transformation.” She looked up and met the glance of one of the group standing above her. He met her glance and blinked then nodded. “I shall remember then. “ The glass above them suddenly shattered and Ark fell through and landed next to Hazel. Nobody had expected this and it was a shock to them all. There were tears in their eyes as they for one single minute both transformed into humans and held hands. “I’m sorry.” Hazel cried. “It is okay. I love you Hazel.” Ark whispered. He leaned forward and kissed her. They were encircled in a bright light. And the fairy flew into Kalisca’s hands. Then Hazel and Ark vanished and in there place where two wolves that began to run into the wall but instead were teleported to another place, nobody knew where they were but they were happy together, forever. That made them happy even though they had just lost two of their best friends. Dan then shrivelled into the old man he was. He closed his eyes and lay on the ground. Everyone sobbed at the losses they had faced today. But a sight was about to meet their eyes that would drown their sorrows and bring them joy instead.

The fairy only has enough light source to bring Mialee back to life in ten years. So everyone would wake up where they should be at that time. “Before we leave. We must say goodbye.” Din said. The group formed a circle and closed their eyes. “Goodbye.” Those words triggered the fairy’s magic and the world spun forward.

A flower may die, the sun may set, but a friend like you I will never forget...
Aug 18, 2009
Not bad by my guess. Happy and sad ending, poor Kenji and Blue, lolz. I am glad you managed to finish it, Meego. Good job, hope you write another story soon. ~Special Awesome Great Absolute


Forever I am Abandoned
Mar 2, 2010
In the middle of Kansas...
That was a very neat story, good story line and characters (Maybe a little too much) but you gave my characters (My character DID have some very 1337 lines) and some other characters lines that seems like they come from a crappy kids cartoon or something. Overall, good story, cheesy lines.

I'd give it a 8.3/10

That is all.

Pop 360

Angel Beats Geek
Feb 1, 2010
The Afterlife battlefront
Yay! I am alive!!!!

Its very good and interesting-Meego who is standing next to my right now (yeah I am, heeeere)
says there will be an epilouge I hope everyone is looking forward to it because I am.


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010

10 years later...

“Okay class. Are we all ready for the field trip?”
“Yes Miss Amakir!” The class replied.
“Okay, then let’s set off!”
“Mial-I mean Miss Amakir, we need to set off so we get to see the performers!”
“Yes.” Miss Amakir said. “Sis, we will easily get there in time.”
“Fine. But Yotam and I are going to lag behind to catch some of the scenery. Bye kids!”
“Good bye Mrs. Cohen!” Chorused the children.
Yotam and his wife Ikalee set off in the opposite direction, Ikalee assisted her sister in teaching the class of 8 year old students. Today was the day of their field trip to the other side of Jimkea.

The troup of little children all came to a halt as they were dazzled by a tall figure with long, blonde, flowing hair and a male next to her with a bandana on his forehead. “Heeeey kids! Ready for the show of your life?” He bellowed. The children looked up and cheered. “Yes yes yes!” They chanted.
“Okay then. I will begin the show with this.” The blonde lady said. “My name is Din and this is my fire!!!” She threw two symmetrical flames spiralling into the sky which collided and exploded into a colourful display of light. “Oooooh. Aaaaah.” The children chorused. Mialee looked at the two. Din? That rang a bell. And the man looked familiar too. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

Once the dazzling combination of fire and circus tricks was over, the man with the bandana walked over to Mialee. “Hey. Are you Mialee Amakir?” He asked, removing his sunglasses. “Um..yes....Oh my god! I know you!” She gasped.
“Yeah, it is I..The Great Atsuma!”
Mialee laughed. “Yes, that’s you alright. And is that Din? Wow, some performance! Is this what you have made out of your life? I am impressed.” Mialee continuted. Atsuma took her hand and walked her over to Din. “Din! It’s Mialee! Remember? From Summer Camp years ago!” Atsuma said.
Din did a double take and then whispered. “It is you!” She gave her a hug and then put her hands on her shoulders. “I am so glad you are okay. And you became a teacher? Wow. What about Ikalee?”
“Oh, Ikalee is catching us up, she is the assistant teacher, oh look, there she is now! IKALEE! OVER HERE!” She yelled. Ikalee and Yotam ran over at the sight of Atsuma and Din. “Atsie, good to see you. And Din too.” Said Yotam.
“Are you two married?” Atsuma asked.
“Indeed, Ats.” Ikalee replied.
Din smiled. “Nice to see you have settled down.”
“Are you two together?” Yotam queried.
“Fear not. We are just in a performing trade, that is all.” Din said.
“Nice to see you still on the island.” Mialee added.
“I couldn’t get away. You know what this island means to me.”
“Yes, yes we do.” Mialee said.

Mialee guided the campers to the other side of the island to build a camp fire. “Okay class, we will build our fire here, I will give you all ten minutes to gather firewood. GO!” The excited children ran off at full pelt to find as much wood at they could. “Gosh, I wish I had the energy of an 8 year old again!” Din chuckled.
“Ahh, me too. Hey look up at the stars.” Mialee said.
Everyone peered up into the sky to see one star that shined a bright blue, more luminous than the others. It almost seemed to wink at them. Yotam smiled, everyone knew what he was thinking, and he was right.
All of the children found their way back. A group of girls had managed to forage a large dead tree and the boy behind insisted he had been robbed on that account. Many others brought back small branches and feeble twigs but every little piece helped. Din powered up her flames and set the wood alight. There was a mighty cheer as the fire became fierce and roared, an inferno. Ikalee and Yotam treated the kids to roasted marshmallows and they tucked in.

Mialee sat back and sighed as a beautiful sound met her ears. A howl. She looked up to where it was coming from to see two wolves at the top of the cliff. She smiled. And the wolves seemed to smile back as they howled into the night. The group was re-united.
Mialee took a small walk along to the cliff to get a closer glimpse at the wolves when she came across a grey stone in the sand. She bent down to look as she saw Kenji’s name in fancy letters. She smiled, feeling mixed emotions. She looked closer at the stone and right at the bottom in minute letters it read: “Mialee Amakir. My true love.”
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~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
If you read the story she was looking after Mialee's body whilst everyone went to find the light source. And then the world spun forward 10 years...remember?

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