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Zelda Art Summer Camp

Aug 18, 2009
Here comes chapter 2! This chapter won't have loads of suspense but the next one will!

Mialee noticed that Ark and Xeldimus weren't at the main cabin in their tent. She wondered over with Kate only to find their tent ripped to shreds and they were fighting down by the river. They ran over there quickly. "Why weren't they like this last night? They seemed perfectly fine with each other." Asked Kate.
"Well, they were so tired I guess they didn't care!" Mialee answered. "Hey! You guys! Stop it now!"
Despite this, the two of them kept fighting and hurting each other. "Wow, these two certainly aren't morning people." Said Hazel who was carrying a bucket of fresh river water. Hazel tipped the water over their heads. ((Lol, this part was fun, I can just imagine Hazel showering Ark and I))

"Now! You stop it and rebuild serperate (separate) tents later, but for now go and get ready for the first activity!" Shouted Hazel. Reluctantly, the two slumped off to get ready. Kate and Mialee burst into laughter afterwards. "Ha, Hazel, you are awesome!" Said Kate, in between giggles.

Meanwhile, Din and Kalisca were down at the target range practicing their aim, whilst Smitie was observing a green chu chu feasting on a rare plant. Everyone else was down at the main cabin ready to receive their first activity breif (brief, or briefing). The others joined them and lined up in their groups. Kalisca's group was told to go down to the target range for the bow making "What was the point in even coming here if they just send us back where we were?" Thought Kalisca.

The others were sent down to the edge of the river for raft building. Lapu Lapu gave them their task. "Okay, you lot. Your task is to build a stable raft that holds you and floats, once you have it you must sail over to the nearby island located half a mile north of here. There is some hidden treasure on the island, you must retrieve it then come back to base with it. Here are your maps and compasses, good luck!"

The team set to work on collecting all the things they could find. Luckily, Lapu Lapu had provided them with some ropes, so they were able to tie some thick branches together and add mud and leaves. "Perfect!" Said Ark, "Now let me test it!" Ark climbed onto the raft slowly. "It is sinking! Help!" Hazel and Smitie pulled Ark out of the water whilst Kate and Mialee grabbed the raft and dragged it ashore. "Hmm, what do we need?" Thought Smitie.
"Look over there!" Said Kate. "Some wodden barrels, they will work!"
"Yes, perfect!" Triumphed Hazel.

After a while they had managed to get the raft to float. They approached two paths in the river with an ominous cliff above. Suddenly a digital like black and red hole appeared in the sky. "What is that?!" Screamed Mialee.
"I have no idea!" Yelled Ark

I added words in red and bold that would make the story better, and they are corrections too, which is the right word imo.

I like it, lol, especially that part with me fighting Ark, though there was not too much description of what they did to each other to hurt themselves, like punching, kicking, etc.


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Okay, finally the time has come for chapter 3, get ready people!!!

Out of the strange digital portal fell four massive shadow beasts, as powerful as ever. They warped over as quick as lightning and caused huge waves in the water. "No!" Screeched Mialee "We are being led the wrong way, if we continue we will-"
But it was too late. The rapids had led the raft the wrong way down the river. The shadow beasts then tipped over the raft and everyone fell under the water...gasping for breath they were screaming for help. A strange storm then posessed the waters and they turned a dark black, almost like treacle. It was too deep for anyone to swim in and despite their efforts, the water won the battle...


A serge of panic swept through Ikalee's body. "There is something....Mialee and the group....something is very wrong...."
Kalisca, Din and Atsuma looked at Ikalee. "Umm, guys, what's wrong with Ikalee?" Asked Atsuma peering at her face.
"Not um, really, um, sure, um...." Muttered Kalisca.
"Twin telepathy."
Kalisca and Atsuma turned around to look at Din. "Huh?" They said in unison as their heads turned to one side.
"Ugh...it's Mialee trying to communicate with Ikalee through her thoughts. It is common in twins and we had better listen to Ikalee, it could be crucial."
The others nodded in agreement as they started listening to Ikalee.

"Woah, my head hurts." Mumbled Ark as he rubbed his nogin. But when he was properly awake he realised that his group were all lying unconcious and with no sign of the map or any of the other equipment they had, he began to panic. "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!! SOMEONE PLEASE!!!!!" He screeched.
"Hey! Ark, shut up!!" Yelled Kate as she woke up. But she then realised the situation and she too was afraid. "Okay, now you can scream." She said, putting her fingers in her ears. Ark ran around screaming and managed to wake up the rest of his group up with the noise.
"OKAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone calm down and think for a minute!" Yelled Mialee. Despite her efforts nobody would calm down. Except one person. Hazel. "Okay Hazel, I hoped we wouldn't have to resort to this but...transform now, I will get on your back and then you can howl, that will shut them up. Ready?"
"Okay let's do this." Hazel agreed.
Suddenly there was a flash of light and Hazel was gone, but left in her place was a magnificent wolf...
Last edited:


A Frog
Feb 19, 2010
on my bean bag...
Well, well... Good job, interesting story. Dramatic ending, but could need a bit more description, like when they were drowning, ect. But very good all in all.

---------- Post added at 07:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:27 PM ----------

I see yo edited it. It makes a big difference, when you think about it. But great story!!!
Aug 18, 2009
So the story has ended? :O

I thought there was more to come. Anyway, good job, I guess. I didn't see any typos, so that is good. I will wait and see if this is over or if there will be more to come. :P


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
No, it is definately not finished at all! Some new characters will make an appearence very soon though!


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Yay! Thanks for the comments everyone, due to the quick response, I will post chapter 4 now!

The group turned to look at the wolf stood on the edge of the cliff. "Woah, is....that...Hazel?!" Smitie asked. "B-b-but, that's impossible!"
"Right, we need to find food and water, and this was the only way we could get you to listen!" Mialee announced. "Everyone go and see what you can find and bring it back here when you are done, go!"
"Okay miss bossy..." Muttered Arkvoodle, under his breath. They all set out to see what they could gather up, but little did they know that the whole time someone had been watching them...

Back at camp, Ikalee was struggling to receive the messages. "It isn't clear anymore, it's stopped. All I know is that they are in trouble, but nothing more than that..." She said. "Well, we will have to wait and see what happens, I guess." Said Kalisca, punching the ground. "It's time for martial arts now, yay!!!"
"She's right." Din said. "It will take our minds off it, let's wait and anticipate the situation."

"Okay, I have some coconuts, but I'm not sure how to crack them." Said Mialee.
“This is hopeless, I AM SO BORED!” Yelled Ark. “But at least everyone is returning with resources.”
He was right, between them, everyone had found: water, firewood, stones and fish. “Nice work everyone!” Said Mialee. They prepared a fire and Hazel cooked the fish and boiled the water. They sat in the darkness surrounding the campfire eating their first meal on the island.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no! They should be back by now, oh no! What should I do? I know, I will sleep on it for a bit, they will be back by tomorrow.” Said Lapu Lapu as he nodded off. The other group was also worried but they could do nothing about it.

“He heh heh. My plan has worked. They are trapped here forever, with no way out. Tomorrow I will kill them...”
“But, master. That isn’t very nice.”
“Of course it’s not nice, you fool! Why are you even working for me? You are hopeless!”
“Oh well, I don’t wish to assist you in killing them, in fact I kind of like them-“
“ENOUGH! You imbecile! Now, be gone! You are done working for me!”
“But, but-“
The worker vanished from sight. “Good, he won’t be getting in the way anymore.”

The next morning the gang were suffering from exhaustion. They couldn’t get up. Someone was peering at them from behind a tree. He approached the group slowly. “Um, hello?”
“W-w-what?! Who’s there?!” Screamed Mialee. “I mean no harm! I came to warn you! He’s coming!” Said the worker. “Who’s coming?” Asked Kate. “There is no time for that! He is coming to kill you, I was one of his workers but he fired me so I came to warn you before he kills you! Now, is there anyone anywhere who can rescue you from here?”
“Yes.” Said Smitie. “There is a group of people and the leader Lapu Lapu on the island not far from here.” She pointed in the direction of their friends. “Okay, I will find them.” He replied.
“Wait! Who are you?” Asked Ark. The worker turned around and looked him in the eye. “My name is Yotam.”

(End of chapter 4)


Leave the chocolate here
Jan 25, 2010
The Mansion!
Yey! I FINALLY GOT A PART. the guy that used to work with the bad guy and now he's good, every story needs one like this. hope he's gonna stay in the next chapters. kip the good work Meego!


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Summer Camp Chapter 5
Yotam picked up a piece of grass and played a tune on it. The others watched in awe as a beautiful, blue dragon swooped down and Yotam climbed onto its back. “You have a dragon?!” Mialee said.
“Yes, this is Sapphire. I will fly to your friends, do not worry, help is on the way. But watch your backs, he’s coming...”
“Who’s coming?” Said Smitie, but Yotam had already gone; he was now just a speck of blue hovering in the distance.

“W-woah!” Ikalee jumped to her feet. “Wake up you guys!” It’s Mialee, she’s sending a message!”
“What’s it say?!” Kalisca asked whilst hanging upside down from the top of a branch. “Wait, where’s Atsuma?” Din said. She quickly ran down to his tent, but he wasn’t there. She returned to the others. “Well, Atsuma is missing, but tell us the message before you forget!” Said Din with a sense of urgency in her voice. “Okay, it says.....help on way. What could that mean?”
“Well obviously that we have to go and get her!” Said Kalisca, falling on her head. “Ugh, must I do everything around here?” Said Din sighing. She hit them both over the head, not hard, but in the kind of way that you do when someone annoys you. “Hey! That hurt!” Screeched Kalisca.
“Oh, keep it down! Now, it means that someone is coming here.” Said Din.
“Oh...” Ikalee and Kalisca chorused. “But, who?” Though Kalisca. “Let’s wait and see, it will be obvious when it comes. But for now, let’s go to our next activity, I think it’s the leap of faith, I can’t wait!” Kalisca excitedly squealed.

The others had forgotten one important detail. Atsuma was still nowhere to be found...


“So, then. Are you sure you know what to do? You won’t fail me will you?”
“No master, I have always known you are the true leader. I understand my mission: To kill all the heroes. Yes, yes, the idiots. They think I am one of them!”
“Well, good. Now what did you say your name was again?”
“Atsuma, sir.”
“Very good. Now be off with you! Your mission awaits!”
(Chapter continues later)

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