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Zelda Art Summer Camp


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Summer Camp Chapter 7

As the dark magic took over Mialee’s body the others crowded around her desperately trying to help her. But Ikalee was frozen, the shock took over her body and she could do nothing except stand there speechless. She watched in horror, she felt her twin’s pain. But despite the team’s efforts it was too late. The darkness took over her heart. The beats got slower and her breathes got deeper and slower. The darkness penetrated her innocent soul and the good and bad fought. “She’s not breathing.” Said Smitie.
Din looked up fighting back tears. “I’m afraid she’s gone...”
There was silence and Ikalee looked at Atsuma with pure anger in her eyes.
“I will kill YOU!” She screamed.
Atsuma was the sorriest person in the world. Dan had manipulated him into doing those things. He didn’t know what he could do to make his friends trust him again. “Listen.” He began. “Dan manipulated me; I didn’t mean any of this! I am really sorry and I know you won’t be able to forgive me. But, I know how you can get her back. Follow me.”
Ikalee began to follow him. “We might as well, what have we got to lose? Smitie, stay with Mialee.”
Smitie nodded in agreement.

They trekked for a while and they came to the spring that they had found earlier. Atsuma kneeled. Ikalee followed but the others stayed back. “O mighty Eltira. Hear my plea, we must restore my friend.” Atsuma whispered. A beautiful statue sparkled to life and became alive. “There is only one way you can save her...and time is running out...” it spoke. “You must travel to The Ocean Temple and choose the way...find the power...choose wisely.”
The spirit then faded into the statue again. “What was that supposed to mean?” Asked Ikalee, slightly angry. There was a huge rumble and the waterfall parted revealing a pathway. A small tune played. It was the path to the Ocean Temple.


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
It's only half a chapter, well. Things are about to get a whole lot more complicated and I will be taking more time on it.


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010

Okay, I am really sorry to all the readers but I will be putting SC on a hold. I will finish the story then post up the chapters with a set interval in between each one. I have a lot going on and am finding it hard to keep writing and updating regularly. It will carry on, just not now.
Sorry again


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Summer Camp Chapter 7 Continued

The journey that the characters now go on is dedicated to Harry Myers.

Thanks for everything, rest in peace buddy .Hope you are reading from up there.

They all stood and gawped at the large entrance that had opened up in front of them. “Well, come on! Before it closes again!” shouted Ikalee.
Atsuma stepped forwards and spoke. “I will save Mialee. Even if I die whilst doing it.”
Kalisca could sense that he truly was sorry. It showed. She completely understood him now. She stepped forward. “I will join you.”
“Me too, I get it now. He didn’t mean it Ikalee.” Din said.
In turn everyone stepped forward and readied themselves, they were about to embark on a journey they would never forget. Even Blue and Yotam volunteered to help. “I never said that I have forgiven you.” Said Ikalee, looking at Atsuma. Kalisca understood what was going on in Atsuma’s head, the others did too but none of them could face Ikalee except Kalisca. She tiptoed over to Ikalee. “We need to talk.”
“Atsuma was completely out of control and I know you may hate him for what he did but trust me, it was Dan. Not him. He messed with his mind. You need to trust him on this one.” Kalisca whispered. Ikalee took a deep breath.
“Fine.” She sighed. She stepped through the entrance. Water trickled down into a small puddle that had formed a small slippery statue of some kind. She smiled and walked on.

Atsuma splashed his face with water. He was sat on a rock behind the others. They were in front of a mammoth door, mildewed slightly but the remains were beautiful. Only one problem, it was locked. Atsuma couldn’t believe the outcome of everything. He fell back to try and wet his head but he banged something on the wall. “Ow!” he said, rubbing his head. The others looked back. “What is it, Ats?” yelled Din.
“I hit my head on something.” Atsuma replied. There was a rumble and rocks fell from the ceiling. Then the door creaked open a fraction. Everyone proceeded through but Kalisca went back to Atsuma. “Look.” She began. “I may only be twelve but I can see what’s going on in your head.” She put a comforting hand on his shoulder. He smiled then stood up and prepared himself. “Thanks Kalisca. You do understand, wise girl.” Atsuma said. They both then ran through the door shouting. “Ssssssh!” Said Hazel on the other side. “There are three phantoms, if they see us we are toast!”
Atsuma thought for a moment and peeked through the door. “Pfft. We can sneak past them easily! They are only regular phantoms and we can run here, here and then to there to get the treasure and then up those stairs.” He planned, pointing to his route. Yotam was studying the walls of the temple, as was Blue. They both looked keen to continue and ran to the treasure chest using Atsuma’s route. Kalisca and Atsuma himself followed them and then the others proceeded with caution. “Hey look!” Yelled Yotam. “A red potion from the treasure chest! That will come in handy.” He said, pocketing it. They ventured up to the next floor wondering what was in store for them.


The door slammed as soon as Atsuma was in the room. The others were trapped in between the two doors that were edging closer to one and other and would squash them all to death in a matter of minutes. There were bones lied all around the sandy floor. “This isn’t right.” Thought Atsuma. “Where am I? This isn’t the Ocean Temple....It’s Dan's temple!!!” Then a shadowy figure appeared from a portal. “Heh heh heh. Well done Atsuma you have almost killed them all. I underestimated you.”
“Dan! I will not work for you! They will not die! I will save them!” Shouted Atsuma with determination.
“Oh, well that’s a pity. I suppose you leave me no choice but to kill you.” Dan sneered. He then raised his hand and the bones coiled into one and let out a huge roar. It was the almighty beast. Obolisk.
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~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Okay, I decided to split the chapter up a bit more like other members do so.

Summer Camp Chapter 8

Obolisk was the beast in every legend that Atsuma and most children had heard about in bedtime stories but they would never believe that he was real. He was too mighty. He had the torso of a tyrannosaurs rex coiled round in a spiral with feet that spread over ten metres apart with venom at the end of his claws. His face was immense. His jaw opened showing huge sharp teeth dripping with fresh blood. He was ready to kill. His piercing red eyes met the glance of Atsuma.

Atsuma tried to hide his fear. He had a brief flashback of when he was young, when he pretended to battle Obolisk when it was only a chu chu or something. But this was real.

Kalisca gasped. “O-o-obolisk? He’s real. I thought that was just something my brother used to tell me about to scare me. Atsuma, we have to do something, for Mialee’s sake. We have to do this together, who’s with me?”

The others gawped at the beast. Everyone knew who he was and what he was capable of. Kenji took out a scythe. “Ready.”

One by one the others prepared their weapons. There was a gleam in Hazel’s eye. But Kalisca was uneasy around her. “I feel negative vibes coming from you.” Kalisca remarked. “Is everything okay?”

Hazel nodded. Kalisca knew that this was only the beginning of the fight. “We need a plan.” Just as Kalisca whispered that a screeching noise came from the ceiling. They all looked up to see a cat. A huge cat, a panther - like tabby. She had green eyes and she looked more intelligent than a normal cat. She was trapped. She let out a piercing screech again.

Obolisk was frozen, the noise prevented him from fighting. “Well, whilst we have the chance, I will free this loud cat.” Said Din. There was a slight hint of relief in her voice. She flew up and slashed the wooden planks surrounding her and the cat fell and landed on top of Obolisk.

The beast fought. The cat suddenly morphed and there stood a stunning figure. Her black hair grew down her back, she had a light tan and looked about six-teen. She was beautiful. “Woah! Thankyou kind strangers.” She said. She was wrestling Obolisk and stabbed his eye with a dagger. “There, that should hold him for a few minutes. Thankyou for freeing me, my name is Xinnamin. Who are all of you and what are you doing here of all places?”

Atsuma stepped towards this girl, she had stolen his thunder and he was not pleased. “I am Atsuma and I was perfectly capable of taking Obby here down. Little cat girl.”

Ikalee rolled her eyes. “Yeah. Of course you were.”
Kalisca peered at Xinnamin. “I am Kalisca.” She approached her. She closed her eyes and focused. “She’s good. She means no harm.”

Hazel put her sword down. “We are here to retrieve our friend’s life. She died and she is able to be saved...somehow. Where did you come from?”

Dan appeared next to Xinnamin. “My cat. My girl. She was. Until she betrayed me for the good side. She is scum and I locked her up and threw away the key. But you imbeciles set her free! Okay, well you just got more than you bargained for!” Dan then banged his staff on the ground and everyone was separated. Obolisk was battling against Atsuma, Yotam, Kenji, Din, and Xinnamin. And Dan himself was fighting against Hazel, Blue, Ikalee and Kalisca.

A black sliver spiralled towards Hazel, it coiled around her causing her great pain. “Argh!” She screamed. Through the force of the blow, she had no choice but to morph into a wolf.

An evil laugh filled the room and echoed. Ominously, Dan floated in behind them. “A werewolf. The perfect target.” He turned to face Hazel. But he was different. His true form. It now made sense to all of them. Why he was so pale, why he never went out in sunlight, why he hated Hazel.

He was a vampire.
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