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Zelda Art Summer Camp

Aug 18, 2009
Wahhh D:? But Atsie is no traitor, Meego. :O Haha, Jk, good job, this was good writing, I did not see any typos. Lolz, that was nice, to have made of Atsuma a friend first but then an enemy. :lol:


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Summer Camp Chapter 5 – continued.

The cold air slapped Yotam in the face as Sapphire swooped through the skies. He was getting closer to the camp but the red digital portal from before was still in the sky in front of him...

“Okay, it’s been days. We are going to find them! Who’s with me?!” yelled Kalisca jumping up, as if she had a position of authority.
“I am! But what about Atsuma? Where is he?” asked Din.
“We can expect to find him in the same place. If you think about it. Well, maybe not. But even so.” Said Ikalee.
“Okay, everyone get on my back.” Said Din, as the two girls hopped onto her in between her wings. Until this moment, neither of them had really admired Din’s beauty. Her flaming wings glistening in the sunlight, her burgundy hair flowing wildly in the breeze. She truly was amazing. “Okay, no time to lose.” Said Din with a sense of urgency. She flapped her wings and took off into the sky.

Meanwhile, the gang were still at the island under a huge tree with loads of branches. It had a few symbols carved into it but none of the group could read them. There was a huge crash and a figure fell out of a tree. “Ouch, stupid coconuts!” The boy rubbed his head. “Woah! What in the name of Jimkea are you?” The group looked over and Mialee stood up. “Don’t you mean who are we?”
“Well yeah, but my head hurts.” Said the boy.
“Do you live here?” Asked Mialee.
“Maybe. But you shouldn’t be here.”
“Well, we didn’t have much choice in the matter.” Said Kate.
“Yep. We’re stuck here.” Ark pointed out.
“Well, lucky for you, that you came begging to me!” announced the boy.
“Umm, we didn’t exactly beg you, you just fell out of that tree and that coconut dropped on your head.” Smitie added.
“What’s your name anyway?” Hazel asked.
“umm, I think it’s Kenji. But I could be wrong. ARGH! That coconut was hard!!!!”
Hazel found a rag and wet it. “Here, this should help a bit.”
“Thanks.” Kenji said. He held the rag to his head.
“Sorted.” Said Mialee. “But wait. Jimkea? What’s that? And this tree. The symbols. What are they?”

You mean to tell me you don’t know the name of this island! Jimkea! The island’s name. And the tree! Typical. What were you doing under the tree?” said Kenji.
“Thinking about what to do.” Hazel answered.
“Exactly, it’s called the Thinking Tree! You are hopeless. You don’t even know about........him.”
“Who’s him?” Asked Ark, quietly. They all looked around.
“He who must not be named....” And with that Kenji disappeared into the trees.
“I’m kind of a bit scared now....” Said Ark.
“Well you should be!!!!!! It’s too late now. Your little friends will never save you!”
“Who are you?!!?” Mialee gasped.
“I am Dan!!!! The almighty!!!”
The group couldn’t help giggling. “You giggle. You die!”
“Okay, no giggling.” Said Kate.
“Well. I have observed. I will be back.” Dan said. And he was gone as soon as they turned around. “Man, people around here don’t like to hang around.” Said Hazel.
“Yes. But let’s rest now.” Said Mialee.
The group settled down in the tropical forest of palm trees and snoozed off. But Hazel stayed alert and they took turns standing guard.

“Sapphire! Quick! You must change back now!” Yelled Yotam.
There was a blinding light and the portal vanished.
“There! Happy now? I hate those wings. They kill my back.” Said Sapphire. But, she was no longer a dragon. She stood tall on her own two feet. Her skin was blue and she had red hair. (Based on the mysterious figure from Zelda wii.)
“And for the last time! My name is Blue.”


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
You will see. Things may change. You never know. You don't know what I have planned. Also, I am going to rate this as I forgot to add a rating. I'd say PG in most places and maybe some violence and there might be a bit of romance. But maybe not.

---------- Post added at 07:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:36 AM ----------

Okay, I got the first part of chapter 6 done!

Summer Camp Chapter 6

“Sapphire, Blue, Marine. They are all the same. And anyway, I have the right to annoy you after what you did to me.” Yotam muttered.
Blue rolled her eyes. “Fine........”
“Whaaa! Din! We’re spinning out of control from that wind!” Yelled Ikalee. Din was struggling to fly at the top of the valley due to the strong winds. Din swerved to avoid a rock and smashed into Blue and Yotam standing on the cliff edge.
WOAH! Ouch! Watch where you’re going! We are supposed to be finding some random campers at this moment in time. And it isn’t easy saving everyone, I hate this job!” Blue shouted.
“I’m really sorry. The winds are crazy up here! We’ll help. Who are you looking for?” Din said.
“Oh.” Said Blue “It’s supposed to be some random campers who have lost their friends on a deserted island!!!!”
“Well-“ Kalisca broke off as Din told her to be quiet for now.
“Hmmm, that could be quite tricky. Which camp are they from?” asked Din.
“One somewhere in that direction.” Yotam pointed to the south.
“That could be-“
“Not now Kalisca.” Said Ikalee. “How many of them are there?”
“Not sure. Small group I presume.” Said Blue.
“OKAY! Listen for one minute!!!” Yelled Kalisca “ What did the lost people look like?”
“Umm, there were five I think. One young man and four young women. “
“I think they might be who we’re looking for! We lost five friends and one is a guy and the rest are girls.” announced Kalisca.
“Yes, but how can we be sure of that?” asked Din.
“We might as well go and see. What other options have we got?”
“Okay. Let’s go then!” said Ikalee.
“Take us too them, please. And by the way, my name is Din. Guardian of fire. And this is Ikalee and Kalisca.” Din said.
“Nice to meet you. “ Said Yotam. “My name is Yotam and this is Sapphi.... I mean Blue.”
“Great!” Said Kalisca as she clambered onto Din’s back.
“There’s one small problem.” Said Din.
“What?” Yotam questioned.
“When we collided with the cliff, I damaged one of my wings. I can only carry one passenger.”
“No problem!” Blue said proudly.
There was a blue light surrounded by shimmers and sparkles. A small tune played and Blue emerged as the same amazing dragon. Her turquoise scales shined in the sun set like a thousand sapphires being thrown into the moon. The sun set was beautiful. The whole scene was breath taking. Din, with her flame burning for eternity and her wings in perfect triangles like they had been sculpted by the hands of a god. Even Kalisca, Ikalee and Yotam looked outstanding. Ikalee looked as ready as ever. Her red eyes glistened like rubies. Her long nails like little segments of gems. Kalisca’s blonde pigtails curled down past her face like gold perfectly in place. The sense of courage definitely present; she was almost beaming. And Yotam. His hair covered his eyes. But underneath the anger was hidden by a sensation of happiness and excitement.
“Woah!” screamed Kalisca. “You’re a dragon!”
“Ikalee and Yotam hopped onto Blue’s back and they set off. Their wings working hard and they both let out a single flame that blew into the sky and made a huge explosion of light and colour.

Back at Jimkea the group were holding a campfire contest. Kenji had suggested the idea and now that he had recovered from the bump on his head he was ready to protect everyone and he told them to make the most of their stay and have some fun. Arkvoodle was dancing around the campfire with maracas made out of coconut and branches. He set them alight and threw them into the sky. “Ta da!” he then stood and bowed. “Woooooo!” Cheered Hazel. Everyone clapped. Mialee couldn’t help feeling half-hearted about the situation. She sat on a rock behind the others drawing in the sand. Kenji saw her and decided to try and cheer her up a bit. He sat beside her. “Hey, you okay?” he asked. “Not exactly.” She replied in a hushed tone. “What if we never get out of here? That Dan is coming to kill us all.” She said. A tear slipped down her cheek. She wiped it away. Kenji looked at her and sighed. “You aren’t so nutty now that bump has gone down.” Said Mialee. He chuckled. “Yeah. But everything’s going to be okay. I will protect you from Dan, I know him....well...very well. “How do you know him?” Mialee asked. Kenji sighed again. And took a deep breath before turning back to Mialee. “He’s my dad.” He said. Mialee put her hand to her mouth. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude like that!” She began crying again. “It’s okay.” Said Kenji. He kissed her on the cheek. “It’ll be okay. I promise.” And with that he disappeared...


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
The first sentance in the entire thing sorta confused me...
Why did you mention that? Or were you talking about the same person?


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Actually Pop someone put that on their profile! It is not Dan from our form I assure you! And why has someone put Zelda Art before Summer Camp?


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
Summer Camp Chapter 6

“Sapphire, Blue, Marine. They are all the same. And anyway, I have the right to annoy you after what you did to me.” Yotam muttered.
Blue rolled her eyes. “Fine........”

What did I do to him? :P


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Summer Camp Chapter 6 continued
As the sun finished setting the group fell asleep one by one. Kenji was nowhere to be found but neither was Dan. Din and Blue were trying their hardest to fly, but due to the darkness they decided to set up camp for the night on a cliff side. “Let’s set off first thing tomorrow.” Said Kalisca, and moments later they were all sound asleep...

A Jimkea morning; everyone rushing around finding supplies and food. As usual Mialee and Hazel were battling to enhance their fighting skills. “So.” Said Hazel. “Are you and Kenji an item then?” Mialee stopped fighting and plunged her sword into the sand. “No. I was upset and so was he. It ends now.” Hazel took a step back. “Woah, I didn’t mean to offend you.”
Hazel went up to Mialee and put her arm round her. “Come on, let’s go get some breakfast. Help is coming. I can sense it.” Hazel announced. The whole group sat down at the fire and drank coconut milk and ate fish. “Well done Smitie! Good catch, these fish are great!” said Kate. “Thanks.” Said Smitie, in between sips of coconut milk.

After breakfast everyone went around the island to do various things. Some went scavenging for food, others for weapons and firewood. “Hey guys! Come look what I’ve found!” Yelled Hazel excitedly.
“What is it?” Mialee said, running over. “Wow! That’s amazing!” There before them stood a mighty waterfall with a pure spring at the bottom. The water fell down and made froth at the bottom, which flowed out into a blue-green pool. There were little fish and stones. “We’ll go swimming later, but for now I am going to go fishing.” Said Ark.
“Sounds like a great idea to me!” Kenji appeared from on top of a tree. In moments he was down with a fishing rod and bait. “I think I’ll join you.” The two set off to see what they cold reel in.

Ark and Kenji sat on the shore with their rods in the water. They had already caught a few big fish and were relaxing now. “Hey.” Said Ark “What’s that bright light?”
“I don’t know...” Said Kenji. There was a luminous flame lighting up the sky and minutes later two figures appeared. “Ark! Is that you?” One figure yelled from the distance.
“Oh my god! It’s Din!!! And.....Kalisca! And Yotam and Sapphire!” Screeched Ark.
“Kenji, go and get everybody, now!!!” Kenjji sprinted along the sand and found everyone They all gathered and watched in awe as they landed on the beach. “Blimey, that was well good!!!” Yelled Kalisca. “Mialee!” She hugged her. There were hugs everywhere. And Blue transformed and introduced herself. “My name is Blue. Pleasure to meet you in my true form!” Everyone shoot hands. But something was missing. “Didn’t you bring ol’ Atsie with you?” Questioned Mialee.
“I thought he was here with you.” Said Ikalee.
“You thought correctly. It is I. Atsuma.”
“Atsie! We missed you!” Mialee went up to greet him but he turned away.
He released a huge ball of dark magic at Mialee. She flew back and hit a rock. Blood trickled down her face and dripped onto the sand, staining it.
Hazel put her hand to her mouth. “Holy crap! What the hell do you think you are doing?!”
The anger lit up Kenji’s eyes. Din and Blue were weak from the flight. Ark stepped forward. “Bring it on dragir.” He challenged. But Atsuma looked over at Mialee who was unconscious and loosing blood rapidly. He looked at his own two hands. He fell to his knees. “What have I done?!” He ran over to Mialee. “I’m so sorry!”
“Get away from her!” Screamed Kalisca. “You’ve killed her.”
Everyone turned to look at Mialee, then back at Kalisca. “What are you talking about?” Asked Smitie “She’s breathing.”
A tear slid down Kalisca’s face. “I can read the future remember.” She turned to face Atsuma. “And you have killed her.”

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