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Game Thread Spaceballs 2: The Quest for More Money

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
.em ot nevig gnieb ofni eht ot netsil ot eunitnoc lliw I uoy morf semoc taht drow a eveileb ton lliw dna yas uoy gnihtyna wollof ton lliw I .tnaw uoy lla dom eht ruoy tsisni ot eunitnoc sdrow rehto ni oS
Jul 7, 2021
.ebyam regnol ekat noisolpxe elbativeni siht gnikam ni yas ekiL .gnihtemos od ot su llet yeht nehw su stifeneb dom eht htiw gniylpmoc taht ylekil erom hcum ti dnif I ees uoy dna ...si noitcirtser gnitsop siht tub meht yb denoitcnas si gniod era uoy gnihton dna dom eht htiw tcatnoc ni yllautca m'I taht gnieb melborP

See, thing is, people haven't been doing the Jeopardy rule, yourself included, and nothing bad has come of it. The mod told us to run the game ourselves, and all I am doing is abiding by that final command they gave in the thread. If you want to continue posting backwards, you can, but I am just trying to help by unanimously electing myself the new host and releasing you of this posting restriction. From what I can tell, I am just following the host's wishes (running the game myself), so meh.

By the way, the modkill thing was a joke but... I might not always be a benevolent dictator.
Dec 13, 2019
.daed tcaf ni era taht daed eht smrofni dom eht nehw DoE litnu emoctuo taht ees t'now ew dna tsop etov ruoy ni ti t'nod uoy fi tnuoc t'now etov ruoy si taht rof ecneuqesnoc emag laer ylno eht ,elur ydrapoej eht rof sA .snoitautis esoht revo lortnoc ro ytirohtua lautca on llits oS .daed yllaiciffo erew ew wonk su tel ot su mp dluow yeht su demrofni dom eht hcihw shtaed ruo no ofni elor ruo tsop ot dlot osla erew eW .stfihs esahp fo eciton eht tsop ot dna erew senildaed nehw dlot erew eW .lortnoc ro ytirohtua lautca on nevig erew eW

.011$ rof slessev gnitsop rieht era ew dias ylpmis dom eht emag eht nur ot uoy llet t'ndid dom eht ekat ll'I

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
See, thing is, people haven't been doing the Jeopardy rule, yourself included, and nothing bad has come of it. The mod told us to run the game ourselves, and all I am doing is abiding by that final command they gave in the thread. If you want to continue posting backwards, you can, but I am just trying to help by unanimously electing myself the new host and releasing you of this posting restriction. From what I can tell, I am just following the host's wishes (running the game myself), so meh.

By the way, the modkill thing was a joke but... I might not always be a benevolent dictator.

.derob worg I .eiznaeS :etoV

osla haey ho srewop tnetsixe non ruoy em wohS .em llikdom ot yrt uoy ees ot EVOL yllautca dluow I

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
.derob worg I .eiznaeS :etoV
osla haey ho srewop tnetsixe non ruoy em wohS .em llikdom ot yrt uoy ees ot EVOL yllautca dluow I si tahW

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
...xelA tnuoc yeht erus ekam ot stsop etov ym ni ti esu lliw I .dekcehc dna kcab tnew I tub elur ylno esahp a saw ti thguoht I esuaceb elur ydrapoej eht gniwollof deppots yldettimda I
Jul 7, 2021
.011$ rof slessev gnitsop rieht era ew dias ylpmis dom eht emag eht nur ot uoy llet t'ndid dom eht ekat ll'I

The host literally said "Run this game yourselves I guess." Now, did they expect anyone to take this literally? Probably not. Does that mean that I won't take it literally? No, I will.

It's clear I have no actual power over deaths and such, but I'd argue I am following the hosts explicit instructions better than anyone else, so if you don't want to lean into that and get rid of your quirk, that's on you.
Jul 7, 2021
.suoivbo era uoy gnitov rof snosaer ym kniht I

They aren't. At no point in time have you made a judgement on my alignment (well, unless you count when you townread me). Your vote seems to have something to do with me saying I'm the host and trying to release people from posting restrictions that just makes the game more cumbersome. Why does that make me more likely Lonestar's Crew rather than Spaceballs? You can be irked about me claiming to be the new host, is it AI though? You claim it obviously is, so I'm sure you can put some words together to support your vote.
Jul 7, 2021
The pace is too slow, not enough info is being generated per day phase.

Be the change you want to see. Can you give me an update on the players/gamestate as you see it? You asked Mario for an ordered list, what is your ordered list?

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