This was better than I thought it'd be. It blows aLttP out of the water (IMO) and I'd say it's roughly as good as PH, but I still think ST is better.
None of you are going to be shocked when I say I think this game would have been better off if it were more linear. But, out of all the non-linear titles, I think this game pulled it off the best. It actually did give you an incentive to do things out of order...but once you find that order, it becomes as linear as the other games because there's no reason to break the best order.
The puzzles were better than aLttP's...easily. But I still felt they weren't on par with most modern titles. And yes, it's because of non-linearity. Not counting the lantern, very few dungeons used more than one item. And whereas in most Zelda titles where you have to solve puzzles without the item and then figure out how the item can change things up, in ALBW you start with the item and the puzzles become very predictable because of that. The solution is always A) Use the ONE item this dungeon requires
Merge or C) Lantern. In previous games, there would be situations where you'd need to be creative and use a previous item in new ways. The same applies for ALBW, but even if you don't know HOW you're going to use your item to solve this puzzle, you still know that you
are going to do it once you've ruled out solutions B and C.
The a disappointment. This, more than anything, makes me feel like it's time to say goodbye to BEV games. Over twenty years from aLttP and all they have done to improve the combat is give Link diagonal direction. If this is really all they can do to improve after all this time, I think it's time to change focus. By comparison, the combat has been changing and evolving a lot in the 3D titles. ALBW's just feels...far too primitive in this day and age.
On the plus side, I thought the new magic meter was a
fantastic idea. One of my issues with aLttP and many other Zelda titles with the magic meter is that it felt too restrictive and conservative. I felt like I couldn't play with my magic items enough because I was too worried about needing them for a puzzle. Here, I actually got to enjoy my magical weapons without spamming them too much. My one gripe is that it was slightly overused (it really wasn't needed for items like the hookshot and hammer), but I would love to see it again in a future title with the issues ironed out.
The Shadow Link thing was a good idea, but Nintendo needs to realize that Streetpass isn't that big in America. The lack of Spotpass compatibility is just foolish. If it weren't for the in-game Shadow Links, I would have never 100% it.
The story's weak and while that's never a good thing, I'm not too disappointed seeing how it's Zelda. Although it's a bit of a shame...I felt like the story had a lot of untapped potential.
Overall it's...OK. Roughly in the middle of the list for me. While I still think it would have benefited greatly from linearity, I at least feel better that if Nintendo continues making non-linear titles, they won't be tortuously boring like LoZ and aLttP were.