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Skyward Sword- Why Do People Hate It So?


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
I didn't really have trouble with them. They were not the 1:1 functionality that they were claiming it was. And rarely worked quite the way you wanted too, but the concept was there and worked if you are careful with it. Just not good enough to be playing Zelda with motion controls as opposed too traditional controls.


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
The motion controls "worked" in the sense that you technically moved your sword the way you moved your controller. But they didn't work in the sense that it was supposed to be 1:1.

If you tried making a quick adjustment of your sword, the game often registered it as a swing, which ended up costing my many more hits than I would have taken with out so-called 1:1.

As I said on my post, you can get by with them. The controls aren't broken. You can still play the game. But they are neither good nor fun. And it's not even just the sword play. Why did they have to make everything motion-controlled? Like swimming. The swimming was the worst. Swimming with motion controls is NOT intuitive. It's the exact opposite especially when on the surface, you use the control stick. Whose idea was that? What moron thought that was a good idea?
Sep 21, 2014
The motion controls "worked" in the sense that you technically moved your sword the way you moved your controller. But they didn't work in the sense that it was supposed to be 1:1.

If you tried making a quick adjustment of your sword, the game often registered it as a swing, which ended up costing my many more hits than I would have taken with out so-called 1:1.

As I said on my post, you can get by with them. The controls aren't broken. You can still play the game. But they are neither good nor fun. And it's not even just the sword play. Why did they have to make everything motion-controlled? Like swimming. The swimming was the worst. Swimming with motion controls is NOT intuitive. It's the exact opposite especially when on the surface, you use the control stick. Whose idea was that? What moron thought that was a good idea?
Flying hurt my wrist. And it was clunky and awkward and just terrible.
Aug 12, 2015
The swimming was the worst. Swimming with motion controls is NOT intuitive. It's the exact opposite especially when on the surface, you use the control stick. Whose idea was that? What moron thought that was a good idea?

Well I certainly have to agree with that, since that bugged me aswell.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
Well there you have it @ocarinaofnaptime. This is why even the biggest of Zelda fans have a hard time calling Skyward Sword a good game. I will not lie maybe if someone was not quite a Zelda fan they would probably see the game as good. Like say, if the game were called "Snake's Oddesy: Point to the Skies" and not hyped to the level of Zelda; I bet we would be praising the **** out of this game.

But its not "Snake's Oddesy", (which sound like a bad ass game if you ask me), its a Zelda game. It all happen so fast. We got switched from traditional controls to motion controls, then all a sudden we got the timeline so all your cool ideas and fantasy order of the Zelda Universe and everything you knew and loved was flipped upside down with nothing but some Disney lookin bull**** that is Skyward Sword. " The game that started it all!" .......bull****. The game had nothing but easter egg worthy references to the existing lore. Was there good things about it...yeah sure there is. It's a very nice Zelda themed "tech demo".

***sorry y'all...ha-ha. I got a little emotional there didn't I? I can't speak for everyone but thats how I personally feel in a nutshell. The struggle is real as a Zelda fanboy when you have been playing it since you were four, And you are now 30. But I have stayed loyal, and will do my best to keep faith. Ha! Feels like I have already done this before.


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States

You got the basics of it. Hidden within Skyward Sword are the ideas and beginnings of a good Zelda game. Unfortunately, it was swamped with other stuff. It's like drowning a delicious dish with hot sauce or gravy. You drown out the inherent flavors of the meal with extra stuff the game never needed.

I have nothing against motion controls. I never did. I loved the Wii. I still do. But the amount of forced motion control that the game shoved down our throats was terrible.

The character design and development was also poor, as was the overall feel of the world.

I really want to like the game. See, I didn't like Twilight Princess at first either. For many other reasons that aren't relevant to this thread, but the point is that TP was a game I hated at first. I played it 4 times before I loved it, and now I absolutely think it's a good game.

I don't think I'll ever be able to say that about Skyward Sword. Even if I could get over the lackluster character design, the boring world, and Fi, I could never get over the motion controls. That is literally what killed the game for me forever. The game isn't fun because of the controls.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Well there you have it @ocarinaofnaptime. This is why even the biggest of Zelda fans have a hard time calling Skyward Sword a good game. I will not lie maybe if someone was not quite a Zelda fan they would probably see the game as good. Like say, if the game were called "Snake's Oddesy: Point to the Skies" and not hyped to the level of Zelda; I bet we would be praising the **** out of this game.

But its not "Snake's Oddesy", (which sound like a bad ass game if you ask me), its a Zelda game. It all happen so fast. We got switched from traditional controls to motion controls, then all a sudden we got the timeline so all your cool ideas and fantasy order of the Zelda Universe and everything you knew and loved was flipped upside down with nothing but some Disney lookin bull**** that is Skyward Sword. " The game that started it all!" .......bull****. The game had nothing but easter egg worthy references to the existing lore. Was there good things about it...yeah sure there is. It's a very nice Zelda themed "tech demo".

***sorry y'all...ha-ha. I got a little emotional there didn't I? I can't speak for everyone but thats how I personally feel in a nutshell. The struggle is real as a Zelda fanboy when you have been playing it since you were four, And you are now 30. But I have stayed loyal, and will do my best to keep faith. Ha! Feels like I have already done this before.

You are right here. SS is fun but it sometimes takes a **** on the lore of the Zelda series or glosses over aspects we were actually curious about and wanted to see expanded on. Therefore having it as part of the Zelda series makes it a very bad thing. If it was indeed called something else and belonging to a different franchise the disappointment wouldn't have been there and I probably wouldn't have any problems with it apart from the ridiculous looking enemies and general goofy look of the game. It is worth mentioning however, that if it wasn't Zelda the look would actually have put me off and I wouldn't have bought it which leads me to think that played a major role in the poor sales.
Aug 12, 2015
Now I know I may just get hung up on that too much, but I'm currently playing Twilight Princess for the first time and I honestly find that game's motion controls way more obnoxious. Whenever I whip out the bow or something similar I am greeted with a message telling me to point the Remote on the screen, something Skyward Sword doesn't do. The pointer is incredibly sensitive, and I actually had to adjust the sensitivity to the lowest setting to make it at least kind of work, though I still find it very hard to aim. The sword works alright, though it offers nowhere near the freedom Skyward Sword does. Seeing as Twilight Princess is five years older I can't really criticize that of course.

I'm really wondering how people complain about Skyward's motion controls so much, yet I rarely ever hear the same criticism about Twilight Princess, which controls much worse in my opinion. From aiming to sword swinging to flying, Skyward Sword does all of these much better. There are many good reasons to dislike Skyward Sword, and I don't want to force my opinion on anyone here. But citing the motion controls as the reason when Twilight Princess seems to get away with it doesn't make sense to me.
Sep 20, 2015
I don't really see the hate some people think it gets, but that may just be me. (I try to avoid hate, personally, which is a big reason for my limited participation in gaming forums.)

It has its low points, but overall I think it's a fantastic game. Not my personal favorite Zelda game, but there's definitely nothing glaringly hate-worthy about it in my eyes. I think trashing games has become almost a pastime for certain groups, and it spreads from there by power of suggestion. (Not just Zelda, but for games in general.)
Sep 21, 2014
Now I know I may just get hung up on that too much, but I'm currently playing Twilight Princess for the first time and I honestly find that game's motion controls way more obnoxious. Whenever I whip out the bow or something similar I am greeted with a message telling me to point the Remote on the screen, something Skyward Sword doesn't do. The pointer is incredibly sensitive, and I actually had to adjust the sensitivity to the lowest setting to make it at least kind of work, though I still find it very hard to aim. The sword works alright, though it offers nowhere near the freedom Skyward Sword does. Seeing as Twilight Princess is five years older I can't really criticize that of course.

I'm really wondering how people complain about Skyward's motion controls so much, yet I rarely ever hear the same criticism about Twilight Princess, which controls much worse in my opinion. From aiming to sword swinging to flying, Skyward Sword does all of these much better. There are many good reasons to dislike Skyward Sword, and I don't want to force my opinion on anyone here. But citing the motion controls as the reason when Twilight Princess seems to get away with it doesn't make sense to me.
It's because TP wasn't designed with the Wii Motion+ in mind (because it didn't exist yet) so it's going off of controller waggles, not the more finely tuned gyroscope.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
Now I know I may just get hung up on that too much, but I'm currently playing Twilight Princess for the first time and I honestly find that game's motion controls way more obnoxious. Whenever I whip out the bow or something similar I am greeted with a message telling me to point the Remote on the screen, something Skyward Sword doesn't do. The pointer is incredibly sensitive, and I actually had to adjust the sensitivity to the lowest setting to make it at least kind of work, though I still find it very hard to aim. The sword works alright, though it offers nowhere near the freedom Skyward Sword does. Seeing as Twilight Princess is five years older I can't really criticize that of course.

I'm really wondering how people complain about Skyward's motion controls so much, yet I rarely ever hear the same criticism about Twilight Princess, which controls much worse in my opinion. From aiming to sword swinging to flying, Skyward Sword does all of these much better. There are many good reasons to dislike Skyward Sword, and I don't want to force my opinion on anyone here. But citing the motion controls as the reason when Twilight Princess seems to get away with it doesn't make sense to me.

Around here you don't hear people complain about TP motion controls,cuz a real Zelda fan will play the GC version over the Wii version. Usually simply cuz they don't care for motion controls. Lack of Traditional controls ruined SS, it would be a respected Zelda game, in stead of a Zelda themed motion control tech demo. The whole game was base aroud the controls unlike TP on the Wii, where it was the same game as the GameCube version, so you didn't have a game based on motion controls just the same game with motion controls as a bonus. Which was still cools cuz the motion controls was not what TP was based on like Skyward Sword was. So the motion controls didn't ruin TP like it did with Skyward Sword.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Skyward Sword is an important game in Zelda history for all the wrong reasons. I could go into the specifics of what I disliked about the game, but Mamono laid it out nicely at the start of this thread.

Skyward Sword was the first 3D Console Zelda that felt like it wasn't the best or one of the best exploration titles of its time. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask really were wonders for their time, while The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess still managed to fare well with competing products. Skyward Sword, on the other hand, was overshadowed by the likes of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Batman Arkham City on release. These games may be from different a genres than Skyward Sword, but they still place a heavy emphasis on action, exploration, and some puzzle solving.

The Wii's underpowered hardware was really exposed with Skyward Sword as it lacked the sights, sounds, and gameplay that propelled the two Super Mario Galaxy games to compete with the best of the 360 and PS3. Ironically, Skyward Sword's linear design and segmented world were also put to shame by a Wii game that released only a few months later: Xenoblade Chronicles.

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